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Snow reminders from the Ridgewood Police , Ridgewood Fire and Ridgewood blog

fire hydrant

Ridgewood Police : Ice & Snow – Remove It Before You Go

Remember to remove all ice and snow from your vehicle before driving, especially from the hood, windows and roof. It’s the law in New Jersey! Motorists who fail to do so face fines of $25 to $75 for each offense, regardless of whether the ice and snow is dislodged from the vehicle. If flying ice or snow causes property damage or injury to others, motorists face fines of $200 to $1,000 for each offense.

Ridgewood Police :Keep fire hydrant clear

If you have a fire hydrant in front of your house, help yourself and help your neighbors by keeping it clear of snow.

Ridgewood Police : Overnight parking is suspended in the Village

Overnight parking is suspended in the Village. Residents are prohibited from parking on village streets overnight. Please reconfirm but residents residing in the Central Business District are permitted to park vehicles in the Cottage Place and Hudson Street lots.

8 thoughts on “Snow reminders from the Ridgewood Police , Ridgewood Fire and Ridgewood blog

  1. Did you guys get the robo call from the Mayor?

  2. No Im on that other list have. you know the one for violations

  3. Love when my neighbor’s landscrapers plow her driveway and blow her walks clean at 2:30AM.

    Is there a village ordinance against this kind of nonsense….?

  4. The mayor’s ridiculous voice message (it is snowing it is slippery) told us what we could never have known by looking out the window.

    The worst was when he told us to look in our neighbors. Really, Mr. Civility, telling us how to be nice. We’re doing fine without any direction from you

  5. It’d be nice if the plows actually plowed curb to curb like they’re supposed to and not just one small pathway.

  6. Well 4:09 it coiled be worse . The call could have come from BIG AL THE DEVELOPERS FRIEND saying the same thing . Stay home ore some one is going to pay and don’t forget to vote for Gwen and me and a player to be names later.

  7. Sorry ( could and or) Big fingers.

  8. I hope the YMCA is open today…..

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