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The Wyckoff Police Department and the Bergen County Swat Team are currently involved in an incident on Martom Road near VanHouten Avenue

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old file photo from Wyckoff Police

April 19,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff NJ, Wyckoff Police Department, Advisory Police Incident Information Thursday April 19th, 2018 :: 02:01 p.m. EDT .The Wyckoff Police Department and the Bergen County Swat Team are currently involved in an incident on Martom Road near VanHouten Avenue. Residents in the immediate area are asked to remain in your homes away from windows until an all clear message is sent. This message only pertains to residents in the immediate area. Please do not contact the main police number for information.

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Two Wyckoff middle School Students Missing

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April 18,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff NJ, Special Announcement–missing students–information requested. Two middle school students, Lia Callahan and Daniella Fernino, were last seen walking off the middle school campus at 3:15pm. The school administration, staff, and the girls’ families have been working with Wyckoff police in the search effort. We have found evidence that this was a planned departure from school. If you know any information about the students, please call Wyckoff police at 201-891-2121. We appreciate your prayers for the girls and their families at this time.

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Wyckoff Police spot lights the effective power of social media

2wyckoff police photo

April 12,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff NJ, a recent update by Wyckoff Police spot lights the effective power of social media . On March 30th, Detective Sergeant Kasak was able to identify and arrest the person in this picture. Thank you for all your responses, as they truly assisted in the identification and arrest!

On February 20th the Wyckoff Police ask for the publics help :

Wyckoff Police Seeks Public Assistance Identifying a Person of Interest:
If you have seen this person, or can provide any information as to her identity please contact us. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Wyckoff Detective Bureau at or to send us a private message on Facebook.
Please like and share!

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Wyckoff Police Department has issued a scam alert for “Donation Calls”

scam alert

February 28,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff NJ, the Wyckoff Police Department has issued a scam alert , from time to time, residents receive calls from people claiming to be the Wyckoff Police Department or other various Law Enforcement organizations requesting donations. Please note that the Wyckoff Police Department / Wyckoff PBA, will never contact you via the telephone and will only do so through the US Postal mail. You can always request the information be mailed to you should you fear the organization calling appears to not be legit. If you need any further assistance with the organizations validity, please feel free to call our department for assistance.

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Wyckoff Police Seeks Public Assistance Identifying a Person of Interest

Wyckoff Police ,  Public Assistance , Identifying a Person of Interest

February 21,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff NJ, Wyckoff Police Seeks Public Assistance Identifying a Person of Interest:

If you have seen this person, or can provide any information as to her identity please contact us. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Wyckoff Detective Bureau at or to send us a private message on Facebook to the Wyckoff Police Department..

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Wyckoff Superintendent of Schools Speaks on the Parkland School Shooting


Dear Parents of Wyckoff Families,
The shooting and killing of innocent people, especially children in Parkland, Florida, Sandy Hook, Connecticut, or anywhere else, should shake us to our core and make our hearts break. On most mornings in Wyckoff, New Jersey, as we go off to school or work, we anticipate that we will be reunited with our loved ones in the evening. Tragically, for the families in Parkland, Florida this was not the case. Increasingly, even as statistics tell us that we may be safer than ever before, we feel less safe, more exposed, and more vulnerable.
As parents, we know that a shooting that occurs in a school makes us all feel even more vulnerable and helpless. Chief David Murphy and I wanted you to be aware that over the past several years, the Wyckoff Police Department and the Wyckoff School District have worked closely together to improve the overall safety and security in our schools. In addition to increased patrols, daily walk-throughs by patrol officers, table-top drills with our Building Crisis Teams, and monthly security drills, we communicate regularly at the administrative level on a variety of issues pertaining to safety and security. Our school staff and the Wyckoff Police Department are also trained in using specific technology to ensure efficient and dynamic communication in the event of an emergency. Additionally, we share the services of the Ramapo Indian Hills School District Security Coordinator, Charles J. Wolff, a retired Lieutenant with the New Jersey State Police and a Certified Homeland Protection Professional.
The Parkland, Florida case, like many other school incidents over the years, had fingerprints that were signs of possible future trouble. It is critical to look out for the well-being of each other and to that end, we would stress two main ideas: First, talk with your children about their own safety and the safety of others. If they have a concern or hear something of concern for others, she/he should find a teacher or counselor with whom to share that information. Second, if you as a parent hear something disturbing from your child, report it to the school or the Police Department. We always look into these situations. Simply, if you see or hear something, say something.
The well-being of the students in Wyckoff will always be our primary concern. The District is prepared to assist any child who may need support. We are looking for signs of distress in the children and suggest that you do the same. If you have questions, please reach out to me, Chief Murphy, or your child’s Principal.
Sincerely yours,
Richard D. Kuder Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools

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Wyckoff Police Department is investigating a Hit & Run

hit and Run

February 9,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff NJ, The Wyckoff Police Department is investigating a Hit & Run / Pedestrian Struck: accident that occurred at approximately 7:10 pm on Saturday, February 3, 2018 near the intersection of Clinton Avenue and Wyckoff Avenue. The victim was crossing Clinton Avenue when he was struck by a vehicle traveling west on Clinton Avenue. The victim sustained non-life threatening injuries and was transported to Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, NJ.

Witnesses stated the vehicle in question stopped to check on the victim and then continued westbound on Clinton Avenue. The vehicle is described a dark colored SUV, being operated by a male party, mid 20’s, and wearing a New York Mets hat.

The Wyckoff Police is seeking information from anyone who was in the area at the time of the crash. Anyone with information should contact the Wyckoff Police Department at 201-891-2121. All information will be kept confidential.

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No injuries were reported for 208 Crash in Wyckoff

whycoff police and fire

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

November 21,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff NJ, No injuries were reported by the occupants of a 4-door passenger sedan that overshot the exit ramp and crashed into a wooded area while exiting Route 208 southbound at Cedar Hill Avenue in Wyckoff on Monday evening, 11/20. Wyckoff Police and Fire Department personnel responded to the incident. The wrecked vehicle was removed from the scene by a flatbed tow truck. Entrance and exit ramps to/from Route 208 southbound at Cedar Hill Avenue, Wyckoff were temporarily closed while emergency crews worked at the scene.

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Glen Rock, Wyckoff and Midland Park hit Ridgewood with $17M appeal in water rate dispute


Nicholas Katzban, Staff Writer, @NicholasKatzban

Three towns are pursuing a $13.4 million refund for customers of Ridgewood Water through the courts.

Wyckoff, Glen Rock and Midland Park have filed a joint appeal seeking new terms of restitution from the village of Ridgewood following a ruling in a water-rate lawsuit involving the village-owned utility. In addition to the refund, the towns are seeking $3.6 million in damages.

The four municipalities have been enmeshed in a lengthy legal dispute over whether Ridgewood Water overcharged customers and improperly used utility funds to supplement Ridgewood’s municipal budget. Ridgewood Water, which is owned by the village, also serves Glen Rock, Wyckoff and Midland Park.

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Wyckoff Man Found Unresponsive in Backyard Pool

Wyckoff Man Found Unresponsive in Backyard Poo

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

June 16,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff NJ, Ambulances and police vehicles line the street in front a Carriage Lane, Wyckoff single family home on Thursday afternoon, 06/15 after responding to a report of a man in his early 90’s who was found unresponsive in a backyard swimming pool. Unconfirmed reports are that the victim was transported by ambulance to The Valley Hospital in critical condition.

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Driver Takes Out Pole at the the intersection of Crescent and Wyckoff Avenues in Waldwick

Driver Takes Out Pole at the the intersection of Crescent and Wyckoff Avenue

Photos courtesy of Boyd Lovings Facebook

April 6,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Waldwick NJ, The adult male driver of a 4-door Buick sedan required ambulance transportation to a local hospital following a crash in which her vehicle struck a utility pole near the intersection of Crescent and Wyckoff Avenues in Waldwick on Wednesday morning, 04/05. Waldwick PD, FD, and EMS responded to the incident.

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For Immediate Release
For further information
Contact: Joyce Santimauro Municipal Clerk
201-891-7000 ext. 101

2017 Permits Still Available for Commuter Park and Ride at Cornerstone Church

495 Wyckoff Avenue, Wyckoff

Approximately 50 commuter parking permits remain available on a first come, first served basis.

The fee for a non-resident commuter park and ride permit is $300.00. Non-residents may purchase one (1) permit per household.

Bus service to New York City is provided from the Park and Ride by Coach USA /Shortline bus service. A link to the schedule can be found here: (Please note: Coach USA names the stop as “Russell Ave and Wyckoff Ave P/R)

Parking permits can be purchased from the Township Clerk’s office at Town Hall, 340 Franklin Avenue, Wyckoff.

A current driver’s license must be provided by all commuter park and ride permit applicants.

Purchasing a park and ride permit does not guarantee a parking space.

Parking permits are non-transferable.

Replacement fee for a lost or stolen parking permit is $25.00.

The Cornerstone Church commuter park and ride program allows vehicles to park at this facility Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

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Wyckoff Reformed Church Cemetery Desecrated by Vandals

Wyckoff Reformed Church cemetery
photo courtesy of the Wyckoff Reformed Church Facebook page 
October 9th ,2016
the staff of theRidgewood blog
Wyckoff NJ , According to the Wyckoff Police on Sunday approximately  50 head stones were toppled  at the Wyckoff Reformed Church cemetery .

On the Churches Facebook page the church posted :

Heartbroken by the desecration of some 50 gravestones at the historic Wyckoff Reformed Church Cemetery, Peter Cantilina, US Army veteran of the Korean War, is hopeful the community will come together to identify those responsible as well as to assist with restoration of markers dating back to the Civil War. Damage to the cemetery, which is on the National Register of Historic Places, is estimated to be in the tens of thousands of dollars.

New Jersey State Detective Agency investigators, working with Wyckoff Cemetery Association administrators and local police, have donated a toll free anonymous tip line, 877-688-7162 to receive information.

Those wishing to assist with the restoration of the tombstones may make contributions to Go Fund Me “Wyckoff Cemetery Vandalism,” ( or to the Wyckoff Reformed Church, 580 Wyckoff Ave., Wyckoff, NJ 07481, or may call 201-891-1782 for further information.

Meanwhile, Cemetery Association Vice President Richard Lynch said, “We also are asking for prayers for those who committed this very sad and senseless destruction.”

A message from The WRC Cemetery Association:

On Sunday night our cemetery was badly vandalized. The heartbreaking damage was discovered while Cemetery Board members Nancy Mattera and Rich Lynch were walking the cemetery with a contractor to plan further beautification work.

About 50 historic limestone headstones, most from burials in the 1800s, were toppled over and many were badly cracked. All the damage was between our historic 1806 sanctuary and Everett Avenue where the vandals were out of view from Wyckoff Avenue.

Please be reassured that any headstones from burials in the last 100 years were not damaged. No 20th century granite headstones were damaged.

The crime is under investigation by the Wyckoff Police who issued a press release Wednesday which was immediately picked up by Wyckoff Patch and other news outlets. An online article appeared in the Daily Voice with photos of Pastor Andy viewing the destruction. Channel 2 (CBS), Channel 7 (ABC) and Channel 12 were there to film for airing today. There was an article in Thursday’s Record.

As of Wednesday night there were 200 posts on Wyckoff Moms responding to an entry by Nancy offering assistance, and expressing sympathy and outrage at this destruction to “a local treasure”.

The Cemetery Trustees are meeting in an emergency session to consider further action to identify those responsible for this mindless desecration of hallowed ground honoring those who came before us, take further security measures to prevent future vandalism and plan for the restoration of the damage. Sadly, much of the good work over the past 15 years by WRC volunteers, Eagle Scouts, and intensive recent work by a monument company does not equal the damage done in a one night rampage. Be assured the damage will be repaired. We are getting an estimate of the cost of repairs which will run into the tens of thousands of dollars.

The headstones may not look the same after repair but it will be clear that we care about our honored dead.

We will keep you informed as we progress and advise those interested in lending a hand how they may help.

Pray for the misguided souls who carried out this destruction that it may be a lesson to them and others on how to conduct themselves in the future.

~The WRC Cemetery Board of Trustees

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Readers Defend Wyckoff Police Chief Benjamin Fox say Political Correctness is the Problem


Township officials blew it. This decision is a disgrace. Have we become a nation of pearl clutching swooners?

He did nothing wrong. He stated a fact that, unfortunately, everyone knows. It’s just that the “Politically Correct” saw a problem. Political Correctness is destroying our Society.

This is a disgrace. The man did nothing wrong. Doesn’t anyone remember the “James bond gang” of burglars from Teaneck that were robbing houses in nj? All th participation in that Gang was black members. A smart coo knows that white Kids from Bergen are up to no good in Paterson too and if he said that there would be no issue. Political,correctness is the idea that one can pick up a turd on the clean end.

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Live Hand Grenade Found in the Wyckoff Basement

Live Hand Grenade Found in the Wyckoff Basement

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

July 17,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff NJ, A live hand grenade found in the basement of 129 Van Houten Avenue, Wyckoff required response from the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Squad unit on Saturday afternoon, 07/16. Members of Wyckoff Fire Company #1 stood by in their quarters until the device was safely removed from the home and contained on the Bomb Squad’s response vehicle. Wyckoff PD also responded.

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