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ADA Handicap Ramp Replacement on Ackerman Avenue in Ridgewood Underway

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photos courtesy of Village Manager Keith Kazmark

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood, NJ  · according to Ridgewood Village Manager Keith Kazmark , Bergen County has started ADA handicap ramp replacement on Ackerman Avenue in preparation for re-surfacing. There have been many resident requests to pave Ackerman and the Village is thankful to the county for addressing this busy roadway in town. Stay tuned for the milling and paving schedule!

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It’s deja vu all over again, Ridgewood Parks and Rec Beach Wheel Chair looks Strikingly Similar to the Mobi-Chair

Mobi Chair at Graydon delivered June 14 2013 Tim Cronin Dir. Parks Rec lifeguards 4

mobi-chair file photos by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, well its a little late but ,after witnessing older adults struggling to access the sandy beach at Graydon Pool, the Village of Ridgewood Parks and Recreation Department made it their mission to purchase a beach wheelchair so that ALL guests could enjoy the sand and sun.

Continue reading It’s deja vu all over again, Ridgewood Parks and Rec Beach Wheel Chair looks Strikingly Similar to the Mobi-Chair

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Village of Ridgewood Sued for Violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act

Ridgewood Village Hall 17

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, a Ridgewood family has filed a federal lawsuit accounting the Village of Ridgewood of being in violation of the the Americans with Disabilities Act . Funny to happen in a town when its former Mayor Paul Aronsohn who is currently serving as New Jersey’s statewide Ombudsman for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Their Families – a position to which he was appointed by Governor Phil Murphy in April 2018. As such, he serves as the administration’s lead advocate and ally for New Jersey residents in need of critical services and supports ranging from early childhood through adulthood.

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Road Work Begins on West Saddle River Road in Ridgewood

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photos courtesy of  Village Manager Keith Kazmark

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, according to the Village Manager Kieth Kazmark, on Monday the Village broke ground on the much needed road improvements on West Saddle River Road. ADA curb ramps are being installed prior to the road being milled and paved later this summer.

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Historic Preservation Office Approves Zabriskie-Schedler House Temporary ADA Improvements

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HPO Project No. 24-0218-3,-4


RE:     Bergen County, Ridgewood Village

Zabriskie-Schedler House temporary ADA improvements

Application for Project Authorization

New Jersey Register of Historic Places Act Review 

John A.L. Zabriskie House (SR 8/14/2019)

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NJ Transit Breaks Ground on New $31.5 Million Lyndhurst Train Station

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the staff of the Ridgewood bog

Lyndhurst NJ, Governor Phil Murphy, New Jersey Department of Transportation Commissioner and NJ TRANSIT Board Chair Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti, NJ TRANSIT President & CEO Kevin S. Corbett, and state and local officials today celebrated the groundbreaking for construction of a new, ADA-accessible train station in Lyndhurst.  The new facility, thanks to $30.9 Million provided by the state’s partners at the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), replaces a station more than a century old and will be located at the intersection of Delafield Avenue and Court avenues, a more convenient location closer to the commuter parking lot.

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Murphy Administration’s Updated Requirements for Adult Day Care Programs Still Denies Access to Many People with Disabilities

Phill Murphy -Sara Medina del Castillo

the staff of the  Ridgewood blog

River Vale NJ, Senator Holly Schepisi said updated requirements issued by the Murphy Administration for congregate day programs that serve adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities will continue to leave many vulnerable people without access to the support programs they require.

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Second Round of Applications for Library Construction Bond Act


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  Governor Phil Murphy today announced the launch of the second round of grant solicitations for the Library Construction Bond Act (LCBA), allocating $37.5 million in grants. This allocation is subject to change pending grant agreements from the first round of grant solicitations. The LCBA, which authorized $125 million in state bonds, was passed by New Jersey voters in November 2017 to improve public library facilities across the state in order to ensure the well-being and success of New Jersey residents.

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Hudson Garage Elevator Flooded

Hudson garage open

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Hudson garage’s new elevator is flooded and not working  ,making the parking facility non ADA compliant.  It has also come to our attention the the roof top was not plowed after the recent snow and there are some concerns over the quality of the construction of the facility .

Once again we “circle back” ,to wonder how the Village is planning on paying for this thing ,given the global pandemic , the raise of “remote work” and limited hours and capacities of Village retail and restaurants?

To matters worse it is going to be in the 50’s today melting even more snow.

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How Close is Too Close , Public Sidewalks in the Village Central Business District


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, how close is too close. As Ridgewood merchants and restaurants struggle to make patrons feel safe in the age of COVID , Village sidewalks in the central business districts have become increasingly cluttered .  Restaurants in particular are waging a balancing act between public safety and tyrannical edicts from the governors office . The question remains how much sidewalk encroachment is too much ?

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No Such Thing as a COVID Mask Exemption Card


Ridgewood NJ, To help limit the spread of the Coronavirus, many states are requiring people to wear face coverings in places open to the public. But there are cards circulating online and on social media that say the holder has a disability that prevents them from wearing a mask, and that it’s illegal for any business to ask them to disclose their condition. Variations of the card include the seal of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), one of the federal agencies responsible for enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, NJ TRANSIT is beginning the installation of new and improved ticket vending machines (TVM) at several locations systemwide. Fourteen new TVMs will be phased in over the next week, replacing older machines at bus, light rail and rail stations. This is the second phase of an expanded pilot program which rendered great success in Edison, as part of NJ TRANSIT’s ongoing contract with Conduent to modernize fare payment systems and enhance the customer experience.


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No architect of repute would mess up fire code and ADA compliance

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by Steve Kim

LAN is completely, totally utterly incompetent.

Don’t believe me? Read the minutes…

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No architect of repute would mess up fire code and ADA compliance. Why was there no plan review? Why wasn’t their allowance set up for subflooring or other potential surprises?

LAN owes the town for this botch up.
Why are Dr.Fishbein and the BOE letting these guys get away with this? Meanwhile Dr.Fishbein is picking on EI for its past lapses?

BOE: If you are reading… Please get another architect, don’t let these guys work on the multi-year, multi-million dollar project.

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Ridgewood Village Council Attempts to Balance outdoor Dining with Walkability in the CBD

CBD ridgewood ArtChick

photo by ArtChick

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, while many Ridgewood residents love all the outdoor dining experiences in town ,some residents with mobility issues have voiced concerns of overcrowded sidewalks and the inability to move around town. 

The mayor was asked via email :

“The statement that places that have no public parking can extend further towards the street.  I know I’m not as swift as I used to be but, does that mean that the safe walking areas of certain places can extend further to the street?  For instance, the Greek place has no parking because their wall prohibits anyone from getting out of the car and because of that issue, they were granted a yellow stripe in front of their store.  A few other places on Broad Street, especially, have also made it impossible to park and open a door.  Not that I walk in town much anymore, but lots of other people do. Will all of those places have to remove the barriers to the street so that there can be parking in front as well as the ability to walk through their open dining places? The ability to walk with a stroller, walker, or wheelchair?  That  is almost impossible without walking in the street now in many places.  My balance problems are so severe that I can’t walk safely in any of the areas in town that I might want to visit.  So I am not questioning for myself but for all the young mothers and older people who can still enjoy the many delightful places in town.”

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February is National Children’s Dental Health Month

dracula teeth by mantisred1

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood Health Department and the American Dental Association (ADA) announces that February 2018 is National Children’s Dental Health Month. This month-long national health observance brings together thousands of dedicated dental professionals, healthcare providers, and educators to promote the benefits of good oral health to children, their caregivers, teachers and many others. This year’s campaign slogan is “Brush Your Teeth with Fluoride Toothpaste and Clean Your Teeth for a Healthy Smile”. Attitudes and habits established at an early age are critical in maintaining good oral health throughout life.Alternatively, get yourself checked out with the Dentist in South Barrington for a thorough oral appointment

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