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Christie “Its My Party Too” Whitman , Told its Not your Party ,get Lost

Christine Todd Whitman

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, The NJ Conservative GOP has called for Christie Todd Whitman to be asked to leave the Republican Party. “Whitman is out of control with her contemptible remarks regarding our successful President Donald Trump, calling him a dictator and saying he has no regard for the Constitution! Whitman has been a constant degrading critic of the President. Her most recent remarks go beyond the pale, and her ugly hateful assertions have NO place in the Republican Party. Whitman is a vile critic of President Trump, even more so than democrats Murphy, Sweeney, and Coughlin all put together. The NJ C-GOP is calling on New Jersey GOP State Chairman Doug Steinhardt to request a change of party for Whitman”.  Danielczyk said.

Continue reading Christie “Its My Party Too” Whitman , Told its Not your Party ,get Lost
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Mercer GOP Chairwoman Lisa Richford unloads on former Governor Whitman

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Jamesburg NJ, Mercer GOP Chairwoman Lisa Richford unloaded on former Governor Whitman on Facebook after the neighboring Middlesex GOP lined up the former Governor  for a fundraiser , saying , “for both her recent Trump-bashing as well as her record in Trenton “:

Continue reading Mercer GOP Chairwoman Lisa Richford unloads on former Governor Whitman

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New Jersey Professional Firefighters Associations Remembers FDNY Chaplain Father Mychal Judge


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, from the New Jersey Firefighters PFANJ ,

“Good days. And bad days. Up days. Down days. Sad days. Happy days. But never a boring day on this job. You do what God has called you to do.
You show up. You put one foot in front of another. You get on the rig and you go out and you do the job – which is a mystery. And a surprise.
You have no idea when you get on that rig. No matter how big the call. No matter how small. You have no idea what God is calling you to.But he needs you. He needs me. He needs all of us.”

– FDNY Chaplain Father Mychal Judge, September 10, 2001.

Father Judge would be killed the next day, September 11, 2001 at the World Trade Center. He is officially listed as Victim #0001.

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Ridgewood Remembrance Exhibit of 9/11 Portraits – Month of September


September 7,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, During the month of September an exhibit of “Portraits” will be displayed in the Belcher Auditorium at the Ridgewood Public Library. The Library is open 7 days a week.  The exhibit of pictures honors the memory of each of “Ridgewood’s Twelve” and  offers a quiet place for reflection.
A 9/11 Mass will take place Monday, September 11 at 7PM.


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N.J. took $1.4B from your phone bill for new 911 system but never delivered


By Alex Napoliello and Stephen Stirling | NJ Advance Media for
on October 13, 2016 at 7:03 AM, updated October 14, 2016 at 2:52 PM

In the fall of 2013, shoppers at the Garden State Plaza mall in Paramus fled in terror as a man with a rifle stalked the halls. Police officers, going through each store one by one, rescued dozens of people with no injuries.

But what if those in the mall could have given police an eye into the madness? What if they could have sent cell phone photos and videos, revealing their location and helping track the gunman’s whereabouts?

That life-saving technology exists. And for more than a decade, every person in New Jersey with a phone has paid a tax on their monthly bill to make it happen, handing over a whopping $1.37 billion to Trenton.

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Congress votes to override Obama for first time

9/11 wtc

September 28, 2016, 02:54 pm
By Katie Bo Williams and Cristina Marcos

Congress voted Wednesday to override President Obama for the first time in his eight-year tenure, as the House followed the Senate in rejecting a veto of legislation allowing families of terrorist victims to sue Saudi Arabia.

The House easily cleared the two-thirds threshold to push back against the veto. The final tally was 348-77, with 18 Republicans and 59 Democrats voting no.

The Senate voted 97-1 in favor of the override earlier in the day, with only Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) voting to sustain the president’s veto.

“We can no longer allow those who injure and kill Americans to hide behind legal loopholes denying justice to the victims of terror,” said House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte(R-Va.).

The White House immediately slammed lawmakers following the Senate vote.

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Obama vetoes 9/11 bill

9/11 wtc

President Obama vetoes bipartisan bill that would let families of 9/11 victims sue the government of Saudi Arabia, setting up a showdown with Congress where lawmakers on both sides of the aisle aim to override the president’s decision.


By Jordan Fabian – 09/23/16 04:26 PM EDT

President Obama on Friday vetoed legislation that would allow families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia in U.S courts, setting up a high-stakes showdown with Congress.

Obama’s move opens up the possibility that lawmakers could override his veto for the first time with a two-thirds vote in both chambers.

Republican and Democratic leaders have said they are committed to holding an override vote, and the bill’s drafters say they have the support to force the bill to become law.

The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) unanimously passed through both chambers by voice vote.

But the timing of the president’s veto is designed to erode congressional support for the bill and put off a politically damaging override vote until after the November elections.

Obama waited until the very end of the 10-day period he had to issue a veto, hoping to buy time to lobby members of Congress against the measure.

White House officials also hope congressional leaders will leave Washington to hit the campaign trail before trying for an override, kicking a vote to the lame-duck session after the election.

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500 attend Ridgewood evening 9/11 mass



It is a memorial of the damage that “hardened hearts can do on thousands upon thousands,” but more importantly, it is a memorial of the dreams and hopes of the victims and their loved ones.

That is how the Rev. Msgr. Ronald J. Rozniak put it as more than 500 parishioners attended evening mass on Sunday at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church in Ridgewood.

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Dangers Rise as America Retreats

domestic terrorism

file photo by Boyd Loving

Fifteen years after 9/11, the next president will face greater risks and a weaker military to combat them.


Sept. 9, 2016 6:45 p.m. ET

Fifteen years ago this Sunday, nearly 3,000 Americans were killed in the deadliest attack on the U.S. homeland in our history. A decade and a half later, we remain at war with Islamic terrorists. Winning this war will require an effort of greater scale and commitment than anything we have seen since World War II, calling on every element of our national power.

Defeating our enemies has been made significantly more difficult by the policies ofBarack Obama. No American president has done more to weaken the U.S., hobble our defenses or aid our adversaries.

President Obama has been more dedicated to reducing America’s power than to defeating our enemies. He has enhanced the abilities, reach and finances of our adversaries, including the world’s leading state sponsor of terror, at the expense of our allies and our own national security. He has overseen a decline of our own military capabilities as our adversaries’ strength has grown.

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Today, we honor the memory of those we lost on September 11, 2001

September 11th Terror Attacks

Today, we honor the memory of those we lost on September 11, 2001. On that day, the lives of nearly 3,000 people were tragically cut short at the hands of those who sought only suffering and destruction. The innocent victims were our fathers, our mothers, our daughters, our sons, and our friends. They were the brave and selfless few that raced to help in the minutes, days, and weeks after the attacks. Today we honor their sacrifice.

While lives were taken and property was destroyed, what the terrorists were truly seeking to attack that day was our resolve and our spirit. They wanted the American people to cower and relinquish the most fundamental right that we hold dear—our freedom.

Unfortunately for them, our armed forces abroad and our first responders here at home—the most dedicated and well-trained people on the planet—have never backed down from a challenge since our country was founded nearly 250 years ago. And these brave men and women have the unwavering support of millions of Americans who cherish their freedom and stand by those who fight for it.

As we pause to remember all that we lost on that day 15 years ago, we must remember that our flag still proudly flies here and across the world. We must remember that the terrorists failed to take what they wanted most—our nation’s belief in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And as our country continues to face adversaries here and abroad, we must remember just how precious life and freedom truly are.

Let us never forget those we lost 15 years ago today. May God bless the United States of America.

Rep. Scott Garrett (CD5)

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Bill allowing 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia heads to Obama’s desk

9/11 wtc

The House approved legislation Friday by voice vote that would allow families of 9/11 victims to sue the government of Saudi Arabia, CBS News has confirmed.

In May, the Senate passed the measure, which was sponsored by Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Chuck Schumer, D-New York.

The White House has expressed opposition to the bill. Speaking to CBS News’ Charlie Rose in April, President Obama warned that the bill could have consequences that would, for example, allow people in other countries to sue the U.S.

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Run for Hope Foundation, Retired Police Chief and Officials to Participate in Annual 9/11 Remembrance Run/Bike

Retired Fairview Police Chief, Frank DelVecchio
September 9th 2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Retired Fairview Police Chief, Frank DelVecchio, fellow police officers and elected officials, will run/bike the 4th annual September 11th Remembrance Run/Bike, September 11, 2016 hosted by the Run for Hope Foundation. This year’s run, , all proceeds raised will support helping the homeless and fighting drug addiction.

The 26-mile run/bike will begin at 7:45 a.m. at the Ridgewood Wild Duck Pond, across from 1200 East Ridgewood Avenue, and conclude at the World Trade Center Memorial at approximately 11a.m. The course travels from the Duck Pond, through Bergen County, over the George Washington Bridge and onto the River Path along the Westside Highway before ending across from One World Trade Center.

“On this 15th anniversary on the attacks on our nation, it is important to remember there are people struggling with homelessness and drug addiction; especially veterans” said DelVecchio as he trains for the run. “We need to work together to provide the resources and assistance to those in the greatest need and to combat poverty, homelessness and drug addiction.”

A number of people will join DelVecchio in the run. Several participants have already signed up, including, Bergen County Freeholder Chair Steve Tanelli, Freeholder John Felice, officers from the Guttenberg Police Department and others who plan to bike or run.

The Run for Hope Foundation is a national foundation that raises money for charity through walks, run and other physical activities. DelVecchio completed a 106 mile run after Hurricane Sandy in 31 hours, where The Run for Hope Foundation used the funds to help families rebuild and funds raised last year to end violence have been used to fund youth programs in Paterson called Street 2 Street, the Covenant House and Spring House. With committed, spirited and dedicated participants, the Run for Hope Foundation hopes to achieve the same success to help the homeless and fight the epidemic of drug addiction.

Those wishing to receive more information about the Run for Hope Foundation website at  Donations to the Run for Hope Foundation also can be made through the website.

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Huma Abedin worked at a radical Muslim journal for 10 years


By Paul Sperry
August 21, 2016 | 6:30am

Hillary Clinton’s top campaign aide, and the woman who might be the future White House chief of staff to the first female US president, for a decade edited a radical Muslim publication that opposed women’s rights and blamed the US for 9/11.

One of Clinton’s biggest accomplishments listed on her campaign Web site is her support for the UN women’s conference in Bejing in 1995, when she famously declared, “Women’s rights are human rights.” Her speech has emerged as a focal point of her campaign, featured prominently in last month’s Morgan Freeman-narrated convention video introducing her as the Democratic nominee.

However, soon after that “historic and transformational” 1995 event, as Clinton recently described it, her top aide Huma Abedin published articles in a Saudi journal taking Clinton’s feminist platform apart, piece by piece. At the time, Abedin was assistant editor of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs working under her mother, who remains editor-in-chief. She was also working in the White House as an intern for then-First Lady Clinton.

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28 pages on alleged Saudi ties to 9/11 to be released as soon as Friday

9/11 wtc

By Jim Sciutto and Deirdre Walsh, CNN

Updated 1:04 PM ET, Thu July 14, 2016

(CNN)The long-classified pages detailing alleged Saudi Arabia government ties to the 9/11 hijackers will be released by Congress as early as Friday, sources told CNN Thursday.

Known as the “28 pages,” the document was part of a 2002 Congressional investigation of the Sept. 11 attacks and has been classified since the report’s completion.
Sources said there are still some procedural steps that need to be taken before the release.

Rep. Adam Schiff, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, said the report will be posted on line soon.
“The House Intelligence Committee will get the redacted report today or tomorrow,” Schiff said. “The Senate and House intel committees should then give the formal go ahead to release the report since they originally produced it.”

Under pressure from the victims’ families and lawmakers, President Barack Obama said in April his administration would declassify the pages. That same month, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said mid-June was a realistic target date for their release.