photo by Boyd Loving
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, looks like the August 6th BLM rally in Ridgewood brought out some of the worst in people . An African American photographer at the event was targeted by a white women (a Karen) for being creepy and she claimed in a Facebook post considered calling the police.
This is a text book case and what President Obama would call a “teachable moment”.
A “Karen” is a pejorative term used in the United States and other English-speaking countries for a woman perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is appropriate or necessary. A common stereotype is that of a white woman who uses her privilege to demand her own way at the expense of others.
The staff has a few suggestions ; First you never call the police when you are supporting and at a BLM ie… defund the police rally.
2) The gentlemen is African American , and its his rally not yours.
3) Being a bigot is bad enough but bragging about it on social media is in very bad taste .
4) Not knowing who this gentlemen is and claiming you live in Ridgewood is extremely short sighted .
5) Attending a Ridgewood BLM rally , and not noticing this particular African American has been to all the rallies in the past taking photos and been one of the few African American to attend is a serious lapse of judgement.
6) Find a new hobby being a bigot at an anti bigotry rally is just not a good fit.
7) And finally this blog finds this type of bigotry particularly insidious and will continue to point it out even if your “friends” share your view point and we know they do.
Clearly the accuser is a nut job.
BLM will be amused to know the twist Ridgewood gave to the movement, Angry white women supporting “Black Lives” scared of African American photographer, going about doing his work, Isn’t this the exact “education” that these protests are supposed to do. Failed.
These young people, many of them, have their hearts at the right place, if Cathy B, Jan P, S Donnelly, Patty Cuffe let these young people drive these protests, it will be a great idea, their mixing of local political ambitions with the larger movement is not helping anyone .
She didn’t even need to call the police if she felt threatened. They were out in force at the rally. What a whack job . Let me guess; she’s fat and unattractive, and was probably pissed that the photographer wasn’t paying her any attention.
Another fat, ugly white woman with too much time on her hands.
As soon as new BLM protest goes incident free, an “issue is planted”, Not necessarily by the core group but by the Karen’s of Ridgewood, Yes, in Ridgewood the Karens and BLM belong to the same side. BLM protest in Ridgewood – supported to you by Karens of Ridgewood. Time to let the students handle it, who were doing a good job, I believe the success that they got with the first protest, which was Incident free didn’t bode well for few.
So now we have a movement, that name calls a respectable African – American resident, while amplifying the anger the white women driving it. Strange times, Lets bring some sanity back
No husband, no prospects, so bitter, that’s her life.
It would be funny (and ironic) if her real name is “Karen”. 🙂
Why is Ridgewood having a Marxist rally? Are they that ignorant they don’t know what they are really about? So much for affluence and intelligence
That’s funny I love it.
Calling women “Karens” is sexist and ageist so stop pretending you are PC becuase you are just replacing one type of stereotyping with two other types of stereotyping. Women do not have the power to cause racism in society, and they are often the victims of violence and police brutality. Better check yourself!
“stop pretending you are PC ” no one on this blog has ever pretended or been PC its not allowed, better to apologize and move on
“Women do not have the power to cause racism in society” Oh yes they do Karen and you know right where it is.
Obviously the writer of this article is part of the group where the comment came from.
Another race Baiting article. Regardless if I disagree with the accuser.
Photographer prominent member of the community Ande Thria article is not very articulate.
Nasty bigoted woman
Her relentless attacks on Boyd were really appalling. She would not quit. He is not creepy. He does not need monitoring
Calling women “Karens” is sexist and ageist and Racist.
But its OK, Right?
Like it would be OK for me to call someone:
a Dwayne
or a Latoya
or a Jacob or an Avi
or a Yoshi
or an Abdullah
She’s a Karen, period the end.
Fred G. Sanford said it loud and clear:
All lives matter. Right?
You know the brainwashing is real when white people protest against white people for being white people.
What a joke for Richwood of all bergen county towns to have a rally ! Like any white people in Ridgewood have a clue living in their lap of luxury town !These liberal idiots are not wanted here ,they are better suited to move to Hollywood with the likes of Jane Fonda and and Robert DeNutjob!
All lives matter ! If you have nothing better to do and stir controversy and rally amongst hundred or thousands of people wile a pandemic is going on it just shows how ignorant and small minded you really are !People of Richwood don,t speak for the majority , These are Rich people living in expensive homes with no clue about Black lives but yet they think that they are building race relations and proving themselves to the black people that they are with them but yet they won,t have them as neighbors or friends ! What a joke ! This is so laughable !White women are hated by Black women to begin with and to put it mildly ,white women will show their laughable blackness come alive when in the company of a black woman and speak differently the moment another white woman approaches that they know !Good luck Ridgewood , with your new Leftist antifa Black lives matter in Richwood rallye, Lets see how serious they are getting their points across , i,ll bet these lawyer and doctor women and socialism socialites won,t burn any police vehicles or garbage cans or spray paint any of their town buildings because they don,t want to see their rich town that they love be destroyed , Well Joe Biden was right about one thing ,Their not Black enough! hahahahahahahahahahah
LIBERALS. PERIOD I have seen too much of this nonsense. Stupid. The writer has no clue and it seems that this blog is focused on the wrong things.
The photographer should bring a lawsuit for slander. Now he has been tarnished in the community.
I have seen pics of who writes the ridgewood blog. Liberals.
This bears repeating…
You know the brainwashing is real when white people protest against white people for being white people.”
I blame the schools for the indoctrination
and the whites for tacitly allowing it.
The comment blaming schools. Yes this is true. However parents need to be parents. You will be surprised the influence of a parent.
I can’t wait god willing to have kids and send them to the Ridgewood school system and teach them How ridiculous the system is. I outnosrt I’d the blame on the parents.
Get ready since the liberals messed up NYC and it is not so trendy anymore with increased crime, Coming to a town near you.
ALL LIVES MATTER. These kids had there time. Theybdisrupted enough to include the street closures in July. To include July 4 not doing the pedestrian mall which was to help CBD. They had their time in June at Vets. Then another March and talks at the YMCA.
I bet the church on the corner of maple and Ridgewood ave or / and the one across from stop and shop they always had the BLM banner have a big role in this. Just a hunch.
I think we can conclude that the “time out” generation didn’t produce as good of citizens as “ass beating” generation.
wake up Ridgewood. BLM inspired rioting, looting, violence and general lawlessness is happening in cities around the county. How is this not a hateful divisive group? One nation. All lives matter.
I love the hypocrisy. We’ve all been taught since we were children that calling people names and labeling them is wrong, but liberals everywhere find that this is a very effective way of getting their points across. Apparently, it’s fine as long as you’re pushing their agenda. I feel sorry for those women out there whose names actually are Karen, and happen to be nice people.
Epic and needs repeating:
“You know the brainwashing is real when white people protest against white people for being white people.”
All of the Travell teachers remember Mrs Roth….and not too fondly….