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Reader says Democrats, support terrorist and cop killers in varying degrees of enthusiasm


It appears to be a case of the support for this killer having morphed from a relatively small number of radical lefties, to the overall umbrella of the Democrat Party. I’m sure there are a few that don’t support her, but I suspect if you asked most Democrats, they would support her in varying degrees of enthusiasm.

Groups who want the public to believe they ‘do good works’ supports a murderer………….. well, that kind of kills the do-good mantra now doesn’t it? We as a society have reached critical mass – murderers are supported, hard working tax payers who want to keep more of their take home pay ridiculed, people who are able but don’t work coddled and given every benefit to scam the system, illegal immigrants given equivalent rights to citizens – these are just a few issues, but they speak to the bizarre world we now live in.

Also, Democrats honored the Puerto Rican terrorist who led the terrorist attacks that killed many in NYC, including a man whose son now live in Glen Rock.

The same terrorist whose sentence Barack Obama commuted in his final days as President. The same terrorist who still refuses to express any remorse for him terrorist activities.

8 thoughts on “Reader says Democrats, support terrorist and cop killers in varying degrees of enthusiasm

  1. Let’s not end up shooting each other. Such generalizations are bogus and splitting the country apart. Plenty of Democrats do not wish her to be free or in fact don’t think about it at all.

  2. 11:28… stop making sense…

  3. At least 1/3 of Democrats – likely 50%+ are sympathetic to these murderers.
    But its all cool – we need to focus on unity at a time like this

    When many Dems are wrong, its time to call for unity or point out that there are nut jobs on both sides. However, when one Republicans is wrong it’s time to march and paint the entire party black with days of “news” coverage and lots of nasty invective.

  4. “Plenty of Democrats do not wish her to be free or in fact don’t think about it at all.”

    Apparently that ‘plenty’ does not include the last two Democratic Presidents, their Democratic advisers, and all the lawyers in their respective DoJs.

    So much sense!!!

  5. 4:06. What is the source of your stats on Democratics who are sympathetic?

    You can’t just eyeball the table at Thanksgiving.

  6. White supremacist endorses Trump on Twitter? NO EFFING WAY. There is a 10 day media circus and demands are made that he immediately disavow any and all support.
    Obama commutes sentence of unrepentant Puerto Rican terrorist? Meh. So much wrong on both sides, extremist on both sides, let us focus on building the nation.

  7. It’s clear that there has been a strategic move by the DNC in the last 10-20 years or so to build an election-winning bloc of various special interest groups. There’s the traditional blue collar workers, public employees, aging hippies, minorities, LGBT, millennials, and just about every other kind of person who feels bullied, disenfranchised, weird, out-of-the-mainstream, etc. This collective mixture makes up a pretty formidable size. They all tend to be highly advanced in terms on making noise and organizing, very much so in the Internet age. However, it’s very much a united we stand divided we fall approach. In other words, they all have to support each others agendas. This is where the support for the radicals who killed and bombed in the name of the cause back in the day. Off on a tangent now, but the reason Trump won is because this cabal of Democrats got way too powerful on the side of the angry vegans and open borders nuts, that they lost the traditional support of the blue collar folks.

  8. God Bless the family of Werner Foerster the state trooper she and her Black Lives Matter friends Ambushed.
    Obama didn’t even put her case on the table while negotiating the opening of relations with Cuba.
    Who supports cop killers?
    Liberal Progressive Democrats…

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