photo by Boyd A. Loving
Police summoned to disturbance at Council meeting
February 11,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridhewood NJ, resident Dana Glazer had his cell phone knocked out of his hand by a meeting attendee. Police investigation underway. No charges pressed as of this writing.
Witnesses state that it happened when Jim Griffiths was being honored and was especially disturbing especially with so many small children in the room. But, it did happen, “and the choice of timing was fully in the hands of the person who hit the man with the camera. I saw the entire thing because it had caught my attention that one resident was inches from another,bothering him, so I was watching. When the “aggressor” hit the man with the cell phone and knocked the phone to the ground, that was when I ran to get the police.”
The witness went on , “By the time I got to the police desk, one flight down, an officer was already radioing in to get to the courtroom, so either someone else called the police or the police saw on closed circuit camera I counted four officers that came up. What was even more shocking was that at the end, was that Councilwoman Hauck had the audacity to suggest that “no one saw it happen” (you can watch the tape tomorrow, I don’t want to put words in her mouth) – so if she didn’t see it then does that mean it did not happen? And the suggestion that I could have handled it differently, really? So if I see one person hit another, but something nice is going on at the same time, I should just sit back and do nothing.”
A long time resident who did not witness the attack said ,” I think it a sad day for Ridgewood when members of the pubic are afraid to come to meeting for fear of possible assault or harassment by other members of the public.. This was all fueled by the council majority who berated this same member of the public in recent council meeting for video taping them, We have sunk to a new low here in Ridgewood. Never in all my years in town have I see such distrust, in fighting,berating of the public by council members and i’ve been here a long time. ”
The victim Dana Glazer is also someone who has been threatened repeatedly for recording public meetings. This has now opened up the gates for others to attack those who wish to record.
2:07- You should hope that Anne is around if you ever get bullied the way Dana was. She did the right thing and called the police, and so did another woman at the meeting. Ruined that poor guys moment of honor? No, watch the tape. There was not even a blip on the radar, the council carried on like nothing was going on. Anne is a professional busy body? We call her a concerned citizen who, unlike YOU, does not hide behind anonymity making comments about which he/she knows nothing, like you do. Thank you Anne for calling the police. This put an immediate end to any further physical confrontation from a guy who is a known hothead and very unpredictable. And thank you Anne, Lorraine, Dana, Boyd, Linda, Gail, Jim, Dave, Rick, Marcia, Linda, , diane, Ellie, Leonard, Jackie, etc etc, etc, and all the concerned, involved citizens.
Great quotes from Councilwoman Hauck from last night (paraphrased):
1. NOBODY saw it (except for all the scouts, three cameras, and various adults. So if you didn’t see it, then it didn’t happen? Yes, that is intelligent.
2. You could have quietly asked the “alleged victim” if he was OK. Really? So you expected a citizen to go into the middle of a situation with a known hothead instead of calling the police. Yes, that is intelligent.
3. Fists did not fly. Really? At least one blow was struck. How many hits have to happen before Gwenn would think it appropriate to call the police.
4. You could have waited until the feely-goody festival was over. Really? So if any kind of incident occurs, one must wait until the festivities have ended before attending to the matter at hand.
5. Someone had to yell ASSAULT and bolt across the room. Well, an assault had occurred. Even though you didn’t see it. What should someone have yelled? FESTIVUS?
In most states, an assault/battery is committed when one person: 1) tries to or does physically strike another, or 2) acts in a threatening manner to put another in fear of immediate harm. – See more at:
OK, so Dana Glazer most definitely was physically struck. What more needs to be said. This was captured on three cameras and witnessed by many.
Paul Smith @ 5:07 – The People vs Larry Flynt is a movie…whatever happened there is irrelevant. The actual case that went to the Supreme Court was not only about Actual Malice or Common Law Malice as you state. Those issues were decided in Flynt’s favor beforehand. What the Supreme Court decided was essentially whether or not public figures could be awarded damages for intentional infliction of emotional distress due to somebody making fun of them.
What I felt was important is the notion that this is a country were we have constitutional protection of free speech, and that free speech includes making fun of public officials. That’s all the original poster was doing..making fun of the Councilperson for her ridiculous statement about the assault.
No arrest as of yet?
9:30, I make it a habit of not doing things that would drive someone to knock a phone out of my hand. If it did happen to me, I wouldn’t need a woman to come to my aid screaming for the police.
11:26, where can we access the 3 tapes you mention?? You’ve obviously seen them so please direct us to the link. How would you know about police responding to a Councilwoman’s home? …are you LE?….or a stalker??….please enlighten us sans the anger and drama!
Who in the hell would stalk that dimwit.
So 5:34 – are you suggesting that if someone knocked a phone out of your hand aggressively and intentionally you would……call the police yourself? Have a man call the police? Respond otherwise? Come on big guy, tell us what,you would do!
5:34, maybe you should show up at meetings instead of just pontificating. Then you could actually know what was going on. And then you could come out from behind your anonymity.
P. Smith, here is an article illustrating an Internet comment that is actually worth concerning oneself with, as opposed to someone merely trying to use hyperbole to upbraid a poorly-behaving public official:
Pro-Abortion University Staffer Calls for Raping Pro-Life College Students ^ | february 10, 2016
Posted on Fri Feb 12 2016 06:40:53 GMT-0500 (EST)by lowbridge
A Purdue University staff member is being investigated after he allegedly threatened to rape pro-life women during an online debate about the campus pro-life club’s recent campaign.
The Purdue Students for Life group has been facing a heavy backlash this week after its members put up posters around campus that focused on how the abortion industry targets black women and their unborn babies for abortions. In coordination with Black History Month, the campaign posters read “Hands Up, Don’t Abort” and “Black Children are an Endangered Race” and included the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter.
On Monday, a small group of pro-abortion students and faculty held a sit-in protest during the pro-life club’s meeting and demanded an apology, LifeNews reported.
Then on Wednesday, the team at Students for Life reported the discovery of a violent threat against pro-lifers by Purdue staff member Jamie Newman. Newman reportedly called for the rape of pro-life women in an online comment on Live Action News.
According to Students for Life, Newman used his Disqus account “jamiegnewman” to post the following comment:
Oh, I’m sorry. So, let me make my intentions quite explicit: I did in fact offer to rape Tom’s wife/daughter/great grandmother. Free of charge, even. I’m generous that way. Here’s the number for the West Lafayette Police Department: 765-775-5500. Here’s the number for the local FBI office: 765-435-5619. Drop that dime! I could strike at any minute *giggles* (like a girl)
To Anon 2/11/16 2:07pm –
I didn’t see this incident in person so I’ve been hesitant to get into the conversation but what I am certain of is that your calling Anne Loving a “professional busybody” is completely out of bounds and just really rude. Anne (and Boyd too, for that matter) is an asset beyond measure to Ridgewood. Neither Anne nor Boyd loses their cool when arguing a point – and most importantly, they are unfailingly honest. Isn’t that really all we can ask from anyone who chooses to be civically engaged?
I agree that this whole situation is, in general, over the top by this point and really frustrating for everyone, but don’t vent your frustration on Anne. Decent people call the police when they see someone in trouble. FACT!
Damn Jane, you go girl!
Clowns to the left of me…..
Jokers to the right ……
Here I am stuck in the middle with who?
Jane… please run… you can be the third chess piece… but please rebuke defenders of the rape comment…. but just, PLEASE run….
9:59, the win rate for defendants is under 45%… my question to the cretin and his (yes, HIS remark, even though he is an anonymous weasel), no women would make that remark… the fact that people tried to justify that remark speaks volumes… and to the weasel tha referred to my sensibilities as “delicate”, I’m not being threatful but I do my Sunday walks along Ridgewood Ave… you can hate the council, etc., but when detractors use rape as an analogy and amateur legal experts try to justify those comments, it’s not a wise path to follow… stick to moronic name calling, don’t go to sexual crimes….
And as always, thank you James…. I’ll always be behind the Blog 150%
Isn’t it the law that you are supposed to help someone who is in trouble? Isn’t it the law that you are not supposed to stand by and watch someone being hurt, abused, harassed, etc without doing something? How can anyone criticize the fact that the police were brought in to question a man who was witnessed and filmed hitting another man. Anyone who disagrees with this has to be Roberta, Paul, Gwenn, or Albert.
GO Jane! ! !
To 9:59 pm – hate to burst your bubble but no, there is no LAW that compels anyone to help another individual under any circumstances. Also, as an FYI to the rest, never heard of Jane and I doubt she has any chance of getting elected.