photos courtesy of the Village of Ridgewood
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, exciting news is on the horizon for residents of Ridgewood as the village proudly unveils its first all-electric vehicle – a sleek 2023 Ford F150 Lightning! This groundbreaking addition marks a significant step towards sustainability and environmental responsibility within the community.
A Sustainable Approach to Service:
Residents can expect to spot the all-electric Ford F150 Lightning in constant use, as it serves as a vital tool for the Recycling Coordinator. From overseeing recycling crews to responding to resident concerns and visiting recycling processing facilities, this eco-friendly vehicle will play a pivotal role in maintaining the village’s commitment to sustainability.
A Testimony to Village’s Commitment:
Sean Hamlin, supervisor and recycling coordinator for the Department of Public Works, expressed his enthusiasm for the village’s eco-friendly initiative. “The Recycling Division is committed to sustainability, and we are happy that this purchase supports the Village in its efforts to reduce our carbon footprint,” remarked Hamlin, who was pictured in the driver’s seat during the vehicle’s debut. “We are also proud of our forward-thinking Village management and elected officials who made it possible.”
A Glimpse of the Future:
Richard Calbi, director of operations at Ridgewood Water, showcased one of the vehicle’s innovative features – the front trunk. This modern design element not only adds to the vehicle’s aesthetic appeal but also highlights the advancements in electric vehicle technology.
Embracing Innovation for a Greener Tomorrow:
As Ridgewood continues to embrace innovation and sustainability, the introduction of the all-electric Ford F150 Lightning underscores the village’s dedication to reducing its carbon footprint and preserving the environment for future generations.
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Well it is a start. Now we just have to get the PFAS out of the municipal water and get our priorities straight in Ridgewood as to what is the best way to spend tax dollars.
As usual, Ridgewood is out of touch with reality.
The electric vehicle fad is over.
Aside from:
– costing 2x as much as a diesel work truck
– being 1/2 as capable
– being 1/2 as durable
– costing 5x as much in maintenance and repair costs
and generally being a feel-good toy rather than an honest work vehicle,
Ridgewood is too clueless to realize that Ford is winding down it’s EV program due to the public rejecting EVs as a failed experiment of limited use vehicles.
Not “eco” friendly at all…
Driving around an over-priced pickup truck with an empty bed in the back.
If they wanted to be Eco-Friendly, they should have bought him a compact car.
Post of the day !
This cost the Village $77,000.00 dollars. Our Tax dollars at work!! If you want to take a close and personal view of it, it will be parked at the Big Garage every night charging.
Govt boondoggles at the local level. Who was supposed to plug it in last night? Oh well.
I’m honestly shocked, the whistle blower didn’t have Pee Wee in the Driver seat and Pam next to him , with Evan and Wine-O in the back
I’m sorry this is a waste of money, This is some smoke screen, that’s a lot of money to spend on this pick up truck. I’m sorry, totally unnecessary. The village could have hired more employees for that money. let’s see how good this is going to be in Battery life, very expensive to change the battery and yesterday Ford express that they are losing a tremendous amount of money on their electric vehicles. This is a political stunt.
Let’s see how clean they keep this.
I thought village vehicles were to be white, or the same as all the other trash trucks!!
Next rip out the artificial turf and plant grass.
Yeah, I don’t know what’s going on but the whole fleet has changed colors, one big mix of colors. I don’t understand nothing is uniform.it looks like a mess. Yes the new trucks are nice, but come on man.
Throwing away $$$$$! Good luck with that
77k is a lot of money. All they’re doing is making a political statement about ev’s. Shaking my head.
They spent $77k on a municipal vehicle? That’s literally insane!
Wait, they’re not using their own money…. so, they DON’T CARE!
Next time, use your own money and you’ll buy 3 vehicles for what that 1 vehicle cost we the taxpayers!
We make the same statement about bees and trees, yet we are still talking about artificial turf. This village isn’t susttainable, they just want people to believe that we are. What ever happened to the ban on gas leaf blowers?
Leave my leaf blower alone
Boy boy these two guys in her smiles, Sorry, way too much bull shit. It’s making some of us angry how they are wasting money. Oh yeah, we are allowed to use the word angry. And if some don’t like it well to bad.
Wait until they build the 340 thousand dollar pavilion next to the parking lot
It’s your tax dollars you should be able to use it all the time. You should be able to see the field from it and the playground.
It’s being built for one person ( purpose ) only. We all know that. But it won’t protect from the bears or all the cars that seem to lose control.
Of course we are angry!!! Our tax dollars are in no way being used for our benefit. So sad
Who came up with this, how can they spend $77,000 on this pick up truck, there’s no savings here you still have to put electric to charge the batteries, replaced tires, replaced brakes, they still maintenance, we are very sorry, but this is a mistake. We cannot believe that the CFO would approve this. I know that department is pressured by political. The new manager should be ashamed of himself spending this kind of money. Just remember down the road I give it 60 years you’ll be spending $10,000 for new battery , or with replace it. This is an extremely poor investment. This vehicle was not needed. The supervisor is driving the pick up truck. That’s only a few years old in great shape that could’ve went no problem. Another three years. This is totally unaccepted and unacceptable, this is why the Director of Wershe not be involved in sanitation recycling. He is in charge of utility company sanitation recycling should have their own Director. How can you justify this especially last year you had major breakdowns with sanitation equipment and short on staffing. And where is the old truck, where is that going? There’s one thing if the government gave the village the truck for a trial basis, we can understand that. Especially last year when the workforce was threatened that they might be for load, how the hell do you go from that to spending this foolish amount of money on a pick up truck to do? What for supervisor to ride around inn. It’s just amazing. It’s very sad poor thinking the taxpayers of the village of Ridgewood are so Angry. People do you realize that the supervisor of sanitation is riding around in the most expensive vehicle in town, sanitation, dump trucks, equipment, cost more. My oh my if I was the supervisor, I would be so embarrassed. You talk to any financial advisor they would say where is the savings prove it to us immediately.
What can we do??? People need to wake up
Just show up at a meeting. Just one. Say this exact thing at the podium or ask a spouse or a neighbor to get up and read it for you. The reason they get away with this smoke show is that they believe no one is watching, which is partially true. Dont’ hide in your designer closet, come on out and say what you feel.
Honey, every day I come out of my designer closet loud and proud.
I want a tax refund or reimburse credit on my property tax for this foolishness. Was it really approved it the muni budget?
Very irresponsible way to run a business and not in the best interest of ALL residents.
Most long timers are packing and plan to leave. Ridgewood is Way too expensive and even the new comers (NYC), are in awe with the increases in Ridgewood. Out of Sight!
Ridgewood Deputy Mayor Pamela Perron was the most vocal elected official pushing for the purchase of all electric vehicles. Obviously, she was asleep at the controls with respect to approval of such an overpriced and unnecessarily large model for the intended purpose as described. Surprisingly, Ridgewood Councilperson Siobhan Winograd wasn’t the primary screw up this time; only a 2nd place finish for her.
Another example of the Mayor and his cronies mismanaging and abusing tax payers dollars. What a complete waste!
That was quick! Just 10 days ago the public was told Ridgewood Council Begins Exploring an Electric Vehicle Future. Staff still collecting information prior to any formal action by the council. So who pulled the trigger?
Brace yourselves taxpayers, a current report estimates that 32 vehicles as well as an unspecified number of police vehicles are due to be replaced in the next five years.
They have a BUDGET. If they want to buy expensive stuff, then they will have to pass on buying other stuff. Or, they can use their own money. Whichever they prefer. But, it must be a ZERO SUM GAME!
Dear Mike, this Council Majority (especially the Mayor) is circumventing budgets with an astronomical amount of bonds. Tax payers are in the hook for decades because of their overspending.
What a waste of tax payers dollars. Is this really true. Or is this just a joke.
We have questions,
1-Can you put a plow on it.
2-Can you lower the back up with the garbage?
3-How much weight can you deal with it?
4-How many miles can you go before recharging?
5-What is the recommend maintenance?
6-Who is certified in the village to maintain it?
7-Is the insurance more expensive?
8-What is the life expectancy on the battery?
9-Who is going to keep it clean?
10-How long does it take to charge?
We wonder if you can lease it. Just so you’re not stuck with it just a thought.
Yeah, thats a brilliant idea, piss more money away every month with nothing in return.
Rich, stupid, woke. Not sustainable at all. If they could put their brains to work they would see that EV-s have very little to do with sustainability. The cost to the earth is many times higher than gas. But whatever. This is a liberal stronghold and whatever Biden or Newsom says is to be followed by the the sheep army.
agreed.. its typical liberal virtual signaling. Just like the hollywood limousine liberals who fly in private jets burning 500 gallons per hour of jet-a telling us electric cars will save the planet as john heinz kerry does
Funny the guy driving the eco friendly car is the same one who refuses to pick up recycling in the CBD making business owners who pay property taxes hire outside companies – another reason it’s so hard to fill empty store fronts.
The drum is beating louder to drain the RW swamp!
So parks and rec just got a little go buggy too (gas) and these idiots got a flat bed truck so they can drive aorund to do what exactly, move things around. Why not kill 2 birds with one stone. But no! That would make too much logistical sense to actually have a multipurpose vehicle. Aw it will be so much fun to plug in and pretend you are sustainable. Not blaming the worker bees, they are just buzzing around because that is what they are told to do. It is the gatekeepers guarding the ever present monopoly game of unlimited funds that Ridgewood seems to make available for their pet projects and when they want to appear like they know what they are doing. Let’s talk Habernickle pavillion for $350 k with more $$$ once the golden toilet is installed (Stacey will get the golden key). but heck with those turtle crossing signs over there, the ninja warriors might have a heck of a time fighting off Healthbarn for exclusive use. Don’t ya just love it!
“”parks and rec just got a little go buggy too (gas)””
? Just what kind of a “little go buggy (gas)” did parks and rec just get?
What & Why is go buggy needed for parks and rec to get around? for the recreation ?
The parks dept. supr. has a white pick up truck , blue lettering, to drive around in.
For use on the Graydon Pool property.
Did the tree supervisor get a wood burning vehicle?
EV School bus fire Sayreville, NJ May 16,
Why did the so called water company Utility director approve this. Now the director operations control, recycling, Sanitation very interesting, Does that individual? have any experience driving and operating one of those trucks. Director of water break for the utility. Why is he in charge of sanitation and recycling doesn’t make any sense.