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Gloucester County Democrats Planning To Segregate County’s First Black Sheriff

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Gloucester County Sheriff-elect Jonathan Sammons. (Photo: Sammons for Sheriff via Facebook).

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

MULLICA HILL NJ, in nothing less than a “Jim Crow ” move Gloucester County Democrats are moving the newly elected Republican Sheriff From Gloucester County Administrative Office .

Gloucester County Commissioners-Elect Chris Konawel and Nick DeSilvio demanded officials in Gloucester County government immediately halt plans to move the county Sheriff’s office from the county’s administrative office on South Broad Street in Woodbury to the shuttered county jail on Hunter Street.

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Democratic National Convention Does Not Offer Role to Only Non White Delegate Winner

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, some things never change, Representative Tulsi Gabbard confirmed via Twitter on Thursday that she was not invited to participate in the Democratic National Convention (DNC). Of the seven Democratic candidates who earned delegates during the presidential primaries, Gabbard was the only one not offered a speaking slot during the four-night event.

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Democrats Vote to Stop Fair Representation for “Select Committee” with unilateral power to issue this debt

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No Inclusion whenit comes to Democrat Decision Makers  
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Trenton NJ, according to Assemblywomen Holly Schepisi,  Today Assemblyman Jamel Holley, a Democratic member of the Legislature, made a motion for an amendment to the proposed $9.9 BILLION debt bill to add Black and Latino representation to a “Select Committee” which will have unilateral power to issue this debt.

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Reader says government agencies can cheerfully raise taxes and tell the folks it’s for their own good

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Executive Order No. 2017-01, officially making Bergen County the first county in the state of New Jersey to adopt a $15 minimum wage for its full time county worker

” most employers cannot simply raise prices to cover the higher minimum wage, particularly in the competitive services sector”. True. But government agencies can cheerfully raise taxes and tell the folks it’s for their own good.
Minimum wages have been most strongly advocated by unions to reduce competition from non-union workers and, historically by Jim Crow and apartheid governments to reduce hiring of minorities.