photo by Boyd Loving
“Don’t underestimate the threat of these white kids from Ridgewood pose. Are they true Marxists? Most of them, probably not. Are the capable of violence? Most of them, probably not. They are not wolves, they are sheep, and that’s the threat. They will offer themselves, family, friends and neighbors for slaughter.”
Privileged, rich white girls holding “stop racism” signs. Oh, that’s funny!
To the girls in this photo: you’re both losers and an embarrassment! Redirect this energy to something more meaningful!
Says the guy afraid of two teen girls who are standing up publicly for what they believe.
Oh, the irony!
Says the guy afraid of two teen girls who are standing up publicly for what they believe.
Oh, the irony!
There is a huge difference between two teen girls standing up publicly–quietly–and 2 teen girls standing up for what they believe in with deliberate attempts to agitate the crowd so the police have to go and subdue their extremely unruly–and basically illegal– actions.
We basically have 2 kinds of protesters in town. Those who protest while acting properly and not causing trouble. They want to have bystanders and newspapers respect their right to peacefully and legally protest. Then we have the Black Lives Matter group and the bikes from Orange county who are there to show how powerful they can be and to see how much publicity they can draw (or bring with them–BLM) by deliberately disobeying written rules, laws, and trying to see how many different things they can illegally do before the police finally come to break it up–cameras on hand. The “poor little Latino boy” was told the street was closed and deliberately tried to push through the police so he could reach the street that was forbidden to him and put on a performance. Have any of you tried to pull a bike with a kid on it? Many years ago the Police did a safety talk and said “If you ever get grabbed while on your bike, hang on to it. It is almost impossible to get you and your bike.” Maybe that’s why “the so-called “extreme force” was used–to try to remove a deliberately law breaking juvenile from injuring someone with his antics! And do you think these bikers from another state didn’t deliberately come to Fairlawn, Glen Rock, and Ridgewood for several different weeks in order to see how much mischief and publicity they could do/receive? If they were “innocent little bike riding children” they could have stayed peacefully biking many miles closer to home! if you’re so soft hearted that you think they were picked on–I have a bridge to sell you. Think back to how your toddlers and pre-schoolers acted and you can see the same kind of actions from “these sweet, innocent children”. Hopefully you didn’t raise your children to run wild–even when adults (22?) And they get really close to the Police when they murmur their nasty sayings and tape their resultant interactions to show they have been brutalized.
Nah, nothing to be “afraid” of here. Between them, they *might* have a double digit IQ.
To Bruce
Did you just call two girls protesting for what they believe in “losers”. You’re the reason why there is racism in this country, because people can’t seem to grasp that white people see their privilege and are trying to change it. Also to anyone who says ridgewood kids have privilege, of course they do because you gave them that privilege, you spoiled them to become something you wanted them to be.
Anonymous comments about “sheep”. They have more cojones than you loser posters in anonymity
Standing up for a cause is not inherently virtuous. If what you believe is wrong, as it is in this case, it is exactly the opposite. And it’s a pretty good bet that these girls didn’t arrive at these beliefs on their own. If you want to find courage and virtue look for the young people not joining this unthinking mob.
Woo hoo you go girls! Girl power! Forget that spreading these lies causes actual violence. You feel good about yourselves and that’s all that matter… It doesn’t take any cojones to be part of this movement. No one feels the slightest concern about putting a BLM sign on their front lawn or car bumper. There is no threat of violence and mayhem from the silent majority. It’s only coming from the Marxists and there useful idiots. So don’t compare the danger of speaking out about this culture war to going along with it. But we do need to speak out against it. This fight can’t be avoided.
They should be holding up a sign
“Whites, Shut Up and Pay up”
How come they don’t have black and backgrounds on those signs?
It’ just a sign who cares!?! They aren’t hurting anyone nor are they making any real difference. This is irrelevant.