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Governor Murphy Makes it Official Signs Executive Order Ending COVID-19 Public Health Emergency

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ,  at his final COVID-19 press briefing, Governor Phil Murphy announced the signing of Executive Order No. 292, which lifts the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency in addition to the statewide school and daycare mask mandate, effective on Monday, March 7. This major step has been made possible by the Murphy Administration’s comprehensive and pandemic response efforts.

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There are Lessons to be Learned from Studying Impact of Remote Classes on Students

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Senator Holly Schepisi today called for the Legislature to act swiftly in lame duck and pass a bill that would require the Commissioner of Education to prepare a report on learning loss and the operation of public schools during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

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Ridgewood Schools to Launch Full Day In-Person Instruction Starting September

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Schools have taken a slow but steady approach to reopening schools with appropriate incremental steps. Because the district proceeded with caution, there have been minimal interruptions due to classroom and building closures. The future looks promising, as vaccinations become more widely available and public health guidance begins to shift.

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Teachers and Students will Go Full-Time, In-Person Instruction Beginning Fall 2021

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photo by Boyd Loving

Governor Murphy Announces That Schools Will Be Required to Provide Full-Time, In-Person Instruction Beginning Fall 2021

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Continuing his commitment to ensuring that students have access to a high-quality education, Governor Phil Murphy today announced that upon the conclusion of this school year, portions of Executive Order 175 allowing remote learning will be rescinded, meaning that schools will be required to provide full-day, in-person instruction, as they were prior to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.

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Finally Governor Murphy, Senate President Sweeney, and Assembly Speaker Coughlin Announce Intention to End COVID-19 Public Health Emergency

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, As New Jersey continues to make progress in the fight against COVID-19 and with state metrics continuing to trend in the right direction, Governor Phil Murphy and his Administration have begun working with Senate President Sweeney and Assembly Speaker Coughlin on legislation that will end the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency in place since March 2020, while also ensuring that the Administration retains necessary tools to manage the ongoing threat to public health, as well as recovery and vaccination efforts.

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Democracy Index : U.S. Now Ranks As A “Flawed Democracy” As Liberty Retreats


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, “Liberals” claim to be all in favor of democracy and civil liberties. But they have largely been unperturbed by the steep worldwide decline in both caused by their lockdowns.

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New Jersey is the Most Fled State in the Nation

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by Charles Stampul
Ridgewood NJ, With a state of emergency still in place and no easy answer to the untold economic fallout, New Jersey residents are leaving in droves.  Data released by United Van Lines and  compiled by Bloomberg shows NJ ahead of New York, Illinois and California for percentage of departures.

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New Jersey Turnpike Authority holding public hearings on toll increase despite the COVID-19 public health emergency

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In New Jersey and Raising Taxes is Far More Important than  a National Pandemic  

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

WOODBRIDGE NJ,  The New Jersey Turnpike Authority is holding two public hearings about a proposed toll increase today, despite the COVID-19 public health emergency. The Sierra Club has asked them to postpone hearings and extend the public comment period because of Governor Murphy’s Executive Order 103. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Sierra Club staff members are barred from attending public meetings or asking our members to attend public meetings. This is true for many environmental organizations and NGOs as well. We are being more responsible than the NJ Turnpike Authority to protect public health and safety.

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