Thursday, March 23 at 6:45 PM – 9 PM
Namaste Organic Spa
30 Franklin Ave, Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450
Guess who’s back!
Ridgewood NJ , Namaste Organic Spa is very excited to have Bhante Sujatha .
Rumi says “what you seek is seeking you”… perhaps it’s true. The evidence of the power of our minds is undeniable.. The ancient texts of the Buddha tell us that no external condition can be the cause of our happiness, only the mind has that ability. When people understand how they are influenced, the root causes of struggle and what we can do with our minds to make things better, sustainable happiness and radiant joy are the result. My life as a Buddhist monk has given me a front row seat to incredible transformation within so many people as I teach them how to empower the mind and cultivate the qualities that will help you find strength and happiness, as well as give you a burning desire to add more love to the world. When we understand our mind, we begin to re-shape our behavior and feelings about so many things… it’s the most loving act of service one can do for themselves and the world.
Connect with your natural healing power with the gentle guidance of Bhante Sujatha, Buddhist monk from Blue Lotus Temple in Woodstock, IL. This 2-hour workshop has been life-changing for many of its participants, regardless of religious background. The teaching is centered around the cultivation of self love, for without healthy self love, you cannot be fully present to love anyone or anything else.
Proceeds go to Bhante’s Incubator Project in Sri Lanka
Bhante will do his book signing after the workshop and his CDs are also avilable for purchase.
Bhante Sujatha, a 35+ year Buddhist Monk, is singularly focuses on adding more love in the world. Bhante teaches loving-kindness meditation to people around the globe for all those seeking the art of happiness and contentment. His approach to meditation is deep and simple, bringing core Buddhist teachings to everyone in a way that is practical and easy to understand. A joyful, radiant, funny and wildly energetic monk, Bhante will help you obtain peace that can only be found in deep silence. He is originally from Sri Lanka and is the head monk / abbot of the Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center in Woodstock, IL.
Bhante believes his purpose is not only to teach meditation, but also, “teaching people how to be happy.”
Fee: $35 (Checks or Cash)
*First come, first serve basis*
Space limited. Advanced registration required (cash or check) by Sunday, March 19, 2017. Stop by the spa or mail payments to: 30 Franklin Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450.
Checks can be made to Bhante Sujatha.