the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, on the Facebook page, “Ridgewood Moms and Dads With Free Speech” Anne LaGrange Loving stumbled on the inevitable ,
“Last night at the Village Council meeting, Councilwoman Walsh said that two new police officer positions need to be created. It takes about nine months to get an officer trained and “on the street,” and by the time that happens some or all of the high density housing will be up and running. She is absolutely correct, this needs to be done. We will need more officers to handle the influx of people, traffic etc. At the Board of Education meeting one of the public commentators discussed the fact that with the increased population we will need more teachers, classrooms, etc. This is a given.
But let us all remember that we were told in no uncertain terms by the team of Aronsohn-Hauck-Pucciarelli that the housing would have zero effect on public safety, garbage, traffic, schools, etc. Of course we knew they were lying, that their so-called “studies” were bogus. We were reprimanded and in some cases actually were yelled at when we questioned what was obviously wrong. But we were helpless to stop them.”
Just a reminder ,because of the misadventures of the team of “Aronsohn-Hauck-Pucciarelli ” aka “the 3 Amigos” and their enablers the Village of Ridgewood taxpayers with get to pay for new police,fire,more water , new schools,teachers ,sewage, road construction and traffic signals for the next 20 years . You can thank them by sending Christmas cards .
The village is going to have to hire more sanitation recycling employees. That’s a must. Or we’re going to have some health hazard issues at that location. And for the new police for the new housing complexes. The village should hire retired or X housing police, why well they have experience the they are trained, and the village will not have to spend the funds for the schooling. The new officers is all well and good but when they come out at Academy they don’t have experience it takes years. The village Police Department all do respect, they don’t have experience with housing do they.
Paul fucked Gwenn, Gwenn fucked Paul, and they both fucked us.
I would like to know the amount of taxes that the village of Ridgewood will be getting at each new location. It’s important to know what the village will be receiving in tax money. Then we can utilize that for hiring more employees throughout the village. It’s definitely gonna be more than police and fire first responders, Sanitation ,recycling ,water ,clean communities.
Was the fucking they got worth the fucking we got??????
Yes the bottom line is what will be the tax revenue from these housing locations.
I’m sure our tax office and see if that has those numbers people they need to be published immediately.
Wait until the GINORMOUS GARAGE and the Low Income Housing Prison comes online….
… Then we will need MANY, MANY MORE COPS!
Garage asshole alert
Garage asshole alert
Garage asshole alert
What about the alert ??????????
Don’t get it .
@Tax Money, regardless of extra taxes that town may or may not get the quality of life in general will deteriorate for everyone. In fact it has started already. Potholes, dirty streets, CBD in disarray etc. are the earliest signs. Add to this the crowds and crime that will go with it and you get a NYC pocket in Bergen County. Taxes won’t fix a thing.
This is not my kind of place to live anymore and I will move at earliest chance.
Deer you are so right. This whole town is changing so fast. And not for the better. The question is where do we move to.
Of course you don’t get it…most elderly don’t.