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Assault Weapons, Seized From Twp. of Washington Man Busted With Child Porn

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Twp. of Washington NJ, the Township of Washington Police Department announces the arrest of Benjamin P. Ritter  former Village of Ridgewood (VOR) parking enforcement agent on December 5, 2024. Pursuant to a courtauthorized order to search and seize weapons that was issued by the Bergen County Superior Court, Township of Washington Police Officers located and seized a variety of illegal weapons and highcapacity magazines from the residence of Benjamin P. Ritter on December 5, 2024, including:

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Township of Washington Police Busts Suspect in Multiple Car Break-ins

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Twp. of Washington NJ, on February 20 2024 at approximately 4:20 AM, Township of Washington Police responded to the Northeast Side of the Township to assist Hillsdale Police Department who had multiple vehicles entered in their town, on our border.

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Township of Washington Police: Uptick in Car and Attempted Car Thefts

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

TWP. of Washinngton NJ, Township of Washington Police have seen an increase in entered vehicles and attempted/stolen vehicles over the last few weeks. Last night our East Side of town appeared to be targeted as well as other Pascack Valley towns. In all of the thefts, the vehicles were left unlocked. PLEASE remove your keys and key fobs, remove all valuables and most importantly lock your vehicles.

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Township of Washington Police Pursue ,“Ring, Kick and Run”/ “Ding, Dong Ditch” Social Media Pranksters


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Twp of Washington NJ, Township of Washington Police asks parents…. “Do you know where your children are after 10 PM?”.

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Township of Washington Police Apprehend Car Thieves after Foot Chase Through Township

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Twp. of Washington NJ,  on Saturday September 18, 2021 at approximately 2:30AM, Officers from the Township of Washington Police were responding to a report of suspicious persons in the area of West Place. The Officers observed a silver colored Jeep Wrangler leaving the area with two occupants that matched the description of the reported suspicious persons. Officers turned their patrol vehicles to check the Jeep as it traveled west on Manhattan Avenue. The driver and passenger of the vehicle suddenly jumped out the Jeep and ran while the vehicle was still in motion and heading towards Pascack Road. The Jeep continued moving until it struck a utility pole on the side of road. Officers immediately ran after the driver and passenger. The driver, Shyhiem Clark, a 24-year-old male from East Orange NJ, was apprehended while hiding in a garbage can in area. The passenger, Lamar White, a 27-year-old male from Paterson NJ, was apprehended in a wooded area at the south end of Hudson Avenue. The passenger suffered an arm injury from the fall when he jumped out of the moving vehicle. He was transported to New Bridge Medical Center for treatment. The vehicle was identified as stolen from a driveway on Manhattan Avenue. The Jeep’s owner confirmed the vehicle key fob was in the vehicle at the time of the theft.

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Township of Washington Police : Suspicious Activity

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Twp of Washington NJ, Township of Washington Police were made aware of an incident regarding someone walking around a house, unwanted and unannounced. We were made aware of it because of our RING neighborhood social media platform alerted us. However, even when posting to our social media platforms, please also report it to us first by phone at 201-664-1140.

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