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Reader asks, “Just who is behind the brainwashing of these kids, and what do they have to gain?”

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“I witnessed the RPD arrest of the young woman. They had already gently warned the kids against breaking any laws, such as obstructing a highway. The arrestee was using a megaphone to berate the PD and any law abiding citizen who would dare to come anywhere in the protester’s path.

She then blocked a crossing, and was bellowing at drivers and refusing to accept Police instructions to move out of the crossing.
The arresting officer checked with his commander before arresting the girl, who was still in the crosswalk and using her megaphone to agitate passers by.
I thought the officers were far more tolerant than if the law breakers had been non-protesters.
I then discovered I knew the arrestees parents. They came here from the Philippines to escape poverty, oppression and corruption, and to make a better life for their family.
They were accepted into the United States family, and worked hard thereafter. Using the very available social mobility here, they eventually came to Ridgewood to take advantage of the excellent schools, Police, township and quality of life. They were so proud when they moved into their current Ridgewood home, worth just south of $1 Million – the American Dream, one might say!
Their daughter, the arrestee, born into poverty in the Philippines, took full advantage of the excellent school system, and racially integrated culture there. She graduated RHS with such excellent training that she was able l to go to NYU and gain a baccalaureate in the field of medicine.
Not once has she offered to swap lives with anyone from Harlem or Paterson. Not once has she been active in community services for these less privileged people.
Not once has either she, or her family ever experienced racism or police issues here in Ridgewood.
Not a single time while at RHS did either she or her parents complain about the curriculum, diversity, or “whitewashing” of education while at RHS.
How, then, did it come to pass that this wealthy, privileged immigrant from a hard working family, would become so aggressive in her misguided anger, and direct it towards her neighbors, school and police?
Just who is behind the brainwashing of these kids, and what do they have to gain?”

9 thoughts on “Reader asks, “Just who is behind the brainwashing of these kids, and what do they have to gain?”

  1. just a bunch of Entitled kids with nothing better to do. I bet over 1/2 don’t even know what their protesting for !!

  2. @big garage

    They’re. It’s They’re, not their.

    I know it’s maybe asking too much for a garage to have a 3rd grade reading/writing level, but still. Especially when your comment is insulting someone else’s intelligence….

  3. Afterwards, the kids collected their $20 from the parade organizers and spent it on pints of ice cream at Van Dykes….

  4. @ Just sayin’

    Just saying. There, fixed it for you. I know it’s asking too much for a 2nd grade writing level, but still.

  5. Check out the mid riff up front…what a tool.

  6. @ just saying !!
    it’s probably your entilted privleged kids. Please give them attention or some more $$$ and get them off the streets.

  7. Offer then an exchange program they cannot deny – one year free daily shuttle to Paterson high school, and some deserving Paterson kids get to attend RHS in return.

    I am sure these budding social justice warriors would jump at such an opportunity to directly help minorities, instead of just sloganeering.


  8. Sadly it’s called social media. While it’s a great technology to keep up with friends and family. It’s also a breeding ground for hate, agendas, and misinformation.

  9. Where are these losers hiding now?

    They need to see that the vast majority of residents in the Village do not support their method of messaging the next time they come downtown and create a disturbance.

    Maybe they’ll be holding hands with their Mommy’s and Daddy’s 😆.

    Maybe we should have our own signs – Blue Lives Matter! Cops Are Not Pigs – You Are!

    Maybe organize a protest of their protest at the same time.

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