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Residents Unaware of the Village of Ridgewood’s Work on Crafting the Master Plan Over the last Eight Years Should Pass on Voting in November


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, in August the newsblog “Tap into Ridgewood ( ) attempted to create the impression that despite the the planning board start of reexamined of the master plan in 2016, and the Village of Ridgewood officially adopted its visioning process in October of 2018 ( ) ,multiple Ridgewood Planning Board meetings devoted to the master plan , regular Visioning emails to anyone who signs up , the Ridgewood blog posting at least 495 articles on the “Village Master Plan” , and copious discussions  on affordable housing and the Valley Hospital site ,the idea  that Ridgewood residents are completely unaware of the Village of Ridgewood master plan visioning process is beyond absurd .

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Tap into Ridgewood ,the Ridgewood blog reported on October of 2021 , the “newsite’ was  “created at the end of March 2021. Jason DeAlessi (aka “Sleek Media, LLC) is the franchise owner (and up until a few days ago, he was the editor of record. . . still trying to figure out who is his replacement (or, realistically, not)). Every single piece they write bashes the anti-Arohnshon crowd, guts Susan Knudsen, supports JOLTS.

Jason DeAlessi also owns Fuerza Strategy Group. He was Paul Vagianos’ campaign manager the last time Paul ran for office. Jason and Fuerza Strategy Group employ Donna Abene, Treasurer of the “Paul Vagianos for Village Council Campaign.” Donna’s address, in her PV campaign capacity, is Fuerza Strategy. Donna is the Vice-Chair at Democratic Legislative District 39 and Democratic Organization of Bergen County. According to her Linked-In page she has “served as Campaign Manager, Deputy Campaign Manager, and Treasurer on many local and state races.” Add Paul Vagianos campaign to the list.”

Now to promote the “Fake News ” further or “Fake News about Fake News” and toss all journalistic integrity aside North Jersey Media ( ) has jumped on the bandwagon with egregious inaccurate claims like , “Most residents only become aware of the master plan after the fact, when their application to build a larger home or driveway runs up against its limits. These hearings allow owners a chance to become part of the decision-making process before its guidelines are formally adopted.”

You are kidding right ?   A well-Informed electorate is a prerequisite for democracy , if you were unaware of the “Master Plan “process you have no business voting . For some of you it should be no big deal after all you voted to give up your right to vote on the $100 million Ridgewood School Budget .

One thought on “Residents Unaware of the Village of Ridgewood’s Work on Crafting the Master Plan Over the last Eight Years Should Pass on Voting in November

  1. I have a mixed response to the strong comments in this post. I do believe the electorate should be educated on the issues they are voting on. However, encouraging citizens to not vote concerns me because this thinking dismisses many who vote out of adherence to principle or ideology and this is as valid as any other reason to cast a vote. There are times to agree to compromise and others to stand on principle but never a time to withhold participation in the process. There are as many if not more cases of governments and activists concealing all the details of their ‘plans’ beneath a facade of a pithy or otherwise positive name or title. I agree some who are uninformed waste their franchise on a vote they may regret not it’s their vote …not a vote owned and to be tallied by activists or strong central leadership. If there is evidence that citizens are becoming surprised about changes when these changes become personal to me this is both evidence of a lazy electorate and leadership willing to allow only the few to be aware of such changes. Government should be fully transparent and it should be easy for the electorate to know what they are voting for.

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