the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, in August the newsblog “Tap into Ridgewood (https://www.tapinto.net/towns/ridgewood/sections/government/articles/ridgewood-s-master-plan-draft-still-not-released ) attempted to create the impression that despite the the planning board start of reexamined of the master plan in 2016, and the Village of Ridgewood officially adopted its visioning process in October of 2018 ( www.visionridgewood.org ) ,multiple Ridgewood Planning Board meetings devoted to the master plan , regular Visioning emails to anyone who signs up , the Ridgewood blog posting at least 495 articles on the “Village Master Plan” , and copious discussions on affordable housing and the Valley Hospital site ,the idea that Ridgewood residents are completely unaware of the Village of Ridgewood master plan visioning process is beyond absurd .