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Reader claims only Crime is Racefaster did not rejoin the Ridgewood Guild

WP 20191004 07 45 15 Pro

” It’s true that this is the first year that Racefaster have not renewed with the guild, so you do the math on the guilds motivation. Tony certainly comes off as a hyprocrite, telling the guys at Racefaster that he “has no problem with it”, while doing everything in his power to shut it down. Is it sour grapes? Tony has been trying to sell his business for years and although Racefaster is bright, at least it’s new and clean versus the eyesore of Tony’s dilapidated store .
Like it or hate it, Racefaster is trying to do their best in a struggling town. They have three mall locations so they certainly can pull up stakes if they choose to, but they don’t. Their loyalty to the town is written all over their store – literally everything in their stores are named after streets and in Ridgewood. They employ several ridgewood residents and they support many local events in town.
The same people complaining about the orange store will complain about the empty store fronts, and complain about the developments, and complain about the garage, and complain about the taxes and on and on. “

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New Concerns Arise Over the Schedler project

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, new concerns arise over the Schedler project. Most likely to increase ventilation The protective windows had slits for ventilation but protected anyone/thing from entering were removed and windows left open. As you can see from the picture the shutters were left thrown on the ground.

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Also, look at the historical tree they are “preserving.” Machinery so close to the roots and trunk?

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Ridgewood Business Reports Harassment

ridgewood police

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Police report that a Wilsey Square business owner responded to Ridgewood Police Headquarters on Sept. 22 to report stalking, harassment and theft. The business owner reported the accused placed harassing fliers around the Village of Ridgewood causing alarm. The complainant reported the accused removed mail from his business and changed the return address. The complainant is considering signing complaints at this time.

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Josh Gottheimer Fakes a Phone Call to Avoid Questions About Impeachment


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The National Republican Campaign Committee (NRCC) is going after the battleground district-based U.S. Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-5).

Today, they circulated a video of someone asking the congressman for his position on impeachment.

The Democratic congressman is “reserving judgement” on the inquiry.

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NJ State Troopers Escort Woman In Labor to Valley Hospital in Ridgewood


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, New Jersey State police got a call for a car speeding northbound on Route 17 just before 11 p.m. Friday evening . The state police gave chase, signaling for the vehicle to stop.

The troopers chased the speeding car for several minutes and  cautiously approached the vehicle at gunpoint once the car had pulled over only to discover a woman in labor.

When they realized what was happening, the troopers immediately  escorted the pregnant woman and her driver to The Valley Hospital in Ridgewood.

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Park With ParkMobile ?


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood blog has been tracking users of ParkMobile . The current Ridgewood blog poll is showing :

Do you use ParkMobile?
Yes 44.23%
No 55.77%

Historically Ridgewood has always been a bit slow at adopting new technology ,but we are not sure what to think about park mobile, PJ Blogger is no a user ,but many friends are.

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Today is National Read a Book Day

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, National Read A Book Day is observed annually on September 6th. On August 9th, we all celebrated National Book Lovers Day. While these bookish days may seem similar, National Read a Book Day invites us ALL to grab a book we might enjoy and spend the day reading. Don’t keep it to yourself.

Are you reading a book for national book day ?

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Sherma Andrews Performs Live at the Ridgewood Library 09/08/19 at 2 pm.

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Legendary Lady Singer Show is coming home to Ridgewood, New jersey. Come out and join me on September 8th at 2 pm at the Ridgewood Library.  This is a FREE CONCERT!!!

I will be performing from 2-3 pm on September 8th at the Ridgewood Public Library.  I will perform some of your favorite songs made popular by legendary lady singers such as Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston and jazz legends such as Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald.

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New Fashion Boutique Coming to Ridgewood

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, A locally owned women’s and teen boutique offering a hand-picked assortment of on-trend clothing, accessories and gifts, Apricot Lane Boutique has a curated collection of casual and going-out styles of well-known and up-and-coming brands along with a great selection of the latest denim brands. Owners Carrie Turelli and Lucille Coyle say, “We transform your look by providing the outfits of your dreams!”

Directions and hours here:

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Please be advised, the Water Company’s contractor will be constructing a sanitary sewer connection from a manhole in East Glen Avenue up the entrance driveway to the Recycle/ Water/ Parks facilities starting Wednesday, August 21, 2019.  Work will start around 6:30AM and run until the connection is out of the East Glen Avenue road right of way.  East Glen Avenue will be closed during the connection trenching.  Village Police Traffic Control Officers will be present at the road closures and at the entrance driveway for motorists safety.

THE RECYCLING CENTER will be closed Wednesday, Thursday, Friday ( August 21, 22, 23) while the pipe is laid up to the Water Department facility.

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Ridgewood Chamber 26th Annual Car Show

car show 2015

file photo by Boyd Loving

Friday, September 06, 2019 (NO RAIN DATE )

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce presents their….

ANNUAL 26TH CAR SHOW– THERE WILL BE NO RAIN DATE/NO REFUNDS- the funds will go toward the Ridgewood High School scholarship fund. (if you need a receipt-please advise) we will also be Celebrating
Ridgewood’s own 125th Anniversary event.We will have lots of music, extra trophies and fun!

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Reader claims director of water In charge of the sanitation and recycling department


“This is all dirty business. The bottom line is the Ridgewood water company is a utility. Everyone that works with the Ridgewood water company works for the utility company. They are not village employees they are utility water workers. My question is from our investigation why is the director of water In charge of the sanitation and recycling department. So what you’re saying is when sanitation and recycling are short in employees On a daily basis they can utilize water utility workers correct. Because they all fall under one. For what is the answer. Can someone clarify this please Or do we have another cluster to deal with.”

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Reader : Disaster Thy Name is SCHEDLER!”


file photo by Boyd Loving

“The average value of a house in Ridgewood is far below what the Council wants to spend on Schedler. I guess the “Council”–who definitely do not listen to “Counsel” feel if they break the remediation (?) Rebuilding into smaller parts people won’t notice that the total cost will be close to, if not over, a million dollars! It has no use–certainly not for the occupants of the greater part of Ridgewood as “You can’t get here from there”–high speed exit from RT 17N with an exit from the parking lot almost on top of it. W. Saddle River Road is extremely narrow, not even wide enough to be legally divided into 2 directions and when RT 17N is blocked by an accident further north–frequently- masses of cars exit from 17 onto it to escape the traffic jams and we residents can barely get onto it without extreme danger of being hit. That is a perfect thing to happen while cars with little kids are being dropped off at the driveway or their parents are trying to get out of the driveway.
Disaster Thy Name is SCHEDLER!”

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Reader says ,”Valley used Ridgewood’s services without any payment”

Ridgewood firefighters quickly extinguished a fire inside a document shredding truck at Valley Hospital

file photo by Boyd Loving

“I take exception to the above statement that Valley gave us big donations. In actuality, Valley used Ridgewood’s services without any payment. Several years ago, a Judge declared that hospitals could be charged money in lieu of taxes–but the Council did not want to charge them. The law was also passed that hospitals had to pay town taxes for all the property they owned that was used “for profit entities”. Valley owns a ton of property in Ridgewood–all being used for profit making endeavors! Do they pay taxes? I know they do not pay for all the Police and Fire calls–not even for the mandatory use of Vet’s field–which requires both police and fire to stand by–for their inbound patient helicopters. Residents are charged for fire calls that exceed a certain number. Valley probably exceeds this number the first week of every month. This use of the fire department includes police to stand by. Do they pay–not likely! And, even when they technically “leave the Village years from now”, they are legally responsible to continue to pay (if they had ever started!) for money in lieu of taxes and real estate taxes for all the profit making buildings. Just think how much tax could be paid on just the 200 building near the Duck Pond? I am quite sure that no physician or other use “donates their time” but are instead well paid for it. I can’t understand why the Village refuses to collect all that money that is legally owed to them as well as all the unpaid money due from Fire, Police, and other services we supply for free! At one time, the Village even picked up their garbage for free! Remember, YOUR tax money is paying for all of these FREE services!”

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Valley Hospital in Ridgewood Ranked as One of the Best Hospitals in New Jersey

Valley Hospital

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Valley Health Systems in Ridgewood was ranked 6th over all in the latest survey of best hospitals in New Jersey by U.S. News & World Report.

A total of 15 hospitals in New Jersey earned recognition from the high-profile list, in its 30th year of publication.

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