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A Trifecta in Ridgewood – Contamination found at 3 parks; 2 existing and 1 planned

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the staff of The Ridgewood Blog

Ridgewood NJ, this sign is posted at the former Town Garage property on Franklin Avenue.

The Village recently acquired this property through a condemnation process for purposes of building a pocket park.

So, Schedler, Habernickel, and an as yet to be constructed/named park are all contaminated.

What a riot!


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16 thoughts on “A Trifecta in Ridgewood – Contamination found at 3 parks; 2 existing and 1 planned

  1. Pocket Park, LOL
    First, they need to pick the taxpayer pocket.

    1. some people lived in the Bronx to long

    2. Congratulations! PFAS Paulie and his dingbats have officially brought the worst Jersey Stereotype to Ridgewood!

  2. Idiot Festival.

  3. Oh, don’t worry, I have three more spots for the DEP to inspect,

  4. I love the fact that the village has so delicately named the dirty dirt “Imported Fill Material”. If only the village engineer did his job and actually applied the correct standards and alerted officials that more than just the companies that legally dumped but also those that just dumped and got away with it. There are cameras over there at that property, aren’t there. Why were these people not caught and fined and also did that then not signal that contamination would be a great probability?

  5. but lets keep drinking the poison water…

  6. So the engineering department allowed the CBD developers to dump their contaminated soil FOR FREE at the Schedler toxic waste dump, then these fools bought a known and well documented contaminated Town Garage site and there’s contamination at Habernackel where people are growing food to feed children. After I write in Gold Bar Bobby for US Senate, I’m voting for Vag as many times as I can. We need more corruption and contamination. Make Contamination Great Again!

  7. For free my ass, Can you imagine being the contractor how much money they saved? They knew what was in a ground at these locations, if you think the town garage is contaminated And that’s a small partial of land. Look at the size of the other locations and look at the work that they did there.
    Someone had to receive a nice envelope, if not then you’re really stupid, and I’m sure that engineering went to the mayor and council and said look at us. We’re going to build you a big 1500 foot berm For free, what’s in it for us? There had to be a stipend, and again if not, they are really stupid. Think about that.

  8. Idiot Festival

  9. I’m sure they can just smear a rubber rug over all of it and be done and then Evan can let his children play with his

  10. So far the scariest is Habernickel because kids have been playing there for years! And a business for years too that feeds kids out of the ground

  11. Wait until they inspect the construction yard behind the water pollution plant in Glenrock, you don’t wanna know what’s in that ground.

    1. But “[t]he soil of man’s heart is stonier.”

  12. Someone is getting PAID to find and remediate! It’s money game. Is this going out for Open Bid or is this being done by the guys who are known to Keith?
    Check prior connevctions for these Matrix(?) guys.

  13. The dumping happened before Mayor Vagianos’ tenure.

    The current council will clean up their mess.

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