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Is your town’s ban on political lawn signs unconstitutional?



With barely three months left before the presidential election, 2016 candidate lawn signs are sprouting like mushrooms throughout the Garden State. Claude Brodesser-Akner, Read more

3 thoughts on “Is your town’s ban on political lawn signs unconstitutional?

  1. I am seeing signs for only one candidate so far in the US House race. It would be nice if they didn’t start popping up on lawns until 60 days out instead of 4 months.

  2. The problem is after the election when these signs are still up weeks later.

  3. The towns attorney had drafted a residential sign ordinance for the council to consider at a scheduled public meeting. He and the council then heard from residents via this blog and at that public meeting. They dropped the contemplated ordinance like a hot brick and never picked it back up again. Civic involvement is important!

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