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Reader says This appears to be more of an attempt to ‘plant a flag’ and rub it in everyone’s face, rather than support for tolerance or anything.”

gay flag ridgewood

One reader sums it up perfectly , “There are many like me who do not really care about what people do in their bedrooms. Someone getting gay-married does nothing to my marriage so I couldn’t care less. We work with gay coworkers, have gay friends and really do not give any more thought to someone being gay than we do to someone being straight.

However, I only want the American flag flying on the Village Hall – not a rainbow flag, not a vegan flag, not a muslim flag, not a Black Lives Matter flag, and a Lenape flag and not the Confederate flag.

But it appears that if I as much as mention the same, I am going to be harassed and bullied for being a ‘bigot.’ How I lead my life, how I interact with people, how I do not discriminate at all between someone gay and someone straight in my real life does not matter. I am either screaming out my support for flying the rainbow flag or I am a bigot. I am suddenly no different from the people tossing gays off buildings.

This is nothing by extremism. And it is detrimental to the movement itself. Harassing and publicly bullying people may shut them down but the feelings of resentment will not disappear. This appears to be more of an attempt to ‘plant a flag’ and rub it in everyone’s face, rather than support for tolerance or anything.”