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Guadagno Proposes Full-Scale Audit on New Jersey’s Finanaces

Kim Guadagno

October 24,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Kim Guadagno the Republican candidate for governor has proposed conducting a full state audit of New Jersey’s finances or lack there of  as part of her 8 point plan to right a sinking ship . Neighbors are fleeing New Jersey because of excessive taxes and the sky high cost of living, yet Trenton dose not seem to understand how dire the situation is for New Jersey families.

1)Conduct Full-Scale Audit
On day one, Kim will order a complete audit of state government finances, operations and programs to root out waste, abuse and inefficiencies in all areas of state government. Savings realized from the “Audit Trenton” initiative will be given back to the taxpayers in the form of property tax relief.

2) Support An Independently Elected Attorney General
New Jersey is one of only a handful of states that allows the governor to appoint its top law enforcement official. A Guadagno administration would support a proposal to establish an independently-elected attorney general, or commission an independent special prosector in the event the governor or lieutenant governor is under investigation. This will ensure the state’s top law enforcement agency in the state is accountable only to the people of New Jersey to root out potential corruption and abuse.

3) Use Zero-based Budgeting
The first budget proposal presented by the Guadagno administration will utilize “zero-based budgeting” techniques, forcing all state spending to be justified based upon need and cost. Kim will also nominate Cabinet officials who understand that finding savings for taxpayers ranks second only to protecting our citizens’ health, safety, and welfare.

4) Ensure Education Dollars Get To Classrooms
New Jersey taxpayers currently spend an average of $19,600 per student, but that amount varies widely district to district and a large portion never gets to the classroom. Before we can ask taxpayers to fork over another penny for schools, we must ensure that the education funding formula is fair and our tax dollars are actually being used to improve student performance. That’s why a Guadagno administration will immediately call on the State Department of Education to conduct an audit of the state’s 586 school districts to ensure we’re spending the money on improving educational outcomes for students.

4) Fix School Procurement And Construction
School district procurement rules and practices often get in the way of getting the best product at the lowest price. We must review and change these rules and develop benchmarks for districts regarding smart purchasing practices. Like collective bargaining, we should establish a uniform, statewide procurement policy and system that will allow for the leveraging of statewide bargaining power to secure the best possible price for school goods. New Jersey must also bring fairness to school construction by requiring the SDA districts to pay the same percentage on capital improvements as they do for their entire district budget.

5) Sell Surplus State Assets
A Guadagno administration would sell buildings and other assets no longer needed by the state. This would yield the two-fold benefit of producing income that could be used to reduce debt and would put these properties back on the local tax rolls to help municipalities reduce property taxes. This proposal would not affect parks, beaches or environmentally sensitive properties owned by the state.

6) Take The Politics Out Of Road Building
In New Jersey, it is no secret that it costs too much and takes too long to build roads and other infrastructure projects. Yet instead of fixing the problems, Trenton insiders created a politically-appointed panel of four to control how our transportation dollars are spent and demand everyday New Jerseyans pay more at the pump through higher gas taxes. A Guadagno administration will demand better and work to bring efficiency and common sense to road construction. This includes auditing the Transportation Trust Fund (TTF), eliminating political appointees, disbanding the panel of four politically appointed bureaucrats and ensuring infrastructure projects are funded based upon need, congestion and economic impact.

7) Oppose New Long-Term Debt
New Jersey’s state debt is about twice the national average and threatens to further erode the state’s declining credit rating. As governor, Kim will close the loophole that allows New Jersey’s Economic Development Authority to take on new debt without voter approval. In fact, Kim will oppose any plan that adds additional long term debt to the state’s balance sheet without getting voter approval via a referendum.

8) Scrap Plans To Build ‘The Palace Of Versailles’
At a time when we have the highest foreclosure rate in the nation, New Jersey cannot afford to turn the State House into the Palace of Versailles. Instead of spending $300 million on renovating the State House, Kim believes we should set up a charitable foundation to raise funds from private sources to make any necessary repairs to the aging building. This effort can be assisted by making charitable contributions tax deductible.

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The stoned minority might help elect the next New Jersey governor


Marijuana legalization is coming close to happening in New Jersey.

By Jeff Edelstein, The Trentonian

POSTED: 06/08/17, 11:08 AM EDT | UPDATED: 1 DAY AGO

And just like a puff of smoke (drifting out of a dorm room and blown through a empty paper towel roll with a dryer sheet stuffed in the end), marijuana prohibition in New Jersey is wafting away.

It feels almost ridiculous, knowing this, but it’s true: Democratic candidate Phil Murphy favors full, Colorado-style legalization, and he’s also the presumptive favorite to win the governor’s seat. (For the record, Republican candidate Kim Guadagno has stated she’s in favor of considering decriminalizing small amounts of pot, which is nice, but isn’t the full kettle.)

Anyway, I posited on Wednesday that marijuana might end up being a key issue in the race for governor. After all, nearly 400,000 adult New Jerseyans smoke weed at least once a month, according to a study done by New Jersey United for Marijuana Reform and New Jersey Policy Perspective. That amount of people could tip an election.

The question than becomes: Am I nuts, or could this really happen? Could the stoned minority be the difference-maker in the 2017 New Jersey governor’s election?

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Joe Piscopo — ‘It’s time for the people’s politician’

Joe Piscopo

By Bill Spadea March 21, 2017 9:40 AM

Entertainer, radio host and maybe our next governor? Could Joe Piscopo be the next governor? If so, he has laid out his gameplan for his road to the statehouse.

Piscopo — ‘More serious than ever’ about run for governor

Joe called into the show this morning to discuss his announcement that IF he decides to run for governor, he will run as an Independent. While he respects both sides of the aisle with friends in the NJ Republican and Democratic parties, “I think it’s time for the people’s politician, Bill,” Piscopo stated.

Piscopo also said that if he were to announce that he is going to make a run for the governor, now that he won’t be affiliated with any specific party, “I’m pro union member and you have to fight for the working men and women of the state and I support the union members.”

Would you be more inclined to vote for an Independent candidate?

Read More: Joe Piscopo — ‘It’s time for the people’s politician’ |

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vote for me


WASHINGTON (AP) — A last-minute decision by the Obama administration to designate election systems as critical infrastructure drew intense criticism from state and federal elections organizations on Monday.

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson announced the move Friday with 30 minutes’ notice to the National Association of Secretaries of State and U.S. Election Assistance Commission, an independent bipartisan federal agency that develops voluntary voting guidelines and certifies voting systems.

Officials at both agencies are criticizing the department for what they said was a failure to work with state officials to fully answer their questions about the designation before making the change.

“We’re having trouble understanding exactly what they’re going to do, that we’re not already doing,” Connecticut Secretary of State Denise W. Merrill, who heads the national secretaries association, told The Associated Press. “States were already doing much of this (security work) themselves using very different products.”

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A lot of nonvoters are mad at the election results. If only there were something they could have done!


By Philip Bump November 16 at 9:30 AM

Of America’s 320 million-odd residents, only about three-quarters are eligible to vote (mostly because they’re over the age of 18). Of the group that could vote in the presidential election, the U.S. Election Project’s Michael McDonald estimates that about 58.1 percent did — meaning that 41.9 percent of eligible Americans didn’t vote last week.

Using the most recent national splits from the Cook Political Report’s Dave Wasserman, that means that Donald Trump was elected president with the support of fewer than 1 in 5 Americans.

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Reader says Dems go LOW with mass protesting; and Trump went HIGH saying he understands people are passionate about the election


Well, the dems go LOW with mass protesting; and Trump went HIGH saying he understands people are passionate about the election.

I voted for Hillary; first voting for Sanders. I watched the Trump interview on 60 minutes and was very impressed with him. I think he is going to be a great president, and remember pro choice people and I am one of them, if another Republican had won; Roe vs Wade would be abolished, via a supreme court nominee, Trump wants to leave it up to the individual states. When demonizing Trump please compare him to what Ted Cruz , John Kasich, etc would do. I believe he will get health care solved; and so on. The dems solution for Obama care is to raise the penalty for people who didn’t buy into the program. Damn, that is terrible. If people didn’t buy in it’s because they are young and healthy and financially stressed, you stupid dems. Anyway, let’s give peace a chance; remember that song; let’s give our new president -elect a chance. He isn’t even in office yet; so what the f..k with the criticism.

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Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder is a pattern of pathologically dissociative and psychotic behavior, first observed in the late hours of November 8th 2016, and increasing in severity with passing time. Sufferers of Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder often exhibit pronounced cognitive dissonance, sudden bouts of rage, uncontrollable crying, suicidal ideation, and extreme sadness.

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Reader says I really do not understand why people would feel so depressed over an election

4833683 teen depression

I really do not understand why people would feel so depressed over an election. The people spoke and one candidate won. Will this vilified new president really be having such a negative impact on people’s lives? Or is it just like a sport, your team lost a final game and you’re hung over a couple of days! As for myself I enjoyed the election night. Democrats got what they deserved. Their pushy attitude, intimidation of Trump sympathizers (or better said intimidation of those who didn’t like Clinton) and especially the media bias in tandem with the “celebrity” support pushed many independents over the fence. I bet this is what happened to millions who decided to vote the last minute. Don’t blame Trump for winning, blame Clinton and yourself. You pushed many independent people to vote for what they perceived as the lesser evil. In addition the democrats with their stupid agenda did a great disservice to our country by handing full control of our government to the republicans. And this is worrying. However the best outcome is that both parties are in disarray and I hope they understand that they need a major revamp if they want to get the support of the people.

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David Stockman warns both Trump and Clinton could lead to 25% sell-off

david stockman

Brian Price | @PriceCNBC
Saturday, 5 Nov 2016 | 5:00 PM ET

David Stockman, the man widely credited as the “Father of Reaganomics”, delivered an alarming message to investors.

Sell everything!

“The markets are hideously inflated,” warned Stockman on CNBC’s “Fast Money” this week. The former Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan urged investors to dump stocks and bonds ahead of the dangers that bothDonald Trump and Hillary Clinton pose to markets if either is elected as President.

“If you don’t sell before the election, certainly do it afterwards. Government is going to be totally paralyzed regardless of who wins,” he said. “There could be a 25 percent draw down on markets.”

Stockman posits that, under a Clinton administration, official investigations and new hacked email disclosures from Wikileaks will be non-stop. Furthermore, he reasoned that the “house will become a killing field” for anything Clinton is trying to do. Ultimately, Stockman said the Democrat would enter the Oval Office bruised, bloody and all but lacking in legitimacy.

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There have been a lot of firsts in this Election, but a Presidential candidate under active F.B.I. investigation?


October 30,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, With just over a week , left to Election Day, the F.B.I. delivered a bombshell and heavy blow to Hillary Clinton, announcing that they are re-opening their investigation into her reckless use of a private e-mail server. New information unearthed from the investigation into Anthony Weiner’s under-age sexting scandal prompted the F.B.I. to inform Congress that Clinton is the target of a renewed probe.

To many observers, it has become obvious the American political system is breaking down. It’s been crumbling for some time now, and the establishment knows it and they are terrified of Donald Trump presidency. Trump the so-called  “vulgarian at the gate”, is a symptom of a broken system , and the agent of change .

Perhaps the public has had it’s fill of Clinton Inc and it’s decades of lies and cynicism . Friday’s FBI announcement that it had reopened an investigation of her emails while secretary of state may be a sign that enough is enough and decades of cottuption are coming to an end .

Democrats like DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile & Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, who have sung the praise of F.B.I. Director Comey in the past, are now lashing out as the Clinton campaign begins its tail-spin in the wake of this stunning development.

There have been a lot of firsts in this Election, but a Presidential candidate under active F.B.I. investigation? Gravely concerning for the future of our country and immediately qualifying Clinton as our next Commander-in-Chief.

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Dead voters remain on NJ election rolls , vote Democrat

democrat voters

ArtChick checks voter registrations  

Paul D’Ambrosio and Susanne Cervenka , Asbury Park Press9:35 a.m. EDT October 19, 2016

Do you trust the voting system to be fair and honest in New Jersey? Take our poll below.

Thousands of the dead remain on New Jersey’s active voting rolls with a handful of votes cast in their names over the years, an Asbury Park Press investigation found, but all were likely due to clerical errors rather than fraud.

No election outcomes were changed, even in local races, the Press’ review of votes over the last decade in five of the larger counties in the state.

This week, GOP presidential candidate Donald J. Trump claimed that the upcoming Nov. 8 election is “rigged” and that there would be “large-scale voting fraud.” He pointed to one study that stated the voting rolls across the country were populated with 1.8 million “dead voters.”

Yet the idea that the dead could change elections on Nov. 8 remains highly unlikely, considering the vast number of votes cast in each election. And Trump has offered no proof that any fraudulent votes have been cast in past elections by the dead. Even GOP party members have said that there is no basis for a claim that the election will be fixed at the ballot box.

To find New Jersey’s dead on the voting rolls, the Press matched the 2016 voting records with the Social Security Master Death Index – the most comprehensive list of the deceased in the nation. It limited the search to voters still considered “active” but who died in 2011 or before. Name, dates of birth and hometowns were used to further narrow the search so common names would not be confused across both databases.

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Trump chatter breaking all records on Facebook

trump Train

Paul Singer , USA TODAY2:11 p.m. EDT October 18, 2016

Every week this month, Donald Trump has shattered his previous records for generating Facebook conversation, and last week users generated more than 307 million likes, comments, shares and posts about him. The prior week, Trump had 253 million Facebook interactions, and the week before that, he had 220 million, according to weekly data provided by Facebook.

By comparison, Hillary Clinton also hit her all-time high last week with 206 million interactions on Facebook. It was the first time she broke 200 million interactions.

USA TODAY tracks these interactions each week in our 2016 USA TODAY/Facebook Candidate Barometer..

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Ridgewood Voters Are you Registered to Vote?

Vote Ridgewood NJ

file photo by Dana Glazer

October 11,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, not sure you are registered to vote ? New Jersey has a system where you can check your status .


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Oh my virgin ears ,did you hear what Trump said ?

miley cyrus

photo of Miley Cyrus

October 9,2016
PJ Blogger and the Staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, oh my virgin ears ,did you hear what Trump said ? Inappropriate yes  , but earth shattering hardly . So two terms of Bill Clinton , TMZ, Kim Kardashian Sex tapes, and when did everyone suddenly sign up join the moral majority ? Why I am simply shocked by locker room talk , shocked I tell ya ,shocked!

Why even the Village of Ridgewood has been rocked by “sexting” scandals at the High School, a Ridgewood police officer accused of having a liaison with an under age girl , and drug dealing accusations leveled against RHS teachers. Ever looked at your kids Facebook ? Ever played a video game ? Ever watch TMZ? Frankly I think we have long since seeded the moral high ground.

The fake scripted outrage and organized condemnation by power hungry elitists and their easily manipulated minions is just a little to thick .

Do you not remember the 8 years of the Clinton White House which brought forward a rash of predatory accusations against the former president and in many of these cases, Hillary is believed to have been involved in the political operation that attempted to smear and destroy the reputations of Bill Clinton’s accusers. More than just a tryst with intern Monica Lewinsky and long term relationship with Gennifer Florwers, the list of Clinton accusers runs deep;

Paula Jones: A former Arkansas state employee, Jones sued Bill Clinton in 1994 for sexual harassment. Jones claims that in 1991 then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton propositioned and exposed himself to her in a Little Rock hotel. Clinton eventually settled with Jones out of court for $850,000, but never admitted to any wrongdoing.

Juanita Broaddrick: Broaddrick, a former nursing home administrator, alleges that Bill Clinton, who was running for Arkansas governor at the time, raped her in an Arkansas hotel room in the spring of 1978.

Kathleen Willey: Willey was a White House volunteer aide who, in March of 1998, alleged on the TV news program 60 Minutes that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her during his first term as President.

Eileen Wellstone: Wellstone, an English woman, alleges that Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near Oxford University where Clinton was a student in 1969.

Carolyn Moffet: Moffet was a legal secretary in Little Rock in 1979, said she met Governor Clinton at a political fundraiser and was invited to his hotel room. Moffet alleges that she fled the hotel room after Clinton demanded she perform sex acts on him.

Elizabeth Ward Gracen: A Miss Arkansas who would go on to win the Miss America contest in 1982, Gracen alleges that she was forced by Clinton to have sex with him shortly after she won the Miss Arkansas competition.

Becky Brown: Becky Brown was Chelsea Clinton’s nanny. L.D. Brown, an Arkansas State Trooper and Becky’s husband, claims that Clinton attempted to seduce her in while the two were in governor’s mansion.

Helen Dowdy: Dowdy, the wife of one of Hillary’s cousins, alleges that in 1986 Bill Clinton groped her on the dance floor of a wedding.

Cristy Zercher: Zercher was a flight attendant aboard Clinton’s campaign jet from 1991-1992. Zercher told the Star magazine that Clinton groped her for over 40 minutes.

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Ridgewood Board of Education :Unlawful election sign placement?

Ridgewood Board of Education ,Unlawful election sign placement, election, vote

photo by Boyd Loving

October 8,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Does the placement of this sign (vote yes for all day K) on public property violate New Jersey state election laws?  Didn’t we just go through this in Ridgewood?