Ridgewood NJ, the term “woke” has undergone a significant transformation over the years, devolving from its traditional meaning of being awake or conscious to a term deeply entrenched in political discourse, to just thinking is cool to be and act stupid, that’s “stoopid” if your are “woke”.
Trenton NJ, Senators Anthony M. Bucco and Michael Testa said that the State Board of Education is focused more on advancing identity politics than building stronger relationships between parents and teachers in response to the board’s vote to approve a proposal to remove “equality” in the “Managing for Equality and Equity in Education” Chapter of New Jersey’s Administrative Code. The board should be more respectful of parental rights, the senators said.
Says Ridiculous State Mandates Dilute Ability of Schools to Teach Fundamentals
Trenton NJ, During today’s meeting of the Senate Education Committee, Senator Mike Doherty (R-23) expressed his opposition to legislation that would force school districts to buy textbooks from vendors on a list approved by the New Jersey Department of Education (DOE) due to their incorporation of “inclusive material.”
It appears to be a case of the support for this killer having morphed from a relatively small number of radical lefties, to the overall umbrella of the Democrat Party. I’m sure there are a few that don’t support her, but I suspect if you asked most Democrats, they would support her in varying degrees of enthusiasm.
Groups who want the public to believe they ‘do good works’ supports a murderer………….. well, that kind of kills the do-good mantra now doesn’t it? We as a society have reached critical mass – murderers are supported, hard working tax payers who want to keep more of their take home pay ridiculed, people who are able but don’t work coddled and given every benefit to scam the system, illegal immigrants given equivalent rights to citizens – these are just a few issues, but they speak to the bizarre world we now live in.
Also, Democrats honored the Puerto Rican terrorist who led the terrorist attacks that killed many in NYC, including a man whose son now live in Glen Rock.
The same terrorist whose sentence Barack Obama commuted in his final days as President. The same terrorist who still refuses to express any remorse for him terrorist activities.
Some Democrats are beginning to openly wonder if identity politics did them in on election day, and left them watching Donald Trump and congressional Republicans win the White House and keep control of Congress.
The soul-searching seems likely to continue for months, possibly right up until the next election. But less than two weeks after their unexpected election day results, some are saying Democrats might be focusing too much on urban minorities and the targeting of various blocs, while ignoring the economic plight of working class votes in rural areas that the GOP overwhelmingly carried to victory.