One reader sums it up perfectly , “There are many like me who do not really care about what people do in their bedrooms. Someone getting gay-married does nothing to my marriage so I couldn’t care less. We work with gay coworkers, have gay friends and really do not give any more thought to someone being gay than we do to someone being straight.
However, I only want the American flag flying on the Village Hall – not a rainbow flag, not a vegan flag, not a muslim flag, not a Black Lives Matter flag, and a Lenape flag and not the Confederate flag.
But it appears that if I as much as mention the same, I am going to be harassed and bullied for being a ‘bigot.’ How I lead my life, how I interact with people, how I do not discriminate at all between someone gay and someone straight in my real life does not matter. I am either screaming out my support for flying the rainbow flag or I am a bigot. I am suddenly no different from the people tossing gays off buildings.
This is nothing by extremism. And it is detrimental to the movement itself. Harassing and publicly bullying people may shut them down but the feelings of resentment will not disappear. This appears to be more of an attempt to ‘plant a flag’ and rub it in everyone’s face, rather than support for tolerance or anything.”
It’s married – not gay married.
Has that Steeler’s fan planted his flag anywhere?? I feel he’s next.
Lighten up snowflake…..jeez!
Don’t make this “If you’re not with us you’re against us”. The fact that I don’t have a flag does not mean that I don’t know where to get one.
Feel good Slacktivism at its best.
Do what you want and leave me alone.
Part of the issue some may have with your comment is not the basic point you make about a flag but how you defend that point… that you can’t possibly be anti a group when you are friends with people from that group. But singling out your friends as gay or not gay, coworkers as the gay ones, how you basically reduce being gay to what goes on in a bedroom… these are the issues that you may want to think about for yourself. And If you do not understand anything that I am saying, please do this test — next time you are out with your friends, that also happen to be gay, please refer to them as your “Gay Friends” and watch their reaction. That will tell you more than any reply on here.
9:16 am….Sorry, a marriage between opposite sexes IS different than a marriage between a couple of the same sex. Hence the name gay married is appropriate. Get use to it cupcake.
Thank you@10:28. I agree.
9:16 am…Sorry, the marriage between a man and a woman is a very different situation than a same sex marriage, hence the term gay marriage. Better get use to it buttercup.
10:28 – Referring to my Chinese/Irish/Italian/British/Indian/married/single/jewish etc friends as such never leads to any sort of reaction.
So if you saying that calling someone a ‘gay’ friend will lead to some nasty reaction, I guess it does tell me a lot more than any reply here can.
It wouldn’t bother me if someone introduced me as their heterosexual friend. So the obvious question here is why should someone who is gay not want to be introduced as a gay friend?
I believe the village in order to be politicly correct has opened a pandoras box for people to fly any flag or any other they deem of importance to be placed in the park.
10:28 using your logic please explain to me why you’re not offended at calling it a GAY pride flag?
in this country marriage between same sex couples and a man and woman is the same.
How is that a flag???? It is a banner. The idea was to hang the flag from the flag pole not a banner. Or maybe i missed something.
There is already a flag that unites us. Its over 200 years old.
1:29 pm said,
in this country marriage between same sex couples and a man and woman is the same.
Well that’s really a really foolish statement That’s like saying a bicycle and a tractor trailer are the same. If you can’t tell the difference your blind!
Still waiting for the Confederate Flag to fly. See how much tolerance and ‘coexist’ing goes on then.
@3:30 you might want to check with the supreme court.
If there were only heterosexuals, the species would survive.
If there were only homosexuals, the species would perish.
@3:52 – comparing the confederate flag to the rainbow is like saying a bicycle and a tractor trailer are the same. If you can’t see tell the difference you are blind.
@4:57 – homosexuals are nothing new to the species and we seems to have survived. it’s time to accept people for who they are.
4:18 pm said @3:30 you might want to check with the supreme court.
I don’t need the supreme court to tell me that people of the same sex will never procreate on their own. You do know that right?
And todays most ridicules statement is……drum roll please.
in this country marriage between same sex couples and a man and woman is the same.
Thank you for that bit of entertainment 1:29 pm
Let’s stop thinking of sexual orientation as a choice and we can proceed.
homosexuals survive only because heterosexuals keep producing them.
homosexuals need heterosexuals for survival.
heterosexuals do not need homosexuals for survival.
hard to accept, but true.
Just saw that big ugly banner. Does anyone think that Is a flag??Looks like a big promo for Crayola crayons. It’s actually more ridiculous than that unfinished entertainment monstrosity at the Meadowlands. Gee, they didn’t want to pick the other side of the park that few see? Thank you Bergen Record & councilman Voight for foisting this tasteless & incedibly indiscreet disruption of the beautiful view of the park. Prime real estate should not be so cheap.
4:36 take a different route through town for the rest of the month, or look the other way, you’ll survive. By the way, you embarrass yourself.
If “they” are permitted to fly the gay pride flag, then can “we” fly the homosexual pride flag? Oh, wait, we don’t have one…
Maybe we can just use the gay pride flag colors in reverse. Yeah, that should work…
Councilman Voigt was never concerned with doing the right thing with the flag. His one and only concern was to argue with the mayor. No matter what she says, he screams nasty objections. His hatred drives all of his commentary. He has lost it
7:21- simply move that eyesore & the only embarrassment is that banner.