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Readers think Village Halls knows more than is saying about the Mike Sedon Email Incident


Readers think Village Halls knows more than is saying about the Mike Sedon Email Incident  

Timing of email and comments made on this blog by sources clearing set up to harass and hide someones identity suggest Village Hall could be implicated.
New politicians have a history of using this tactic .

“Was anything in this anonymous letter not true? I fail to share the outrage and as far as political dirty tricks go, this is pretty mild. I would suggest that Mr Sedon go on the offensive and show us he’s up for a fight…..I believe he is.”

Comments were posted by Mr Coward who is using proxy servers ” Hide My Ass! Free proxy node (IP address )”Readers this

Contents of the letter sent to Mr. Sedon’s former employer have not been made public. Thus, how would anyone except the letter’s author, and selected members of management from Mr. Sedon’s former employer, know what was written. Any suggestion that the letter’s contents were truthful and mild must be coming from someone who wrote it or read it.

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Reader says the current problems obviously start at the top with our very ambitious Mayor and his dubious team.


Reader says the current problems obviously start at the top with our very ambitious Mayor and his dubious team.

While our choices are few in the upcoming election, we should all be aware that one candidate, Mr. Albano appears to be aligned with the Mayor. Like Mrs. Hauck, Mr. Albano is a decent person that is passionate about a single issue but has no other real qualifications for the job. The current voting block of 3 needs to be broken up, not added to.

Mr. Sedon on the other hand has covered countless meetings for the Ridgewood News and is intimately familiar with the budgeting process and all municipal departments. He is an independent thinker and has a healthy skepticism for less than credible “expert” testimony about the Hospital and high density housing.

Mrs. Kundson is also an independent thinker who will not just vote with the establishment. She appears to be unafraid of the political retribution that Mr. Aronsohn, Mrs. Hauck and Mr. Pucciarelli have wielded over the past year against their adversaries.

Please do your homework – all of the candidates are very approachable. Please ask each one where they stand on Valley and the apartments. Get it in an e-mail if possible. The 3 incumbents are masters of saying one thing but meaning another. They are political hacks at best and have succeeded this week in converting Ridgewood from a local laughingstock into a national laughingstock. Bravo.

1-800-PetMeds Private Label

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The Preserve Graydon Coalition enthusiastically endorses Susan Knudsen and Michael Sedon for Council

Susan Knudsen and Michael Sedon for Council

The Preserve Graydon Coalition enthusiastically endorses two of the three candidates for the two open seats in the May 13 Village Council election for their preservationist sensibility.


Susan Knudsen

How Susan describes herself
I’m Susan Knudsen, a Ridgewood resident for 15 years with my husband and family. My parents and my sister’s family live here, too.With a corporate background and an extensive history of volunteer work throughout the Village, includin g donating photography services for the Jamboree Scholarship Fund, I’m currently Vice-Chairman of the Village’s Zoning Board of Adjustment.

By attending Village Council and Planning Board meetings frequently, I have followed developments in the Village, paying particular attention to the most pressing issues, including the proposed H-Zone and high-density housing. On the Zoning Board since 2011 I have studied the Master Plan document and grown to understand the thoughtful process involved in creating zoning and Village ordinances that affect us all and will continue to do so far into the future.

I believe responsive, responsible, representative government is best for our community. As my next act in town I would like to put my knowledge and experience to the test by serving on your Village Council.

What Susan says about Graydon
The Preserve Graydon Coalition has taken the leading role in preserving one of the Village’s greatest assets, Graydon Pool.

My position on the preservation of Graydon Pool is unequivocal: its uniqueness, tranquil setting, natural beauty and historical significance must be preserved for generations to come.

It is our responsibility as custodians of our Village assets and treasures to ensure that Graydon’s immeasurable value and integrity are never compromised.

Contact information


Request a yard sign, host a meet & greet coffee: 201-312-7420 (Ellen)

Campaign donations: see website above (PayPal or credit card) or send a check to: Susan Knudsen for Village Council, 120 Circle Ave., Ridgewood, NJ 07450



Michael Sedon

How Michael describes himself
Hello, I am Ridgewood resident Michael Sedon, and I am running for one of the two open seats on the Village Council in the May 13 municipal election.

I am a journalist and wrote for The Ridgewood News from September 2007 to May 2011. I moved to Ridgewood after meeting my beautiful wife Lynn in 2010. Since leaving my post at The Ridgewood News I have continued to attend Village Council and Planning Board meetings as a civic-minded citizen.

When I discovered that incumbents Bernadette Walsh and Thomas Riche were not seeking reelection I decided to run due to concerns with overdevelopment issues facing our Village, maintaining vital infrastructure badly in need of attention and bringing basic services back to an acceptable level.

I feel that my experience as a journalist, especially reporting on municipal government in Ridgewood for nearly four years, and my deep knowledge and understanding of the Village and the issues it faces would be a natural fit on the Village Council.

What Michael says about Graydon
I’ve always felt Graydon is a beautiful, natural swimming pool and park in the heart of our Village.

Having grown up in Pennsylvania before coming to the Village to work at the Ridgewood News, I have enjoyed swimming in many natural areas, but none were as pristine and safe as Graydon.

My step-children swim and play at Graydon as part of the Parks and Recreation’s day camp program in the summer, and I go to Graydon when my schedule allows.

Graydon is a treasure in an increasingly overdeveloped world smothered in concrete, and I would vehemently oppose any changes that would destroy this natural gift.

Contact information
Website: (should be up within a few days)

Request a yard sign, host a meet & greet coffee: email (preferred) with your name/address or call 570-956-3610 (cell)

Campaign donations: see website above (PayPal or credit card) or send a check to: Michael Sedon for Ridgewood Council, 319 Franklin Tpke., Ridgewood, NJ 07450

How to help Susan and Michael get elected
Please support these candidates by posting a lawn sign, offering to host a “meet and greet” coffee hour for your friends and neighbors (important), and making a donation of any size toward their campaigns.

The third candidate, Jim Albano, longtime president of the Ridgewood Baseball & Softball Association, is eager to replace the wooded Schedler plot with a 90-foot baseball field. Those who want this to happen will head for the polls in large numbers.

If you care about preserving our Village, please vote for Susan Knudsen and Michael Sedon on Tuesday, May 13.


Marcia Ringel and Alan Seiden
Co-Chairs, The Preserve Graydon Coalition, Inc., a nonprofit corporation

“It’s clear—we love Graydon!”


Request a yard sign, host a meet & greet coffee: 201-312-7420 (Ellen)

Campaign donations: see website above (PayPal or credit card) or send a c

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Andrew & Susan Exposed : admit they are James Bombace , and support Paul Aronsohn

unknown comic 1

Andrew & Susan finally admit they are James Bombase , and support Paul Aronsohn 

Andrew & Susan    
Submitted on 2012/05/02 at 8:20 pm

Wrong! Unlike this blog we post opposing views. Many posters have told us that this blog will not post anything against Killion or for Arohsohn. You PJ have been bought and paid for by Killion and his lapdogs and that is so obvious it is sickening.

Andrew and Sue?? Ha ha!! finally Jim Bombace reveals himself in his reply to the post. Hey Jim, the James referred to is the James from the Patch not you James Bombace. Everyone knows that “Andrew and Sue” is Jim Bombace and that you have such venom for Keith. How dare you knock Keith and what he has given back to Ridgewood over the years. At least he took a shower and showed up to work in a clean shirt.. yuck!! You really need to find a hobby and get a life. Your obsession with Village affairs is over the top. You should have had that much energy when you were on the job. Small minded individuals like yourself perpetuate the negative image of Ridgewood to others, Do something positive for the Village. Volunteer your time and talent. Take your $100K plus pension and enjoy life!

“Andrew/Susan” post: Sorry, I don’t think that’s true. I have posted things both against Killion and also for Aronsohn on this blog before.
I’ve certainly read many opposing views on this blog on a wide variety of topics.

And at least for me — I’m nobody’s lapdog, thank you. I often disagree with people on one issue who I might completely agree with and support on other issues. To me, it’s not about personalities but issues.

I’m not the moderator nor owner and this isn’t my blog. Personally I try to read info from many sources, including your blog too. And the fact is, the moderator posted YOUR post here too– did he not?

I don’t expect any blog to have completely “unbiased” views since by nature people on all sides (many with agendas all their own) are going to post on them. What is wrong with that? I certainly have many times perceived a def. point of view and agenda over at your blog too.

People can read your stuff and agree or disagree. And if they feel you consistently have a viewpoint or agenda they really can’t agree with, they can decide NOT to read your stuff, too. The choice is theirs.

It’s like an editorial page or letters to the ed section. Do you expect that to be strictly a “just the facts” news report? I hope you don’t.

Many times the REAL facts are not very clear with many issues, and questions need to be asked and info uncovered about the story behind the story and how often there are other agendas and forces at work that are not at first blush apparent.

Blogs can be a great way the little guy can have a voice in that, and help raise awareness and ask the questions that many news sources don’t ask.

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Village Council Elections: We feel Steve will look out for the majority of Ridgewood residents

>CRR was directed to the tread over the weekend. Whoever posted this tread implies that this was done on behalf of CRR.

CRR states categorically that this thread was NOT issued or sanctioned by CRR, its Steering Committee or Officers. CRR does NOT condone personal attacks innuendo or slander.

Paul Gould on behalf of Concerned Residents of Ridgewood

Village Council Elections: We feel Steve will look out for the majority of Ridgewood residents
 1110, Steve clearly has a platform other than Valley. at least as much as any of the other candidates. read the ridgewood news profile. all of the candidates like graydon more or less in its current form, want to improve the downtown, want to lower taxes somehow, etc.

who’s Steve running against?

Forenza – a Valley shill
Lembo – effectively a Valley shill (he worked there and his wife works there. how do you think he’ll vote?)
Train – has some good ideas but is unelectable

Wellinghorst has proven government experience (no matter how much some foes try to belittle it. just like bernie walsh was belittled for her experience). What the town will gain from Steve’s experience, both as an attorney and with his work as a planning board attorney and on the zoning board, is another perspective on the direction this town is headed. the previous administration totally caved to Valley (changed the laws to let Valley rewrite the zoning and then the PB rubberstamped Valleys recommendations) as opposed to listening to residents about what they want. We feel Steve will look out for the majority of Ridgewood residents. Ridgewood CAN improve without setting forth dangerous precedents regarding the growth of business in this town. And make no mistake about it, Valley is a business.

We’ve said all along that we are not against Valley. We feel that Valley has tried to go to the well one too many times when it comes to its ambition of becoming a truly regional medical center in our town. We fully support modernization within reason and hope that any savings that can be obtained by scaling back expansion in Ridgewood can be channeled into a cooperative agreement with Hackensack or an alternative provider to improve the Pascack Valley facility.

So, please recognize that the CRR does respect Valley’s purpose and mission but insists that Valley’s wants need to be sensitive to the impact on the neighborhood and the Village as a whole. As it stands, Valley has not done a whole lot of compromising on any material issues.

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