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RIDGEWOOD NEWS : Controversial issue should have been covered


RIDGEWOOD NEWS : Controversial issue should have been covered

MAY 9, 2014    LAST UPDATED: FRIDAY, MAY 9, 2014, 12:31 AM

Controversial issue should have been covered
Boyd A. Loving

To the Editor:

I am somewhat mystified as to why The Ridgewood News’ Friday, May 2 edition made no mention of the recent admission by current Ridgewood Baseball and Softball Association (RBSA) President James Albano that the RBSA’s 501(c)(3) Federal Income Tax Exemption status was revoked on March 15, 2011.

This information was made public, and confirmed by Mr. Albano, during the League of Women Voters – Ridgewood Chapter “Candidates’ Night,” which was held on Tuesday, April 29.

A reporter employed by The Ridgewood News was present at the aforementioned event throughout the debate/discussion of the tax exemption status issue. Certainly both you and your reporter understand the significance of such a revelation, particularly in light of Mr. Albano’s active candidacy for Ridgewood Village Council.

Despite having ample time to direct your reporter to undertake further investigation/research of the matter and prepare an article prior to your publication’s May 1 deadline, you apparently chose not to do so.

Whether The Ridgewood News’ “failure to publish” was simply an oversight on your part, or an deliberate attempt to avoid broad exposure of a controversial issue during an already heated election campaign, the absence of even a brief mention about this issue was shamefully disgraceful and a disservice to all of your readers.

Boyd A. Loving

– See more at:

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Reader says Everyone giving money to the RBSA should request to see the books

play ball 3

file photo by ArtChick

Reader says Everyone giving money to the RBSA should request to see the books

Watched the debate on ustream and not sure why the RBSA tax issue was raised but Jim was prepared with his answer “lawyer is looking into it” not a great response. Why did the RBSA fail to file tax returns for so many years and where does all the money go? Is it possible the “volunteers” are drawing salaries? Why did Jim become so defensive? Is this how he’ll treat the public if he doesn’t like the question?

Interesting he was prepared for the RBSA tax question but not for his voting record in municipal elections. Acting confused over presidential and municipal. He had to know he never voted in Mayl. Not sure this was important but he misled then lied and so now it’s important.

Misleading the people is serious. Are we being misled by Jim about his reason for running. This RBSA endorsement of Jim is clear he’s the sports candidate. As a parent with two kids in the RBSA program I am interested in their accounting practices. Everyone giving money to the RBSA should request to see the books.

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After Albano Stumble ,his Supporters take to Name Calling


After Albano Stumble ,his Supporters take to Name Calling 

Our Guess is these are the same people who sent the Anonymous Email to Mike Sedon’s boss 

But it was obvious it was a set up ! All I’m saying is I’m sure ms Knudsen is not perfect ! She was in on it.

RIdgewood is now filed with a bunch of loony nouveau riche fleabags!!! And Ms. Reynolds and Ms. Knudsen lead the pack. Ms. Reynolds needs to get a life! I grew up in Ridgewood and it is not what it used to be. I made a conscious decision not to live in that town and raise my family because of the type of people that live there.
Anyone with half a brain could see last night that Mr. Albano was set up What does that say about Ms. Knudsen’s character ??

GREAT, no matter what happens we are going to get a newbie in town or possibly two on the council. One who has been here a whole 4 years or the other who has been here 15 years. Neither know the history of this town! This is a real recipe for success. NOT

If you ask me Knudsen came of condescending and arrogant. Didn’t she run for a spot on the BOE or was that her BFF Reynolds and didn’t get elected??? As far as Sedon, he looked like Knudsen’s lap dog….

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Candidates Night for Municipal Election Is Tonight !


Candidates Night for Municipal Election Is Tonight  

Tuesday, April 29th at 7:30PM

Meet the 3 candidates for Village Council and hear their views! 

The League of Women Voters is holding Candidates Night for the Village Council on Tuesday, April 29 at The Village Hall , Fourth Floor, 131 North Maple Avenue at 7:30.. There are three candidates vying for two open Village Council seats: James Albano, Susan Knudsen and Michael Sedon. There will also be television coverage on Channel 77 for Cablevision users and Channel 34 for Fios users. The League of Women Voters of Ridgewood is a NON PARTISAN, yet political organization whose members become active and informed participants in government. 

The Ridgewood Municipal Election will take place Tuesday, May 13.

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Schedler Neighbors Endorse Knudsen and Sedon


Schedler Neighbors Endorse Knudsen and Sedon

Ridgewood Eastside Development (RED) has added its enthusiastic endorsement of Susan Knudsen and Michael Sedon for Ridgewood Village Council to those of other grassroots groups.

Knudsen has shown herself to be a thoughtful and respectful candidate ready to balance the needs of Village sports and recreation programs with those of individual and unique neighborhoods within the Village. Her proposal for the Zabriskie-Schedler property has consistently included active recreation along with much needed preservation of both natural and historical elements.Susan recognizes the historic value of the Zabriskie-Schedler house, believing the Bergen County Historic Society’s interest in preservation of the Dutch frame structure, one of the last of its kind, will be an asset to the Village. She is confident that the property can be developed to include recreational space along with a natural park for the eastside Ridgewood neighborhood, which currently has no Village parks or amenities nearby. Her plan accommodates RBSA/sports needs while greatly improving aesthetics and the quality of life for Village residents in the immediate neighborhood.Susan Knudsen brings a sincere desire to negotiate and compromise and the ability to work with many types of people. She is committed to serving our community as a voice and advocate for all.

We endorse the candidacy of Mike Sedon based on his belief that working with the Bergen County Historical Society to explore saving the structure with complete restoration would be a win for Ridgewood, as the society intends to use the structure to house its collection. Sedon supports the neighbors who oppose clear-cutting of the property and demolition of the historic home. Mike envisions a center to display some of the Society’s artifacts in the restored home, a research library that—coupled with the local collection of historic material at the Ridgewood Library—could attract scholars and students to Ridgewood, making it a destination for those studying early American history and the Revolutionary War.

Mike also believes the land itself can be developed in a balanced family park that addresses the needs of organized sports and neighborhoods in general.

Ridgewood Eastside Development’s unequivocal endorsement comes with great thoughtfulness and understanding of all three candidates for Village Council. Both Knudsen and Sedon have taken a wholehearted interest in the future of Ridgewood by attending Village Council, Planning Board, and other committee meetings for years, as evidenced by their depth of knowledge and command of Village issues along with a personal commitment to better the Village.

We urge Ridgewood residents to join us and vote on Tuesday, May 13, for the two candidates who clearly represent all members of a diverse Ridgewood community: Susan Knudsen and Michael Sedon.

Isabella A. Altano

Ridgewood Eastside Development (RED)

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Readers react to RBSA email saying trustees have no longer have children’s interest in the program


Readers react to RBSA email saying trustees have no longer have children’s interest  in the program

I think it’s clear that based on the wording of the letter, that Jim sounds like he would vote for anything to get his baseball fields built. I wouldn’t bet on a no vote on any other expansion plans if he can get others to vote for his fields.

glad this is out finally and gary is telling the truth. jim is only the sports candidate and will say anything to get elected. jim thinks the hospital is to much for his neighborhood but doesn’t care about another part of ridgewood. elect him so he can represent his buddies but not the rest of ridgewood. don’t beleive anything jim says about being against the hospital and does he really think the hospital will withdraw the plans because he said so? anyone who thinks the rbsa will bench their kid for not helping jim should probably not be in such a bad program. when i registered my kids for rbsa i didn’t think i was registering for politics.
thanks gary for exposing jims real agenda.

Gary is politically active and should have kept the RBSA out of the political fray. He and other trustees have no longer have children in the program. It’s really time to pass the torches on to new volunteers.

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Ridgewood council candidates discuss issues at forum


Ridgewood council candidates discuss issues at forum

APRIL 17, 2014    LAST UPDATED: THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2014, 5:25 PM

The three hopefuls for Ridgewood Council boast different backgrounds and varying work experiences, but all expressed similar concerns and viewpoints during Tuesday morning’s meet the candidates event. The 90-minute program, which took place at the Ridgecrest Apartment complex, was the first open forum that featured all three candidates.

According to Kevin O’Brien, president of the Ridgecrest Board of Trustees, the candidates were furnished with the same three questions at least one week in advance of the discussion. On Tuesday, O’Brien, who moderated the forum, publicly posed the questions to James Albano, Susan Knudsen and Michael Sedon.

Of the three candidates, two will be elected May 13 to serve on Ridgewood’s five-member, non-partisan governing body.

Similar to a political debate, each candidate was allotted a specific amount of time to answer questions, and periods for rebuttal responses were granted. Roughly 20 to 25 residents of various ages listened to the candidates’ opinions on the public’s perception of discord on the Village Council, areas where the municipality can add to or improve quality of life, and the governing body’s role in resolving the Valley Hospital expansion plan.

– See more at:

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Candidates Night for Municipal Election


Candidates Night for Municipal Election – Tuesday, April 29th at 7:30PM

Meet the 3 candidates for Village Council and hear their views!

The League of Women Voters is holding Candidates Night for the Village Council on Tuesday, April 29 at The Village Hall , Fourth Floor, 131 North Maple Avenue at 7:30.. There are three candidates vying for two open Village Council seats: James Albano, Susan Knudsen and Michael Sedon. There will also be television coverage on Channel 77 for Cablevision users and Channel 34 for Fios users. The League of Women Voters of Ridgewood is a NON PARTISAN, yet political organization whose members become active and informed participants in government.

The Ridgewood Municipal Election will take place Tuesday, May 13.

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Reader says Community volunteers are a wonderful asset yet the act of volunteering itself does not qualify one to sit on the Council.


Reader says Community volunteers are a wonderful asset yet the act of volunteering itself does not qualify one to sit on the Council.

There is a big difference between volunteering and knowing how to manage or even understand a municipal budget. Mrs. Hauck is a long time community volunteer that brings a passion for the Library . Unfortunatel, comments like this one shine a bright light on her lack of experience in making difficult budget decisions. Community volunteers are a wonderful asset yet the act of volunteering itself does not qualify one to sit on the Council.

Mr. Albano’s profile is very similar to Mrs. Hauck’s. He is a long time volunteer with a passion for a single organization but not much municipal experience beyond that. Please consider that on May 13.

Microsoft Store

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Concerned Residents of Ridgewood endorses Knudsen, Sedon


Concerned Residents of Ridgewood endorses Knudsen, Sedon

The Concerned Residents of Ridgewood are thrilled to endorse Susan Knudsen and Michael Sedon for council. We are extremely confident that Susan and Michael are the best candidates.

Michael Sedon brings a different perspective that will serve Ridgewood well. He and his wife are raising three children in the village. They have a newborn as well as two children in grammar and middle school and want the best place for them to grow up. Michael was a reporter for The Ridgewood News for almost four years. He regularly attended, analyzed and provided coverage on council, planning board and municipal budget meetings and learned about the workings of Ridgewood government from an insiders’ perspective. After leaving The Ridgewood News, he continued attending council and planning board meetings as a citizen interested and invested in what happens to our community. He is in this for the long haul. Michael is concerned about overdevelopment, the budget, Ridgewood’s aging infrastructure, traffic and parking.

Susan comes in with corporate experience, volunteerism and community involvement. She and her husband have raised their three boys here for the last 15 years. Since 2011, Susan has served on the Ridgewood Zoning Board of Adjustment, voted vice chairwoman since 2012. She has a strong knowledge of land use issues in the village and is very passionate about helping Ridgewood move forward while preserving the quaint and special town that we all know and love. Susan Knudsen is intelligent and creative and will bring new ideas to the council. She is concerned about overdevelopment, the budget, lack of open space and parking issues in our town.

Each candidate has demonstrated a deep understanding of the serious issues facing our village. Each comes into this without a personal agenda and willing to be an independent advocate for the taxpayers of Ridgewood. They share a desire to bring our village forward while maintaining quality services, keeping taxes within reach and retaining the character and charm of our wonderful village.

Mark your calendars now for Tuesday, May 13 and vote for these outstanding candidates, Susan Knudsen and Michael Sedon.

Pete McKenna


Concerned Residents of Ridgewood

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Village Council Election

Village Council Election – May 9th There are 2 Council positions up for election at the Village Village Council Election is on May 9, 2006. Polls will be open from 6am to 8pm. The are two seats open and they are for a 4 year term. There are 3 candidates: John L. Papietro “3R’s Responsible Representation Not Rhetoric”; David T. Pfund and Patrick A. Mancuso “Ridgewood First”. For further information contact the Village Clerk at 201/670-5500 ext. 201.