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Readers say Handicapped spots are regularly abused in the Village of Ridgewood

ADA Handicapped Parking Sign K 1437

I’m handicapped (but not yet 80) but I have to totally agree with your statement. “I’m not parked, I’m just waiting for someone.” (Yeah, BUT you’re “waiting” in a handicapped spot making it inaccessible for use.) Funny, that young man (?) cut me off for the handicapped space and just ran up those steps. Gee, is his name really Gracie? That’s what is on the temporary placard. Handicapped spots are regularly abused…..

……Garage issue should be officially dead by now. There are many who have handicapped decals who shouldn’t have them, or have them because a family member is handicapped. Anyone who uses one of these who is less than 80 or is not clearly handicapped should be publicly beaten. I have approached more than one able-bodied handicap space user who was outraged that I questioned their sense of entitlement. they ruin it for all.

2 thoughts on “Readers say Handicapped spots are regularly abused in the Village of Ridgewood

  1. My wife had a handicap tag for a short while. This was during a period where she was in excruciating pain and underwent double hip-replacement surgery. She was about 40 at the time and looks very young for her age. The handicap tag was legitimately obtained. The abuse she received from the elderly handicap nazis in parking lots became unbearable, with some taking pictures of her and threatening to call the police. It got to the point where she stopped using it, and fortunately, she eventually no longer needed it due to a great surgeon.

    Don’t be so quick to judge, just because the driver is not the stereotypical disabled person. As for people abusing the handicap system, yes they exist, particularly family members who use the same car and use grandma’s tag.

  2. Yeah, well them handicapped fellers never seem to show up! Most underused high value real estate in any given town. No offense, but sheesh–use it or lose it, bro’s!

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