file photo by Boyd Loving
September 29,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ,  Ridgewood resident Jacqueline Hone spoke during both public comment segments. She explained why Roberta’s departure is just the tip of the iceberg and suggested her staff also needs to  be investigated.
Should this even be newsworthy? This person is obviously a repeat complainer who would rather spend time harassing Village staff (and costing tax payers money) instead of being with their children. They don’t realize their townhouses at one point were full with trees and got bulldozed over with residential complaints. If we want to throw rocks, Susan should recuse herself from any Shedler discussions due to the fact her parents house is located directly across from the property. Yes, by the text of the law not defined as “conflict of interest”, however I do not believe she can make wise decisions without prejudice. Godforbid a RSA member connections was on the council, these same people would be crying, suing for their removal.
Might find some missing quarters at the very least. Or are we supposed to believe that one guy was the only culprit. And that’s one thing that can’t be pinned on the former Village Manager.
Are we still paying for her “helper”?
The newly created job that was needed because Roberta couldn’t handle the VM job alone, unlike her predecessors…
HR person and job created for her need to GO. Health Barn needs to GO. Janet Fricke needs to GO. (I can’t get the link to work.)
Dear 12:46, “Anonymous.” Seek to understand. Watching or attending the meeting would help correct your statement. I am not a repeat complainer, harassing Village staff. I filed one complaint, that is finally being addressed, with merit. Thanks to the new Village Council, my claims are being substantiated one by one. As for costing tax payers money…this compliant saved tax payers approximately 10 million dollars and avoided destruction of Green Acres, Open Space and US History (check the facts). Mayor Knudsen defending Historical Preservation and honoring Open Space/Green Acres is not a conflict of interest, it is her fiduciary and ethical obligation. Sorry, but you are wrong on this one too. Additionally, Mayor Knudsen’s parents owning a house, across the street from Schedler (by the way it’s down the road), is not a conflict of interest. That point was addressed, looked into, checked again, re-checked and sniffed one last time just in case. Each and every time, legal counsel said there is no conflict of interest. Lastly, despite your ill-spirited comment (rather spend time harassing Village staff…instead of being with their children”), I invite you to meet before a Village Council meeting so I/we can share more. I’m sure you’ve heard, I have a huge binder with all the proof. I passionately believe residents should be up to date and truly know what is going on in their community. Email me at
@12:46, you should just thank her for shedding light on this stuff. It is beyond the pale…
And while she does look amazing, I assure you her children are not toddlers but actual adults who can take care of themselves. Do hope they return home from time to time to see momma though!
Take it as a compliment Jackie Hone. 12:46 thinks your kids are still in school 🙂
Way to go Jackie! I think you’re amazing!
Jackie, you are the best. That is Robert Carroll or David Hauck trying to discredit you.
Jackie could not give one flying leap about making friends with that idiot. She’s too busy doing half the village employees JOBS for them. SHE is charged handsomely for every OPRA request she’s been smart enough to file and we are all lucky to have her.
NFN, but none of this changes the fact that the Schedler property is a no-man’s-land sparsely populated with sickly deciduous trees and an abandoned, decrepit and ramshackle house of no historical or architectural significance. When plans to convert it to a ball field are finally and completely rejected, as they probably should be, the property will fade once again into insignificance, and will remain a completely neglected and undeveloped unofficial dog run, which is all the neighbors ever really wanted anyway.
The late senator moynihan once said,, “You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.”. I find it tragic and counter productive for differing opinions to result in PERSONAL attacks and innuendo. Im unclear what purpose that line of attack serves. The assumption of wrongdoing, or the accusation that those disagreeing just be relatives writing under the veil of anonymity, is beneath those look into have a sober, adult discussion of the issues rather than engage in 4th grade rhetoric you may disagree with Roberts/ or anyone else/ but to assassinate character is unnecessary and, yes, deplorable