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U.S. Department of Justice says Obamacare individual mandate unconstitutional


June 10 ,2018
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, The U.S. Department of Justice said on Thursday that the part of Obamacare requiring individuals to have health insurance aka the individual mandate is unconstitutional. This should be interesting to New Jersey voters with the recent signing by Governor Phil Murphy of a rule requiring the enforcement of the individual mandates and thereby fining individuals without insurance .

In a brief filed in a federal court in Texas, the department said a tax law signed last year by President Donald Trump that eliminated penalties for not having health insurance rendered the so-called individual mandate under Obamacare unconstitutional.
The Justice Department said that also nullifies two other major provisions of Obamacare linked to the individual mandate, including one barring insurance companies from denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in a letter to House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, said he had determined the individual mandate will be unconstitutional when the tax law becomes effective in 2019.

2 thoughts on “U.S. Department of Justice says Obamacare individual mandate unconstitutional

  1. Can we apply that ruling to the NJ Murphycare mandate???

  2. According to article VI of the Constitution, when federal and state laws conflict, federal law prevails. New Jersey should be sued by the federal government.

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