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Reader claims Healthbarn accused 2 neighbors of racism

Habernickel Park Gate House

Many many neighbors contact the council the right way about their concerns which are safety, fire code, the amount of large busses and chartered buses, lights and intensity of use of a small park. Stacy Antine owner of the private business Healthbarn accused 2 neighbors of racism. It is terrible that people stoop so low!

10 thoughts on “Reader claims Healthbarn accused 2 neighbors of racism

  1. Stacey Antine is a friend of Sonenfeld. What do you expect. When she goes low, then she goes even lower.

  2. How low will she go??? That was low and a lie. So sad for habernickel Park

  3. Not claims it happened. it DID happened and not healthbarn, Stacy Antine owner of healthbarn USA

  4. Continued pressure on the council might finally induce them to break that six-year contract. Don’t let up. When you’re right, you’re right. It was wrong in the first place and she isn’t even a good tenant.

  5. Victimhood is so fashionable these days…

  6. The problem is neighbors constantly reached out to council & others usually no one responded to concerns. That’s why neighbors got falsely accused of harassment because someone in village hall is forwarding emails to Stacey or she OPRAs them. Stacey is just an awful person who thinks the park is hers. Someone needs to say enough is enough!!!!! Supporting Healthbarn barn is supporting bad behavior Council needs to step up and put the taxpayers 1st not this horrible business.

  7. Hillcrest could be the worst road in town….

  8. 7:49. Agree. It should be paved soon. It is well traveled and should be a priority

  9. It is time the council starts to help the tax payers. If a tax payer/ resident is being threatened and fefamed by a business owner it is time for the council to switch gears and do their job which is look out and help the residents of this town NOT a business

  10. 1:12 – I agree. COUNCIL???? are you listening?????

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