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Candidate Evan Weitz Wants You to Believe He is Concerned About “Over Development” and the “Character of the Village” , Don’t Buy It !

Village Council election signs

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, in an October 10th article in the “Tap into Ridgewood” titled , “Meet the Candidates for Ridgewood Village Council” candidate Evan Weitz stated , “It is critically important that we bring back the pedestrian plaza and clean up our downtown, to retain that vibrance. It is also equally important that we protect that same character that my family and I fell in love with by preventing over development of our community. Any proposed development in Ridgewood must be carefully measured against the community’s needs and preserving why so many of us moved here in the first place.”  Is this the same Evan Weitz that was supported by developer John Saraceno in 2016  and backed by high density proponent Rurik Halaby. Was not Mr. Weitz a member and Chair of the infamous “Financial Advisory Committee” or Tiger Team that rubber stamped all former Mayor Paul Aronsohn’s ill planned high density projects , leaving the Village short on water, parking, police, fire, sewage, road infrastructure and don’t forget the schools? The same Financial Advisory Committee populated by puppets of Mayor Aronsohn with no financial background or expertise what so ever . Could this be the same Even Weitz who donated to the Paul Vagianos’ “build more parking garages” campaign for Village Council  ?

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