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Village of Ridgewood Mayor Ramon Hache Goes to Washington

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photo courtesy of Village of Ridgewood Mayor Ramon Hache

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, Village of Ridgewood Mayor Ramon Hache was hosted by Rep. Josh Gottheimer  along with other 5th Congressional District Mayors at a meeting in Washington D.C.  To Meet with FEMA, Department of Transportation, Department of Defense and USDA  and to discuss government programs and grants that could benefit our community including funding for sidewalks, other quality of life improvements, natural disaster preparedness and surplus equipment for Police and Fire.

11 thoughts on “Village of Ridgewood Mayor Ramon Hache Goes to Washington

  1. Brace yourself…
    … more money with strings attached coming.
    Remember the bike path to nowhere (and that was benign compared to what’s next)


  2. Out of 79 towns he could only get 5 to show up? Ouch! And I’m guessing they are all Dems.

  3. He’s right on track.

  4. Thank goodness our mayor isn’t wearing brown shoes with his blue suit.

  5. One way for local counsels to improve the quality of life is to pay attention to the needs of electorate from whence you came. No need to go to Washington to be told keep taxes down, improve services, avoid conflicts created by developers and their real estate interests, etc. etc.

    But I am sure it was a lovely day down in DC.

  6. And this is different than the three amigos under handed work. Not

  7. No different Taxpayer. Posters on this blog went after Paulie for using Ridgewood as a steeping stone.

  8. Waste of taxpayer money

  9. Ramon must be loving all that concrete in the background. I hope he doesn’t come new ideas about turning Ridgewood into the new DC. I can’t believe I put his sign on my lawn.

  10. Concrete = local Influence with contractors & Developers money people

  11. Hope he shared the ridiculous zucchini he accepted from healthbarn with his dc pals

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