April 24,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, a quick drive through Ridgewood and we are still seeing Willet and Weitz campaign signs still occupy planters. This speaks volumee for the candidates lack of understanding and respect for Ridgewood .
The other 4 candidates agreed to honor requests from Village residents and remove their signs. These two candidates refuse. They have shown the Village exactly what their notion of “compromise,” “coming together,” and “respecting your neighbors” is all about. Let’s not be fooled into another four years of this nonsense.
I think we have all had enough with Hudson County Machine Politics .
It looks like trash. This is their vision for the Village of Ridgewood.
It was your Chosen, Jeff Voight, who started it by wallpapering the CBD with his signs. I guess what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Plus who in the world are you to speak for Ridgewood’s residents?
Are the planters only for politics? Can I put my garage sale sign in planters?
Can I put my Bernie 2016 sign in there with the Willet sign?
As per the email from Heather and the Mayor – you can put any signs in the planters.
Weitz and Willett are showing their unbridled arrogance and sense of entitlement. Let them leave their signs there. They are not going to be elected.
Get those planters off the streets before the November general election!!!
Rurik, Voigt and Hache quickly agreed to remove the signs when folks said it was tacky. It shows they are willing to compromise. It shows they are willing to respect others. Your candidates’ choice reveals the content of their character and that content is pretty threadbare. The word “carpetbagger” immediately comes to mind. How childish of you to defend them by saying “well, the others started it.”
Signs should be on private property only.
Rome is burning Ridgewood screw the signage
I will admit to my mistakes. As soon as they went up, I realized it made our downtown look bad. I then took them down. Happy to discuss with you live.
So Rurik, Jeff is a stand-up guy, as you can see. Willett and Weitz, not at all. They think they are entitled to make the town look like crap. Which they would do if they got elected. But guess what, they will not get elected. We are all smarter than you.
Place,looks like shit with all the signs all over town.
Rurik, if you were half the tiny man you are, you would take Jeff up on his offer of a talk. But not, you just want to shoot poison darts from your computer. you really are an idiot.
I will pay to see Jeff Voigt and Rurik debate. We could sell out Park West loft for the event. They can sell drinks and money from the tickets goes to charity.
I actually think the candidates should all put up signs in town. We have had 30% voting in these elections for too long. The signs help create buzz around the election which might get some more folks out to vote.
Believe it or not, most people dont read the blog or Facebook rants or even The Ridgewood News. The election shouldnt be a secret for insiders only. Signs help remind people there is an election and hopefully will help get them out to vote!
Very clear who’s aligned with whom….I live near 2 Townies and they have Willet-Weitz-Brooks signs on their lawns.
I thank them for that since now I know not to vote for them….
Bernadette Walsh never had one sign in town. Not one.
Bernie and brooks never put signs in. Voigt and hache did but quickly removed. The other two have been asked to remove and are asserting their legal right to put themselves before the Village. i