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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Arts for Our Village Youth is a new group in the Village of Ridgewood with the goal of supporting the interest of the youth of Ridgewood in the development of the new Performing Arts Center (the old Ridgewood Warner Movie Theatre). The group is the brain child of resident Zarmeen Patil, who asked in a Facebook post,”Who’s with me to fight the erosion of our community – our fight to keep the theatre. Let’s not fix what ain’t broken.”

Make sure the space includes movie watching opportunities, music, and theater that is youth focused, and we are represented in how the new space is developed and built.


The group is inviting residents :

Come join us today 11:30AM at the Ridgewood Movie Theatre to take a picture and show our support for the future of youth arts at our (to be) new Ridgewood PAC!!!!
We are hopeful to make our voices heard and share our message to keep a cinema
experience in the new space and embrace the youth demographic as a safe destination for socialization in our town. Please join us!! Let’s raise our voices to Bow Tie Partners and come together with interests that work for all.
In the meantime, please sign this petition to also help support.


CALLING ALL WANNA-BE MOVIE STARS! #invest ,#Wefunder #startupfunding, #venturecapital, #crowdfunding, #fundmystartup, #investinstartups, #startupinvesting, #fundraising, #startuplife, #startupcommunity, #startupgrind, #investmentopportunity

14 thoughts on “Arts for Our Village Youth: WE WANT TO WATCH MOVIES IN RIDGEWOOD

  1. I admire the good intentions, but:

    Does anyone understand how a free market works anymore? This is a privately owned business on a privately owned property. The movie theater is closing because there simply wasn’t enough demand. You can’t force a privately owned business to reopen or to convert to a PAC just because you think it would be nice.

    Now if you’re serious, what you could do is to work with local government to provide enough incentives to this business to entice them to consider this use. But that raises a whole separate conversation about how much you want government involved with business in our CBD.

    1. The owner of the property has stated he would like to see a performance arts center. Just look at Montclair and Morristown for examples how a 1300 plus space can be used, including for movies.

    2. Exactly, and exactly. No PAC will work either if we are to be honest. If a theatre is unprofitable, a PAC will be too.

      Time to renovate and move on. Like buggy whips, it’s time has come and gone. Thank NetFlix and the other streamers, and $10 popcorn.

      1. Why do those in Montclair and Morristown work?

        1. Why do theaters in Paramus work but not in Ridgewood?

          This is a fun game.

          1. Answer, one word!

            P A R K I N G!

    3. The sad fact is many people today have no idea how a free market economy works. Even sadder is a growing number of young people believe that a free market economy is evil.

  2. Move On?? The owner is trying to do his best to stay true to his desire to remained committed to have the arts remain in Ridgewood as he thinks that Ridgewood is a vibrant and sophisticated community.

    If you don’t know, he is 4th generation family owner and he presently knows a movie only business is not the right formula for success with streaming etc. but he also envisions something more impactful both to the Ridgewood community as well as his company’s bottom line.

    He is the taxpayer, not the naysayers that post their own theories about what or shouldn’t be done with that person’s property. He is spending multi millions to take an old amusement park in the Albany NY area that he visited as a kid and reopen it for others to enjoy as he once did. Rather than criticize his plans, those who reminisce about what is being lost should consider the benefits of what a next generation performance arts center would bring to Ridgewood.

    The Mayo PAC in Morristown and the Wellfleet in Montclair are both very popular and profitable venues that have helped their respective town CBO’s.

    1. Real estate is bought and sold based upon it’s Highest and Best Use (HABU). “The reasonably probable and legal use of vacant land or an improved property that is physically possible, appropriately supported, financially feasible, and that results in the highest value.” The Warner is no longer financially feasible. The alternative which would likely bring the highest value is a mixed-use retail/multifamily asset built to the greatest density allowable under the current zoning ordinance.

  3. I don’t see a local connection. At the end of the day, this is a business. I’ll hope for the best but…….

    here is the owner/CEO bio:

  4. We need another parking garage for that. What do you think Mayor?

    1. Yes, and if you raise the rates, it will become even more popular!

      It’s like putting the finest Scotch Whisky in a $2 bottle, nobody would buy it. But if you put cheap Bourbon mixed with horse pi$$ in an expensive bottle and label it “small batch,” it would fly off the shelves.

      Wouldn’t a new “boutique” parking garage (must give it a snooty name though) become the place to see and be seen?

  5. Perhaps establishing an alliance with Jamboree would help. Jamboree people love to be on stage and be seen and they collect more than $200k every year for college kids in need of $. That money can go towards the PAC that so many seem to want.

    1. Yeah!

      And I’ll call Billy and he can bring his dad’s speakers.
      And Annie and the girls can can make costumes.
      And Louis and Audrey can write lyrics and the script.
      And Theodore’s mom can make curtains.
      And Joey’s dad’s and electrician – I’m sure he’d help out

      And we can put on a show to raise money and save the Ol’ Movie House!

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