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Ridgewood JOLT Promoting Elimination of ICE , Open Boarders and Sanctuary Status for New Jersey

illegal immigration and undocumented immigrants1

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ under the ruse of “National Week of Action” to “Defund Hate” will conclude with a Rally on the steps of the Bergen County Court House at 6PM!

The rally is being promoted by the usual suspect groups like Indivisible NJ5, Make the Road NJ, NJ Alliance for Immigrant Justice, JOLT, Women for Progress, Bergen County Chapter of the NAACP, The Bergen County Immigrant Strategy Group, Women of Action, Glen Rock After the March, Mahwah After the March .

The Rally claims ,” The immigrant community is being terrorized by racist immigration policies. Our government is using our tax dollars to fund hate and cruelty. “

But the real crux of the rally is to ,” demand that our representatives include budget cuts to ICE and CBP along with strict guidelines to ensure the funds are not misused. “

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested 39 fugitives – 30 males and nine females – sought for their roles in known or suspected human rights violations during a nationwide operation including New Jersey that took place from Aug. 27 to 29.

Those arrested across the country included:

  • Fourteen individuals from Central America implicated in numerous human rights violations against civilians, to include the capture, arrest and/or transport of civilians who were subsequently mistreated, and in some cases, beaten, electrocuted, and killed;
  • Four known or suspected human rights violators from China, complicit in collaborating with the government to assist in forced abortions and sterilizations against victims;
  • Four individuals from West Africa connected to a range of atrocities, including civilian massacres, mutilations, recruitment of child soldiers, extrajudicial killings, and other human rights violations.
  • An individual from Europe implicated in human rights abuses against political opponents through work with a security agency.

3 thoughts on “Ridgewood JOLT Promoting Elimination of ICE , Open Boarders and Sanctuary Status for New Jersey

  1. Ridgewood… a Tradition of Supporting Criminals…

  2. Will it never end with these people at Jolt. Get a life.

  3. Jerks

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