photo courtesy of Boyd Loving
the staff of The Ridgewood Blog
Ridgewood NJ, in no uncertain terms, Ridgewood Mayor Paul Vagianos made it clear during the Wednesday, March 6th Village Council Work Session that he does not want the Clinton Ave. “streetscape” disturbed by any safety improvements other than the installation of a sidewalk on one side of the street and a curb on the opposite side.
Village Engineer Christopher Rutishauser had presented plans for a uniform, 28-foot wide street (some portions of Clinton Ave. are currently 22-feet wide), which would require minor widening of Clinton, particularly near its intersection with Godwin Ave.
In response to Mr. Rutishauser’s proposal, Mayor Vagianos said that out of respect to the Clinton Ave. residents who remain completely opposed to the planned sidewalk installation project, he would prefer “de minimis” widening only.
No poll of Council members or vote of any kind was taken on the Mayor’s request. However, Mr. Rutishauser was observed taking copious notes as the Mayor sternly spoke.
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Clinton Ave. residents get respect.
Schedler neighborhood residents get disrespect.
How right you are!! The only reason why is because a huge unnecessary sports complex isn’t being considered for the Clinton Ave. residents!!Just the residences living near Schedler’s property will suffer greatly. What’s LEFT of Schedler’s woods will just be a memory if this self-serving mayor has his way!!
Writer – “mayor says no to safety upgrades”… then in body of writing he mentions a safety upgrade added to street 8-/
Someone will be killed or seriously injured because of his stubbornness and successfully sue the Village for millions.
Gotta stand up for his buddy Bob Fuhrman.
King Vagianos.
Build a wall paul
But he can destroy other neighborhoods and parks. What gives?
So you admit the so-called “safety upgrade” is, in fact, destructive in nature. Thank you. And seems like everyone just falls hook, line and sinker for the Orwellian speak. ‘Well, they call it a safety upgrade, so it must be about safety!’ It’s as much about safety as Progressivism is about progress.
shut up.
You got what you wanted from your puppet mayor.
Just shut up and be happy about it.
I should hope so, it wasn’t cheap.
Oooh there is that word again…Orwellean. I’ll bet I know who this is!
Just kicking the hornet’s nest to keep things lively. 🙂
Damn the safety improvements, full speed ahead.
What an asshole.
I wonder how the Village’s attorney feels about the mayor’s public proclamation to avoid an improvement designed to enhance safety. Lawsuit in the making.
he doesn’t give one**** sadly
The attorney is his drinking buddy
The man is such an ARROGANT A-HOLE. Sacrificing safety in order to get votes in November. Wake up people.
I agree with the engineer that the road needs to meet current standards.
Maybe if the residents didn’t have the street clogged with parked cars and service vehicles nobody would have noticed.
They no longer have their ‘private road’ with the exception of the special school times
What is he the King. What about the other four? Does their vote count? Streetscape over children safety WOW.
Will be sending an email today to NJDOT and County of Bergen letting them know about this. Possible violation of Uniform Traffic Safety Regulations.
Comments about our mayor’s openly expressed desire to engage in a “de minimis” safety upgrade involving at least one County road Godwin Ave.), and perhaps two County roads (West Ridgewood Ave.), may be directed to:
Mr. Thomas Connolly
Superintendent of County Roads
Bergen County Department of Public Works
220 East Ridgewood Ave.
Paramus, NJ 07652
Vagianos and Winograd were funded by a Clinton Ave resident. He was also Winograd’s campaign manager and ovov partner.
They are never going to do anything to reduce his yards size.
Clinton Ave residents want to keep things as they are because they have enjoyed having a private community at the taxpayers’ cost. We’ve paid for their street to be plowed, leaves collected, and trash picked up, but they don’t want others using a public road. It’s ironic and sad.
Except Clinton Ave is not a private community and absolutely nothing is preventing you from waddling your bewarted rump over there right now, where you are welcome to march up down it all day if you so desire. Maybe Agent K, who does shifts in the camouflaged sniper tower, will even bring you a bottle of water and a fun-size bag of Takis if you start to get a little peckish.
Payback to his campaign supporters
But YES to a pavilion that tax payers are paying for all for a business to use all the time? what happened to tax payers safety???