the staff of The Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, members of our staff were falling off their chairs shocked on Wednesday night when Ridgewood Mayor Paul Vagianos publicly disparaged the NJDEP during a Village Council meeting. Mr. Vagianos openly expressed his displeasure with how “slow” NJDEP conducts business. We know he said it once during the meeting, and we believe he may have said it a second time.
We can only guess that the mayor suffered a momentary memory lapse. A lapse which caused him to forget how many projects throughout Ridgewood NJDEP is currently involved in. Involved as in their approval is required. Schedler, Habernickel, The Town Garage, water treatment, Green Acres diversions, and waste water treatment are several projects that we can immediately think of. Biting the hand that feeds isn’t such a good idea Mr. Mayor.
Maybe the mayor is taking foot in the mouth lessons from Councilman Evan Weitz. You may recall Mr. Weitz made the now infamous public speech in September of 2023 during which he proclaimed that Schedler Park was “our property” and NJDEP “would not get to say what we could do with it.” How’s that proclamation been going for you so far Mr. Weitz?
It’s past the time for everyone on the dais (especially you Ms. Winograd) to think before they speak out publicly. Foot in the mouth always comes back to haunt you now that every meeting is audio and video recorded.
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I am sure this isn’t the only momentary lapse he has suffered.
#worst mayor ever
how can anyone vote for this guy? awful person with no accountability. blames everyone for his mistakes. has truly made a negative impact on our town
I wont vote for him because of that wall that was in front of his restaurant a few years ago
What a jerk. But this is fine because the NJDEP will be pissed off and slow down their work at Schedler
Kamala makes Peewee dumb.
The mayor and Council, the manager, health department, are not doing their job. They never reached out to all the employees who worked at these locations with the contaminated soil has bounced around employees could be contaminated and not doing shit about it. What the hell is wrong with them, do they think this is going away? No effing way. The village is liable to blame while smoking gun goes to had an engine. , do they think this is going away? No effing way. The village is liable who to blame while smoking gun goes to head of engineering and the old village manager.
oh Vagianos is just so awful. Aren’t we over his antics by now. there is really nothing he could do or say to make me like him. He is clearly a sneaky guy, there is just something untrustworthy about him and I feel like I am being fed a line of BS with every situation that seems to arise.
The guy is Ridgewood’s Buck Wild
I am sure Kazmark has his pals in high places at DEP on speed dial and was doing some splainin.
PauLIE didn’t mean it, really, he didn’t. Give us another award and we will prove it to you.
20 years ago I went to his restaurant with my family, my son asked him do you make chicken fingers and french fries. Boy or boy did he flip out? You know seven-year-old really doesn’t like Greek food,
Have you seen how filthy sorry the restrooms are. No way would we eat there. When was the last time the board of health was there
Greek puck fest. I would eat at his dump only if there was a cash prize involved, kind of like that show Fear Factor.
The finger pointing and laying blame on everyone else but Ridgewood is just astounding. When will thse people realize that Keith needs to stay in his lane and do his job. Communication should have been priority number one when coming to Ridgewood on top of fixing what has been broken for years. the guy is making bank so this should be a no brainer and no one needs to see him on social media. Vagianos and his merry band of nitwits need to calm down and prioritize the important things instead of what will benefit their popularity or their pocketbook.
Yeah, but, the important things (to them) are their popularity and pocketbooks. That’s how the game is played. Glad I could clear that up for you.