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Reader says if employees are parking in spots for the general public, then we should eliminate the majority of the designated employee spots

Parking Walnut lot aside town garage employee spaces less than 33 perent used 330 pm weds feb 8 2017

… employees are parking in spots for the general public, then we should eliminate the majority of the designated employee spots in the lot behind Bookends.
The main function served by those spots now is ticket writing, since it is almost impossible to find a parking spot in that lot, or on any nearby street on many occasions.
The designation of expensive valet parking will reduce parking spaces for the general public, which in turn will reduce business downtown or result in more “illegal” parking and increased fine revenue and revenue for the valet company.
How does any of that serve the public interest in Ridgewood ? I now spend less time and money in Ridgewood than I did a few years ago, and that trend will continue. Parking has become more difficult in my 20+ years in Ridgewood. Glen Rock, HoHoKus, Waldwick, Wyckoff and other local towns have managed to avoid this degree of parking problem.

2 thoughts on “Reader says if employees are parking in spots for the general public, then we should eliminate the majority of the designated employee spots

  1. After going to the board (bored) of ed offices a few times, I’ve come to the conclusion it’s really a Starbucks. With pay. And tenure. A bunch of people having a coffee klatsch with baked goods surfing the web on their computers.

  2. I absolutely agree. I go to my nail appointment 9:30am, very little is open. But all parking spaces near the shop are taken. And when I go to lunch, ~11:30am, hoping to get a space, same issue. Must be at least some employees in the spaces, maybe more. You don’t see people walking in and out of stores, walking on the streets at these early times. And 2 shop owners have confirmed to me – when I have asked – that the spaces are taken by employees – they see them. Apparently the employees are able to park 3 hours, just like shoppers. Just put money in the meters. It may be legal, but it’s certainly not good for the vibrancy of downtown shopping or the customers.

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