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The Ridgewood Planning Board hosted the first of four Work Sessions on the new Master Plan

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Planning Board hosted the first of four Work Sessions on the new Master Plan .

For anyone who could not attend, or would like to review the presentation again, the Planning Board has posted the document under their  new Presentations page.

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Reader says ,”The developers want a new library, Performing Arts Center and more parking garages”

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“The library and Board of Education will be our undoing. The debt that they will incur is irresponsible. It is not clear that anyone in power stands for fiscal responsibility.

The developers want a new library, Performing Arts Center and more parking garages. It makes their rentals more appealing and will attract the NYC and Hoboken renters.

The residents will be paying for everything.”

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Reader says ,”Don’t get me started on them. Aronsohn did so many questionable unethical things”

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

“Don’t get me started on them. Aronsohn did so many questionable unethical things. Like trying to derail Mike Sedon’s original run for office by contacting his employer in Staten Island on a fake conflict-of-interest concern. He actually got the Ridgewood News to pull a letter to the editor that a citizen had written because he did not like the letter (yes, he was in the newspaper office constantly monitoring their articles and incoming letters). He tried to get an employer to fire a local citizen who had crossed paths with Aronsohn. He publicly went after Bernie Walsh (along with Gwenn and Albert) attacking her for ‘fixing” a parking ticket which she absolutely did not do. The three of them, led by Aronsohn of course, went after Tom Richie for a conflict with his company doing work for the Village, which was not a secret, nothing under the table, although they tried to imply that it was. They all went after Susan Knudsen for questioning residency requirements for civilian jobs, by bringing a labor attorney to the council meeting to attack her (this was met with a huge groundswell of anger against the three of them). Then of course you had Aronsohn and Hauck, who were both married, having a love affair while they were serving together. And Aronsohn tried to get the civil service list changed so that Keith Killion’s son would be bounced off. The list goes on and on. He is despicable by any standards. And Roberta? Oh my word. Remember when she wrote a letter to the paper attacking a citizen who had spoken up about Schedler??? What the hell kind of rogue Village Manager starts publicly attacking citizens? And she used to interrupt council deliberations incessantly with her opinions, clearly forgetting that she was not an elected official. Every time there was any kind of swearing-in or proclamation, she would come down from the dais with the elected officials and stand there for her photo ops. And no one can forget how she tried to physically block a citizen from getting signatures in Van Neste, the signatures were for the referendum to stop the garage – yes, there are photos of that incident, where she stepped in claiming she was trying to present the facts. When a citizen was assaulted during a council meeting they carried on like nothing had happened and refused to admonish the person who hit the other person. What a crew they were. Just horrible.”

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Reader calls Fair Share Housing , “just another liberal “land grab” with redistribution of wealth”


“This is just another liberal “land grab” with redistribution of wealth. The constitution doesn’t grant anyone anything ,but liberals like rewarding underachieving and punishing those hardworking people. All this will do is create micro ghettos with shit all over the state”

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Former Mayor Paul Aronsohn and Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld are back in the news and still GUILTY of Misusing Public Funds

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, So Paul Aronsohn and Roberta Sonenfeld are back in the news.  It seems that their GUILTY charge of misusing public funds still stands.  Do you remember back in 2016 when Aronsohn was pushing for the MONSTER garage?  He and Roberta made a video using public funds to promote a YES vote for their parking garage.  The video was billed with an invoice on which Gwenn Hauck’s name appears).  The video included Aronsohn imploring everyone to vote for this massive bond because he felt it was desperately needed.  Some village officials were interviewed on the video (while working, that is, their salaries were being paid to make this promotional video).  And it was posted on the Village website which is paid for by all the taxpayers.

Continue reading Former Mayor Paul Aronsohn and Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld are back in the news and still GUILTY of Misusing Public Funds

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Reader says, Paul, Al , Gwen and later Roberta. They forced the high density ordinances

Village Council Tables Vote on High Density Housing

“It was Paul, Al , Gwen and later Roberta. They forced the high density ordinances and were pushing an even larger garage on Hudson. The current structure is a compromise. I hate it too but was around for the big fight and attended the meetings.”

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

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Reader says , “they’re going to give you free headphones and earplugs”

high density

“I heard when you rent out one of these units they’re going to give you free headphones and earplugs. Wait until the train comes past and blows don’t warn all crazy hours of the night. And what about the freight train hauling past your home all crazy hours of the night vibrating that building you will see. Hopefully I’ll take care of the rats on the tracks. And wait until you see the characters that will be living at some of these locations. They’ll fit in just fine you’re right.”

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Reader says , “Those apartments will be full of temporary 8 year residents who cant afford a down payment on a house.”

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“I’ve lived here since 1969 never had kids in the schools and cheerfully write my property tax check to subsidize the children of others. When I retire, the LAST place in the world I would move to would be an apartment next to the train tracks. I’ll head south to FLA, so NJ can’t pick the pocket of my multiple 7 figure estate. (when the state inheritance tax was repealed *partially* it allowed only children and spouses to benefit. Since I have no children, its going to friends kids who would be taxed. It AINT HAPPENNING. As usual those of us without children get screwed by the state of NJ, with school taxes when we are alive, and with estate taxes when we croak.
Those apartments will be full of temporary 8 year residents who cant afford a down payment on a house.”

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Reader Calls High Density Housing in Ridgewood’s CBD ,”a marker as to how far we have drifted from any reasonable standards”

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“In regards to the photograph of the new apartment complex aside the Train.

It is a disgrace , a marker as to how far we have drifted from any reasonable standards. It looks like a loading dock
in the back of an abandoned Sears distribution site.

yes ,we know that it has not been completed..what is next
is the Cars versus pedestrians around this unacceptable
project. We have become hackensack in worst way.

THE ROADS ARE SHOT , & It has been a LIGHT Snow & Ice event WINTER…COUNTY Has abandoned its responsibility to VOR county main roads outside of the hot patch County pothole carts.This is not acceptable government at any level of minimum needs of very high taxed citizens.”

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Reader says , “I love all this congestion” , “More people more cars more shopping more spending”


“I love all this congestion. There’s going to be so much more traffic from all these new condos being built. More people more cars more shopping more spending yes. And more of the things we never think about or talk about. Just think about 1000 more people living in the CBD. Think about all these people need supplies food services it’s going to be interesting. I wonder how much the town is receiving in taxes at all these locations being built. And what are we providing them in return just interesting just curious just a thought anyone now.”

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Benefits of Apartment Living


Apartment living has its own perks and privileges. But, many consider apartment living for its many benefits. For a lot of young people, it is a lifestyle worth considering. Those who opt for an apartment find several benefits of living on it, or much better compared to a regular house.


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Homebuilding revs up in NJ, led by multifamily construction


MAY 30, 2015    LAST UPDATED: SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2015, 1:20 AM

Home construction continues to heat up in New Jersey, especially in the multifamily sector, as builders obtained the largest number of monthly permits in April since the housing-boom days of 2005.

More than 3,700 building permits were issued last month. So far this year, 9,118 permits have been issued, up 12.3 percent from the first four months of 2014, according to the U.S. census.

This year’s increase in activity has been powered by the multifamily sector, as New Jersey’s long-term patterns of suburban, single-family development shift to a denser, more urban style. So far this year, multifamily permits have accounted for almost two-thirds of building permits issued in the state, as builders respond to a higher demand for rentals.

Patrick O’Keefe, an economist with the accounting firm CohnReznick, which has offices in New York and Roseland, expects single-family starts to remain flat, in part because young adults — the so-called millennial generation — often can’t qualify for mortgages because of tight lending standards and high levels of student-loan debt. In addition, he said, millennials “have experienced a housing market where prices went down, and have a more realistic assessment of housing as an asset.”