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Blame Rests With Governor Murphy for Cancelled NJT Trains

Ridgewood Train Station

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Temperatures are rising for commuters this summer on NJ Transit trains. Riders are angry about the agency’s failure to keep the trains moving as scheduled.

A protest by engineers upset by what they say is a contract violation by Transit is leading to an increase in cancelled trains. The employees are refusing to work their scheduled days off, leaving riders stranded on station platforms.

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Is that my Uber? Rooney bill has the answer

Marco Rubio Speech On Innovation At Uber's DC Offices

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  A college student from New Jersey was murdered after she got into a car driven by a predator, not the Uber driver she expected. This week, police charged a suspect with picking up a young woman who called for Uber at a bar in Manhattan, drugging and assaulting her in a motel near the airport in Newark. These are two of a growing list of similar incidents.

Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney increases safeguards with his legislation helping riders confirm the identity of their ride-share drivers.

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Assemblyman Warns Murphy’s Runaway Spending Assures Even Higher Taxes for Weary New Jerseyans

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file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wayne NJ, Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney warned the state’s economy is in danger without meaningful spending cuts after attending Gov. Phil Murphy’s invitation-only budget roundtable for Passaic County elected officials.

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Murphy’s bloated budget hurts over-taxed New Jerseyans 

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

HACKENSACK NJ,Following an invitation-only budget roundtable for elected Bergen County officials at Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Metropolitan Campus, Assemblymen Christopher P. DePhillips and Kevin J. Rooney slammed the Murphy administration’s runaway spending and tax increases. 

“We can’t have any meaningful discussion around this budget without addressing spending cuts and tax cuts,” said DePhillips (R-Bergen). “Moreover, Trenton should be required to live within a two percent spending cap, just like every municipality in our state.”

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Rooney bills Put Warning Labels on Prescription Pain killers

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood blog has previously reported that an elderly Twp of Washington resident had a proscription filled that was labeled in Spanish , when she was not a Spanish speaker .

On a day when legislation legalizing marijuana dominated the news cycle even without a vote, two bills advanced combating the public health crisis of opioid misuse and related overdoses.

A bill (A3292) mandating warning stickers on bottles of prescribed opioids was approved by Senate Monday. It cleared the Assembly last March, and moves to the Gov. Phil Murphy’s desk for consideration. Also on Monday, the Assembly passed a measure (A4883) requiring hospital discharge papers to include opioid warnings.

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Lawmakers Advance Legislation Aimed at Making It Easier for State Government to Recycle

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

TRENTON NJ, A measure working its way through the Legislature would re-invigorate recycling efforts by state government.  While New Jersey’s recycling rate is well above the national average, it is still below the state’s goal set by the Legislature in 1992 to reduce waste by 50 percent. The Assembly Environment Committee advanced the bill (A3770) Monday setting it up for a vote in the full Assembly.  Sponsored by Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney, it requires all state offices to recycle and provide bins for cans, plastic bottles, paper, cardboard and glass. “Recycling is second nature for the majority of families, schools and businesses,” said Rooney (R-Bergen).

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Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney Named Honorary Chair for the American Kennel Club

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Wyckoff NJ, local Assemblyman Kevin J Rooney was named Honorary Chair of the American Kennel Club and the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.

“I am honored and excited to announce that I will be serving as an Honorary Chair for the American Kennel Club and Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show‘s Meet the Breeds Event this weekend! The tenth annual event gives dog lovers the unique opportunity to meet and play with more than 100 different breeds in booths individually decorated to depict each breed’s country of origin, historical purpose/function, and attributes as a family pet, all while learning about responsible dog ownership and which breeds may be right for them. Events like these serve an important role in teaching animal care and making sure we do our part to give every animal, big or small, a great life. Taking care of animals is a passion of mine. I’ve sponsored several pieces of legislation to protect animals”

. Click the links below to read more about the bills:…/…/…/…/

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Large Crowds Packed Downtown Ridgewood for the Christmas Tree Lighting

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photo by Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney commented on last nights Christmas tree Lighting in Ridgewood , “What a wonderful night in Downtown Ridgewood, New Jersey, a beautiful village in the 40th district. Thousands of people from the community gathered around to enjoy live performances, great food, and most importantly the 78 foot tree lighting ceremony. Thank you to the Mayor and Council, the Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce, and the sponsors for continuing this tradition and completing its 33rd year! “

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Legislators Discuss state fiscal crisis of unsustainable legacy pension and benefit costs at the NJ Economic and Fiscal Policy Workgroup for Bergen County

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photo courtesy of Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney was at Bergen Community College attending the NJ Economic and Fiscal Policy Workgroup for Bergen County with Senator Kristin M. Corrado and several other legislators. Our state faces a fiscal crisis of unsustainable legacy pension and benefit costs that suppress economic growth and competitiveness by crowding out needed investments in infrastructure, higher education, and economic development that other states are making. The legislature created the Workgroup to identify ways to address soaring pension and benefit costs, hold down property taxes, make state and local government and school districts more efficient, leverage the value of our assets, and mitigate the negative impact of the federal tax laws that target high-cost states.

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Rooney/Bramnick E-Z Pass bill protecting commuters from being overcharged using bridges and tunnels into New York wins committee approval


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ,  Thebridges and tunnels into New Yorkadvanced legislation sponsored by Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney and Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick that protects New Jersey’s E-Z Pass customers from being overcharged when using bridges and tunnels into New York.

The legislation is in response to an AAA study that found drivers who purchased E-Z Pass tags from out of state agencies are being charged the cash rate instead of the discount rate at New York bridges and tunnels operated by the Metropolitan Transit Authority. Between 2012 and 2016, of the 92 million out-of-towners who didn’t receive the discount rate, 70 million were New Jersey drivers.

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Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney introduced legislation that would raise the age limit for students to be claimed as dependents on their parent’s state income taxes

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff NJ, Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney introduced legislation that would raise the age limit for students to be claimed as dependents on their parent’s state income taxes.
“Paying college tuition isn’t cheap,” said Rooney (R-Bergen). “It takes many students more than four years to finish, and time is money – especially for parents who are footing the bill while their son or daughter lives at home.”

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UPDATE :Governor Phil Murphy Tours Flood Damaged Areas in Little Falls and Woodland Park, Declares State of Emergency

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photos courtesy of Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Little Falls NJ, Senator Kristin M. Corrado,Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips , Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney with Governor Phil Murphy, Mayor Kazmark and Mayor Damiano toured the damage caused by Saturday’s flooding in Little Falls and Woodland Park.

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Assemblyman Rooney Bills Move to Stem Excessive E-ZPass fees


August 11,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff NJ, Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney moves to stem excessive fees on E-ZPass users.

Rooney commented on Facebook , “Recently, the news has highlighted the excessive and outrageous administrative fees the Turnpike Authority is charging drivers for missing an E-ZPass toll. If the system malfunctions, then drivers shouldn’t be penalized. One of the primary reasons E-ZPass was created was to offer discounted rates. Charging these fees completely contradicts this purpose.

Last year I introduced three pieces of legislation – A1002, AR34, and AR35 – to address a different “discount deception” that New Jersey E-ZPass users suffer. If you use your toll transponder out of state, you’ll often be charged the cash rate instead of the discounted E-ZPass rate. My legislation moves to fix that. Drivers need to be treated fairly no matter what the circumstances. New Jersey is already the most expensive state in the country to live in; we cannot become the most expensive state to drive in too.”

In an email Rooney went on, “If you use your NJ-issued toll transponder out of state, you’ll may be charged the cash rate instead of the discounted E-ZPass rate. Especially in New York. For example, NJ drivers using the Queens-Midtown Tunnel are charged $8.50 instead of the discounted rate of $5.76. My legislation moves to fix that.

Commuters and New Jersey drivers do not deserve the outrageous fees being charged against them. Drivers need to be treated fairly no matter what the circumstances. New Jersey is already the most expensive state in the country to live in; we cannot become the most expensive state to drive in too.”

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Rooney bill creates recycling program for plastic bags

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August 1,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff NJ,  Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney has introduced legislation requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to establish a recycling program for plastic bags and plastic film.

“We know how bad plastic bags are for the environment” said Rooney (R-Bergen). “They constantly litter highways, parks and street corners, clog sewage systems, and easily damage marine and wildlife.”

Rooney’s bill (A4349) requires the department to develop a program for stores and municipal recycling centers to collect and recycle plastic bags and film, such as bread and produce bags, food storage bags, and paper towel and bathroom tissue wrappings.

“It’s not that used plastic bags, wraps and film can’t be recycled, they just need to be recycled differently,” said Rooney.

The department will also develop an education program about the dangers of plastics, how people can reduce their use, and where items can be taken to be recycled. The new program will have no additional cost to the state or local taxpayers.

“Instead of turning to another new, useless tax it’s time we implement real changes to help the environment and residents of New Jersey,” concluded Rooney.

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Summer Boating Etiquette


Ju;y 22,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff NJ, from the desk of Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney, according to Nationwide, most boaters quickly pick up the rules of the water – how to pass, navigate, dock and minimize wakes. Safety is mandatory, etiquette, unfortunately, is not. Not everyone, however, learns how to be courteous and considerate of other boaters.

Understanding the unwritten rules of the water isn’t just about being polite. It helps keep the water safer and less stressful for everyone.

Here are some etiquette tips to keep in mind when sharing the water this summer:
Be prepared: It’s assumed that if you’re captaining a boat, you know the safety rules – how to navigate, pass, anchor and dock safely. It is important to educate yourself by taking a proper boating safety course. Boaters in the Garden State are required to carry a boating safety certificate, along with a boating license, while operating any motorized vessel. More than 30 states, including New Jersey, accept online boating safety courses. Read more about NJ’s safety regulations and requirements here.
Get in and out efficiently: The vast majority of all boats on the water are brought there on trailers, according to Croft, meaning launch ramps can become patience-trying bottlenecks if boaters aren’t considerate of others. From the moment you pull into the parking lot, you should be in the mode of doing this quickly, efficiently and in the minimal amount of time that is possible. Make sure the boat is loaded with everything you need before you put it into the water, so you can launch quickly and clear the ramp for the next person. The same goes for marinas and restaurants. Don’t tie up in ways that preclude others from docking. If you’re fueling up, don’t dawdle or hold up others waiting their turn. Being aware of others is equally important when you return to the ramp after a day on the water. You’ll want to get out of the water as quickly and efficiently as possible to keep others from waiting.
Educate guests: Make sure your passengers are familiar with the boat including where things are, where to stand, how to move around safely and what to do if problems arise. If guests aren’t wearing lifejackets, make sure they know where they are. Explain the situations when they’ll need to sit down – when you accelerate or encounter another boat’s wake, for example – and make sure you clearly alert all passengers in time for them to do so. Educating guests begins even before you get in the water. Remind your friends not to park in spaces reserved for boats and the vehicles towing them and to be considerate of other boaters working to get their boats in our out of the water.
Anchors (far) away: Whether you’re dropping anchor for a break or the evening, be aware of your distance from other boaters. Changes in tides, wind, and currents can swing boats at anchor in unpredictable ways. Depending on the length of the anchor line, boats can shift far from where they dropped anchor.
Lend a hand: Not all boaters are old salts, so if you see someone struggling to dock or get their boat on the trailer, offer to help. More often than not, people who need help will say yes.
Wave: Regardless of the size of the boat, greet nearby vessels with a wave. Along with offering other boaters a friendly greeting, doing so sends a signal that you’re aware of their presence. When someone waves, it shows that they know where you are and what your course is. We’re all sharing the water, and it keeps the stress to a minimum level.