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Village of Ridgewood Plans Parking Ticket Blitz to Fund Parking Garage on Hudson Street


Walker study update

•   Construction to start in May 2016, with the garage opening in February of 2017.

•   Non-resident permit rates adjusted to be the same as resident permit rates.

•   The first set of rate increases going into effect in July of 2016. These include extension of the

meter hours to 9 p.m. as well as increasing on-street meter rates in the core area to 75¢ per


•   The second set of increases – core meters to $1 and all other on- and off-street parking to

75¢ per hour – is projected to begin in February of 2017 when the garage opens.

•   It will be imperative that enforcement schedules are extended for the new meter hours and that enforcement is active. Weak enforcement will have a significant negative impact on the revenue stream from the extended meter hours; once people note that they never see people writing tickets in the evening and/or they “get away with it” once or twice, word will get out and the extended meter hours will not produce the level of revenue they should.

18 thoughts on “Village of Ridgewood Plans Parking Ticket Blitz to Fund Parking Garage on Hudson Street

  1. Welcome to Car prison …ps we want your business and appreciate your strolling through the village..please take your time so we can carpet bomb you with parking tickets while having desert at Sooks..Other towns will see us as laughing stocks while they steal our customers.Amazing leadership…(Not)

  2. So is it final that the meter rates and hours are being increased from July 2016?

  3. Don’t forget they want to curb all carryover on meters. So no longer can you find 15 or 35 minutes left…you will always start at 0.

  4. Take and deep breath and bend over while Paul & Company do you know what. It’s going to hurt, bad.

  5. Do we actually pay walker for this insanity?.meters active thru 9 pm?
    People will boycott just on principle..All this wreckage for Fish and Greek to Me..?? Ridgewood is a Community first not a retail center…..

  6. I live in Ho-Ho-Kus and have for 25 years fully supported downtown Ridgewood vs. rt. 17 and malls etc. However, I can’t stand money-grabs on the back of my family. Therefore, I will never again put another dime (or dollar) in a Ridgewood parking meter if rates go up like this. For all the discussions re what to do about downtown Ridgewood, and parking, a crucial point is missed. That is: what’s there to go there for anyway? Really take a look at this, remove banks and restaurants from the picture and examine how viable it is to expect any part of the population to spend time there on a regular basis. And then imagine how it feels to pay a stupid rate in a meter just because one might wish to support local business. The formula is wrong. I’ll take Westwood, thank you very little.

  7. How many different ways can the three stooges find to screw the village?

  8. At 9:35, of course! I won’t run into dunkin donuts in ridgewood when I can go to Midland Park or Glen Rock for free. It is 2016…lots of options elsewhere!

  9. Dear 9.35. Finally a cry for help from one of our valuable neighbors,..I visit Ho Ho Kus and always feel welcomed even if on Saturdays & I drive a few blocks to find a space and contribute 4 quarters ; while I value the way
    the merchants treat me.i was once pulled over for being in a turning lane and proceeding through the intersection towards 17. I explained to the officer that I was a ridgewood resident shopping and he gave me a verbal warning and encouraged me to come back to shop.9.35 we will miss you and many other friends of the town.great post as well, DONT FEED THE INSANITY METERS

  10. I agree with 9:55 and I have lived in Ridgewood for decades. Books A Million in Paramus Park allows unlimited time for book browsing and the whole mall for other shopping Plus Lord & Taylor at the Fashion Center and the Depot in Midland Park for gifts.

    Glen Rock is great too.

  11. Earth to Ridgewood..BUBBLE PEOPLE..your parking plan is a non starter..

  12. Construction starts in Mat 2016? Who’s the builder? Was it put out to bid?

  13. Oliver, I believe those were the assumptions from the Walker report. But good question. Fairly aggressive timing, no? Hoping we can put this off with the petition. Everyone sign please!

  14. Very aggressive indeed. True, it probably is just an assumption that was made by Walker, but the date came from somewhere.

    If they haven’t started the bid process yet – and they probably haven’t since the “real” costs have not been calculated, there likely isn’t time to get it accomplished before the election.

    Does anyone know if the public has any say in the builder selection / bidding process?

  15. If it is funded thru BCIA, BCIA builds it. Union jobs. Big $$$

  16. Actually at 4:17 I think that was mentioned at the BCIA meeting or somewhere along the line. And that will make it slower to build so even more of an inconvenience to the church


    The tear down for the new slums needing their Walmart or Dollar Store will be completed by Union workers too.

  18. I have lived in Ridgewood for 25 years and I agree with the person from HoHoKus. There is not much to shop for in downtown Ridgewood. I use the post office in Paramus because I can always park and run in.

    Raise the rates, I really don’t care. Step up enforcement and see how much fun it is to shop/eat in Ridgewood.

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