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Valley was a great source of UNPAID work for the Ridgewood fire and Ridgewood police

Ridgewood Emergency Services Personnel Assist in the Landing of a Medevac Helicopter

file photo by Boyd Loving

I agree with the contributors that said Valley was a great source of UNPAID work for the local fire and police. They were constantly being called to Valley for false fire alarms (did they ever get charged after two as a Village resident would be?) And the police and firetrucks suddenly pulling out in order to rush to Valley were in a much greater number at a time than the ambulances. Also, the police and fire had to close and guard the Graydon back parking lot every time an emergency (usually heart) patient was helicoptered in. Valley took all of this for free and made no payments in lieu of taxes. I am sure that Valley contributed in some ways to the community (supporting baseball and other teams for example) but not as much as they cost the town. It’s only in the past few years that we have not collected their garbage and recyclables for free as well. And I’ve certainly seen the town trucks clearing their parking lot and roadways before turning to do the town itself. And they are not far away when they move, as well as maintaining a full (probably no in lieu of taxes with it either) facility at their original spot.

5 thoughts on “Valley was a great source of UNPAID work for the Ridgewood fire and Ridgewood police

  1. This will continue… Valley will continue to keep the building open and operating.

  2. I thought Valley paid a substantial fee to police and fire? Is that untrue?

  3. The great and all knowing “Oz” has spoken.

  4. Valley needs to pay taxes and at the very least user fees for services rendered. This would help us believe in their assertion that they are a good neighbor ( Maybe!)

  5. Untrue 12pm. They should be paying for these services but they don’t. The Village Council should be challenging Valley’s “not-for-profit” status in court based on the Morristown precedent but they do nothing. We’re literally leaving millions of dollars of payments in lieu of taxes from Valley on the table as a result. Taxpayers should be sickened by this inability to protect Ridgewood tax payer interests but no one seems to care.

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