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Rules of Good Etiquette for Queer Dating Chats

gay flag

Online dating is certainly growing in popularity, especially because of the ease of chatting with like-minded people. But so many people are still skeptical because they often end up landing on the “wrong” site. Truly, many people are harassed by creeps and worried about their personal information being misused. But the truth is that these issues can easily be avoided simply by joining an authentic dating site with vibrant chat rooms.

Continue reading Rules of Good Etiquette for Queer Dating Chats

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Bogota Borough Hall Hoists Rainbow Flag and No American Flag


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Bogota NJ, a reader pointed out that the borough of Bogota is flying the “Rainbow flag” over the Borough Hall for Gay Pride month ,yet there is no American Flag .

Continue reading Bogota Borough Hall Hoists Rainbow Flag and No American Flag

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Reader calls Westwood’s Flag Problem , an “easily-predicted problem”

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rainbow flag at Ridgewood High School

Constitutional Law 101. Municipalities are certifiably insane if they imagine that it could be in any way appropriate to dance this particular two-step: 1) Evaluate in a legislative body the substance of a third-party message proposed for public display on public property; and 2) Approve such public display on municipal property because said legislative body loves that message and darn well wants to signal its approval of same.
Why did our well-paid village attorney not put the Kibosh on this? Regardless of what one thinks of the particular message that received approval and (by now) two month’s free advertisement from our elected village legislative body, how (constitutionally speaking) can that body now legitimately say “no” to a similar-situated month-long display containing, say, an opposite message, or even any other message for that matter!?! Why did the Village’s legal counsel not lay out this easily-predicted problem in stark enough terms to persuade our illusurious council members of the utter folly of their planned course of action?

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Westwood man wants to fly anti-abortion flag at Westwood Borough Hall

gay flag ridgewood

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Westwood NJ,  a Westwood man wants to fly anti-abortion flag at Borough Hall. The borough resident and anti-abortion activist is requesting the display, citing the rainbow flag flown at Borough Hall for LGBT Gay Pride flag.

In April 2017 , Jan Phillips  attempted to strong arm the Ridgewood council in the name of civility by pushing them to hang a Gay Pride flag over Village Hall ,at the time it was rejected for various reasons  and many readers suggested   ,if the council flew the pride flag over Village Hall , that would open the door to flying all kinds of other flags .

Continue reading Westwood man wants to fly anti-abortion flag at Westwood Borough Hall

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Doblin Out at the Record


march 2,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Alfred Doblin is out at the Bergen Record . He either quit or was forced out. Nancy Meyer also left on Monday . It looks like a big shake once again at the failing daily . Ridgewood residents may remember Doblin for attempting to interject his bigoted opinion in the Ridgewood “Rainbow Flag” controversy . Doublin along with the “Community Relations Advisory Board of Ridgewood and Glen Rock” and Councilmen Jeff Voigt called the mayor Susan Knudsen a Homophobe because she dared to attempt to figure out what the law was and would not fall for the bullying attempt by the group.

The group pursued its bigoted agenda and pushed both Glen Rock and Ridgewood into displaying its “white only” bigoted rainbow flag . According to the group ,”Black Lives Matter ” flag installed in Ridgewood and Glen Rock is the racist white only rainbow flag . The new multi cultural rainbow flag includes black and brown stripes. “The black and brown stripes are an inclusionary way to highlight black and brown LGBTQIA members within our community,” said one source involved with the flag-raising event who asked not to be named. “With all of the black and brown activism that’s worked to address racism in the Gayborhood over the past year, I think the new flag is a great step for the city to show the world that they’re working toward fully supporting all members of our community.”

flag1 1

Doublin and his race baiting friends at the Community Relations Advisory Board of Ridgewood and Glen Rock are fully unaware of their major faux paus on this issue. ( )

Doblin even doubled down on attacks and character assassinations of Ridgewood Mayor Susan Kundsen . Alfred P. Doblin is the editorial page editor of The Bergen Record. In his latest column he once again praises Councilmen Voigt and goes on the offensive against the Mayor. Doblin continues to cling to the silly fallacy his editorial led to the flying of the rainbow ie gay pride flag at Ridgewood’s Van Nest square . ( ) .

This character attack led OPRA requests flying and many attacks as well as counter attacks between the Mayor, her supporters, Doublin and councilmen Voigt ,some of it even being settled in Bergen County court.

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Reader says The facts support the claim CRAB did target Ridgewood for “disruption”

village Council

The facts support the claim CRAB did target Ridgewood for “disruption”:
CRAB’s own meeting minutes going back to February of 2017 reflect the plan to ask the village to fly the flag in a public space, not over village hall.

CRAB then deviated from that to ask the village to fly the flag at village hall, a request they did not make of Glen Rock.
The village, rightly, raised concerns about flying the flag at village hall.

CRAB’s Jan Phillips, Janice Willet, and their supporters, including Voigt, then used that concern to label the mayor and deputy mayor as intolerant bigots. OPRA requests reveal Voigt ignoring and lying about an email on 5/4 from the mayor about flying the flag at Van Neste.

Facebook posts from Jan Phillips show she and her supporters knowingly took the mayor’s comments about flying the flag at village hall out of context in an effort to smear her. When called out that they had done so, they did not apologize or retract.

While the mayor and deputy mayor are clumsy communicators who have been their own worst enemy more times than not, they have been the target of Aronsohn and his library/garage/high-density crowd on this matter.

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Philly’s Pride Flag Is About to Get Two New Black and Brown Stripes and Here’s Why

philly pride flag

June 16,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Philadelphia PA,  Philadelphia is redefining the LGBT pride flag.The city has a launched a new campaign, “More Color More Pride,” adding one black and one brown stripe to the traditional six colored rainbow. The new design will be, from top to bottom: black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

“The black and brown stripes are an inclusionary way to highlight black and brown LGBTQIA members within our community,” said one source involved with the flag-raising event who asked not to be named. “With all of the black and brown activism that’s worked to address racism in the Gayborhood over the past year, I think the new flag is a great step for the city to show the world that they’re working toward fully supporting all members of our community.”

A spokesperson for the event would not confirm the new design, but in a statement described the flag reveal as “a special, can’t-be-missed unveiling and raising of a brand-new Pride flag which promises to be a step toward inclusivity, to spur dialogue within the community, and to impact the worldwide conversation.”

Lookin for input from the LGBTQ Black and Brown community. Will be inttoduced at Philly Pride this year.In 1978, artist Gilbert Baker designed the original rainbow flag. An iconic symbol of LGBTQ+ unity. So much has happened since then. A lot of good, but there’s more we can do. Especially when it comes to recognizing people of color in the LGBTQ+ community. To fuel this important conversation, we’ve expanded the colors of the flag to include black and brown. It may seem like a small step. But together we can make big strides toward a truly inclusive community. (Black Lives Matter Hudson Valley)


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“Pride Flag” Raised Over Ridgewood High School


June 15,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  Ridgewood high school is flying the LGBTQ community’s gay pride flag for the month of June, raising it in a short ceremony to signify and spread a message of acceptance for all.

Tyler Clementi , a gay student at Rutgers who came to a tragic demise was an alumnus of Ridgewood High School.

The rainbow or Pride flag will fly above Ridgewood High School for the rest of June . June is  LGBTQ Pride Month. Students, teachers and residents were on hand to witness the flag raising ceremony June 1.

The staff went by Ridgewood High School on Wednesday and unfortunately it was no where to be found.

According to several sources Ridgewood High School is the first high school in Bergen County to display the flag.

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Reader reminds us the right of free speech does not guarantee to any person the right to use someone else’s property


A recent decision in Kentucky:

An important quote from the decision:

“…the right of free speech does not guarantee to any person the right to use someone else’s property, even property owned by the government and dedicated to other purposes, as a stage to express ideas. …”

Not that this will carry much weight in progressive Trenton (or progressive Ridgewood), but this is a valid opinion

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Reader says This is nothing but extremism

the Prisoner

There are many like me who do not really care about what people do in their bedrooms. Someone getting gay-married does nothing to my marriage so I couldn’t care less. We work with gay coworkers, have gay friends and really do not give any more thought to someone being gay than we do to someone being straight.

However, I only want the American flag flying on the Village Hall – not a rainbow flag, not a vegan flag, not a muslim flag, not a Black Lives Matter flag, and a Lenape flag and not the Confederate flag.

But it appears that if I as much as mention the same, I am going to be harassed and bullied for being a ‘bigot.’ How I lead my life, how I interact with people, how I do not discriminate at all between someone gay and someone straight in my real life does not matter. I am either screaming out my support for flying the rainbow flag or I am a bigot. I am suddenly no different from the people tossing gays off buildings.

This is nothing by extremism. And it is detrimental to the movement itself. Harassing and publicly bullying people may shut them down but the feelings of resentment will not disappear. This appears to be more of an attempt to ‘plant a flag’ and rub it in everyone’s face, rather than support for tolerance or anything.

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Reader Points Out Rainbow Flag Opens a Can of Worms


If the Ridgewood chapter of the Confederate States of America Historical Society were to have their petition to fly their organization’s flag (the Stars and Bars battle flag) turned down, they would sue, successfully, and for plenty of money. If they received approval and their flag were raised over Van Neste Square, George Soros and his highly paid ninja-clad Antifa rioters would reduce Ridgewood to rubble in the space of three days. Village Council, you have brought this circumstance about by your foolishness and incapacity to ask your hired legal gun the right combination of questions. What are we to do with you? Send all five of you to a remedial Muni Law workshop in Atlantic City for the weekend? The Mayor and Deputy Mayor, up for re-election next year, need to get religion (small “r”) pronto.

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Reader says cultural Marxists really want more, and flying a flag is a useful psychological device in asserting power on how everyone should think


Councilmen Jeff Voigt Letter: “Ridgewood must embrace the LGBT community ”

Editors note: Did Jeff say “must embrace the LGBT community”, ie must seems to imply force ? Are we really going down this road ? Like I said before inclusion comes from how people treat each other ,not from phony pretenses. 

Why not just pass a proclamation saying The Village of Ridgewood, during Gay Pride Month, celebrates all of our LBGTQ citizens, and fully supports their equal rights. Done, everyone happy. However, the cultural Marxists among the supporters really want more, and flying a flag is a useful psychological device in asserting power and how everyone should think. No shades of gray allowed,

As for Mt, Carmel, a nun in my daughters school flies the flag in front of her office. Don’t care, not my business. I think Mt. Carmel will simply stay out of the fray, especially as feelings may be mixed among the priests and elders of the Church.

Of course, the churches in town may be sorry at some point as the Cultural Marxist influence grows

Lot of truly dangerous people on that FB page. Challenge, as I did, you will get booted.

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Reader asks Is Citizen’s Park going to look like the front of the United Nations building?

united nations

Everyone should have equal rights. Nice statement. Is Citizen’s Park going to look like the front of the United Nations building? It is physically impossible to fly all the flags that will demand equal rights. Flying one flag that is neither national nor state will lead to an overwhelming demand by all groups–sports, college, Women’s rights, etc.etc.. The council is opening up a hornet’s nest. No matter how we feel about any specific group’s “rights”, all groups are free to fly any flag at their home, but we should not use public spaces for such flags. It is one thing if a specific group is celebrating a specific day at Citizens. Then a special flag “might” lead to consideration for that day only. Even then, that will lead to multi requests by other groups for “Their day”. The council should not yield to the demands of a single group (of any kind) without seriously considering future consequences.

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Reader says Off to the reeducation camp with you!


Oh come on James – don’t you know the American flag represents racism, homophobhia, misogyny, transphobia, islamophobia, bigotry etc etc.?

Seems like you have not yet been trained to think like a progressive. Off to the reeducation camp with you!

“He was back in the Ministry of Love, with everything forgiven, his soul white as snow. He was in the public dock, confessing everything, implicating everybody. He was walking down the white-tiled corridor, with the feeling of walking in sunlight, and an armed guard at his back. The longhoped-for bullet was entering his brain.

He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.”

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Did YOU change your Facebook picture to a rainbow flag? Critics claim ‘Celebrate Pride’ tool may be another psychological test


Tool celebrates the Supreme Court’s approval of same-sex marriage
Critics say Facebook is using it to monitor how views spread online
But Facebook has denied using it to collect user data on behaviour
The site has previously come under fire for altered the news feeds of almost 700,000 users in a huge psychological data experiment


PUBLISHED: 13:17 EST, 29 June 2015 | UPDATED: 09:06 EST, 30 June 2015

Your Facebook feed is probably looking a little more colourful this week.

In celebration of the Supreme Court’s approval of same-sex marriage, the site is offering users a tool to overlay their profile photos with a rainbow filter.

And it’s proved hugely popular. Within a few hours of the ‘Celebrate Pride’ tool launching, more than a million people changed their profile photos.

But while it may seem like Facebook’s intentions are noble, some people have accused the social network of carrying out another psychological test on its users.

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