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Reader says The facts support the claim CRAB did target Ridgewood for “disruption”

village Council

The facts support the claim CRAB did target Ridgewood for “disruption”:
CRAB’s own meeting minutes going back to February of 2017 reflect the plan to ask the village to fly the flag in a public space, not over village hall.

CRAB then deviated from that to ask the village to fly the flag at village hall, a request they did not make of Glen Rock.
The village, rightly, raised concerns about flying the flag at village hall.

CRAB’s Jan Phillips, Janice Willet, and their supporters, including Voigt, then used that concern to label the mayor and deputy mayor as intolerant bigots. OPRA requests reveal Voigt ignoring and lying about an email on 5/4 from the mayor about flying the flag at Van Neste.

Facebook posts from Jan Phillips show she and her supporters knowingly took the mayor’s comments about flying the flag at village hall out of context in an effort to smear her. When called out that they had done so, they did not apologize or retract.

While the mayor and deputy mayor are clumsy communicators who have been their own worst enemy more times than not, they have been the target of Aronsohn and his library/garage/high-density crowd on this matter.

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