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Attorney Client Privilege Used to Protect Dubious Credentials of Ridgewood Village Council Historical Consultant

Peter Primavera Copy

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, did Matt Rogers admit to being the historical consultant Peter Primavera’s attorney? At Wednesday evenings Village Council meeting  resident Jackie Hone , who was denied an OPRA request under client attorney privilege. Village Attorney Matt Rogers  said attorney client privilege extends to consultants hired by the Village .

The hiring of Primavera has been yet another point of serious contention with the current council . Critics focus on his dubious, ethically challenged character , resume enhancements and the inability to verify anything he says.

Hone told the blog ,”When I checked the email log, the only attorney was Matt Rogers. So last night I asked point blank.”


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11 thoughts on “Attorney Client Privilege Used to Protect Dubious Credentials of Ridgewood Village Council Historical Consultant

  1. Jeezus, Matt has lost his sense of decency.

  2. What in the world does this man have on the mayor and his cronies? They defend him against all legit criticism.

  3. This historic consultant is shady as sh*t and why we are paying him with the tax dollars of hard working honest people is beyond me. Rumor has it that Gail Price is the one who introduced the mayor, Paul Vagioanos to this kook but they keep trying to protect him. He doesn’t seem to be on the level about anything so why Ridgewood hasn’t dumped him is a mystery.

    1. We don’t mind.

      We WILL NOT do anything.

      We are
      RICH and STUPID

  4. Dubious is probably way too generous for this guy. The guy seems to have issues in both his personal life and professional life is beyond me. He must either be friends with one of the majority council members, Paul, Pam, Siobahn, Evan, Matt. There has got to be a reason why they are protecting him.

  5. welcome to Hudson county , you idiots losers final wrecked the town

  6. Voters in the Village are “stoopid” x2

  7. the Village Attorney is here to protect the Village not the sleazebags in the council

  8. Attorney client privilege can apply to a village consultant but only in the context of receiving legal advice from an attorney. IN the context of his hiring it is hard to imagine a conversation with Rogers and the consultant being legal advice. Moreover, in that context Rogers represented the Village. He can’t also represent the consultant–that would be a clear ethical conflict. Matt doenst seem to have thought this all the way through

    The claim of privilege can be challenged in court if anyone is that interested

  9. Which one of this multitude of dubious officials is the Wizard of OZ? Someone is sprinkling a generous batch of fairy dust to create these stranger and stranger actions by our officials.

  10. Someone mentioned Hudson county but this is Bergen County and Ridgewood no less. We are supposed to be one of the greatest cities in NJ to live in but the evil doings of the council with tax dollars, especially where this character is concerned is just crazy on so many levels. First, Matt all but absolved Paul Vagianos’ $47K loan to Richard Brooks and Gail Price (mortgage plus interest) and said it was “alleged” even though there was a notarized document signed by an attorney who also lives in Ridgewood. Brooks, Parks and Rec Chair, Price, Partner in the lawfirm representing the giant electronic billboard. Did Matt do an investigation? I don’t think so. He hurriedly put together a BS document saying Paul didn’t benefit, maybe not financially… yet, but maybe he stands to in other ways. Seems like there is so much corruption in this little village. The allegiance to this character makes no sense either. Something is rotten in Denmark.

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