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Reader says The agressive code enforcement is sowing the seeds of discontent

Roberta Sonenfeld

file photo by Boyd Loving

The agressive code enforcement is sowing the seeds of discontent. We now have a way to get back at those who annoy us.Thank you Roberta.

August 2,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood bog

Ridgewood NJ, Readers continue to feel that the agressive code enforcement is an attempt by some Village officials for taking such a beating in the last election. It is clearly a vestage of machine politics to threaten and haress anyone who raises objections with policy. Its also a way to undermine the new council.

Readers say…………..

The Breath of Fresh Air Manager hired a Code Enforcement officer last year to issue tickets for violation. This officer wrote a couple of hundred tickets but I wonder if the other towns also hired their own Code Enforcement Officer to write water violation? ( I DONT THINK SO) So there you have it Ridgewood tax payers. Your getting screwed again.

I can’t believe that we have strict code enforcement for residents and business owners get away with this -except for Tito,s Burritos.

But she did manage to hire a code enforcement person to ticket village residents.

The ever changable leaf schedule is her doing. The way that they ticketed people 4 months after the fact is just irresponsible. What the heck was she doing with the tickets all winter? Common criminals are entitled to a speedy trial. Residents have no way to prove that their leaves were not there or that the village manager changed the schedule – again.

For the summons – the village manager will blame the neighbors. Hey your neighbor reported you, so we had to issue a summons – we did not want to issue it. Nasty thing to cause issues between neighbors to pay the salary of newly appointed white elephants and code enforcement officer. I am pretty sure 600 neighbors in Ridgewood are not going to report their neighbors.

Our Village Manager hire a new Code Enforcement Office to ride around and issue tickets. Don’t try to put it on neighbors vs neighbor. Maybe where you came from that the way it happens. Now that the leaves are gone the newly hired Code Enforcement has to find something else to justify the job Roberta gave her.

6 thoughts on “Reader says The agressive code enforcement is sowing the seeds of discontent

  1. Its neighbor against neighbor against the village

  2. Another nail in the RW coffin….
    Once the pretty trees all die, what will we have left?

  3. The codes were here long before you moved here from NYC.

  4. The problem is the Ridgewood residents are enabled and don’t feel they have to follow any rules. It’s just easier to water your lawn to keep it looking perfect whenever you want rather than having to follow a schedule. The water restrictions are there for a reason. If water levels drop too low we will have no water pressure in our fire hydrants which will be a problem if your house catches on fire. Sadly we have never addressed the issue which is storage capacity, or have chosen to take no action. Not that long ago a water storage tank had to be replaced and the neighbors didn’t want a larger tank installed which would have helped the problem. I find it hard to believe that we can’t find places to install storage tanks within the 4 towns. I’m in favor of enforcement for all those who don’t feel they have to follow the rules.

  5. There seems to be some NYC haters on this Blog//Free country but bring lots of cash to Ridgewood.,,then say how you feel about your stuffy neighbors who complain about the New Neighbors from NYC..its in the Hard Water…hardens the spirits here,

  6. I think there should be an audit for what it actually costs the taxpayer to have someone writing and enforcing these arbitrary rules We need to have a special vote on school funding, but are actually funding someone to go around and write tickets. Totally ridiculous.

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