the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, For the first time since 2020, NASA is accepting applications for new astronauts.
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, For the first time since 2020, NASA is accepting applications for new astronauts.
Relationships are a complex labyrinth of emotions, communication, and connection. Whether you’re in the honeymoon phase or have been together for years, there’s always more to learn about your partner and what makes your relationship tick. But amid the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be easy to overlook the true meaning behind your relationship. Do you truly know where you stand with each other? Are your needs being met? Is this person right for you in the long run? We will reply to all of these questions and more as we explore 7 effective ways to decode your relationship’s true meaning.
Continue reading 7 Effective Ways to Decode Your Relationship’s True Meaning
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Village Manager Keith Kazmark is paid $225,000 and some readers suggests that while earning this enormous salary, he seems to spend an inordinate amount of time posing for photos and posting on Facebook and Instagram. Why does he do so much self-promotion? Previous Village Managers simply did their jobs without all the horn tooting. This is not part of his job description, and surely he could be spending the time doing the job he is paid to do He is not an elected official; he is the hired help. Stop with the selfies and get back to work Mr Kazmark .
Continue reading Does Ridgewood Village Manager Engage in Too Much Self Promotion?
It’s no secret that the internet has taken a strong position in the life of a modern person. If today, a young girl or guy does not have a Facebook page or an Instagram account, this raises questions and doubts about their adequacy for the majority. Young people spend most of their free time on the World Wide Web, so online dating has become commonplace.
Continue reading Dating a Girl Online — Basic Rules and Secrets
Continue reading Ridgewood Board Of Education Discusses Goals For The Upcoming School Year
Autism is a developmental disorder that has been highly publicized in the press recently, owing to the emergence of a subculture who attributes the disorder to having been caused by vaccinations in childhood. We will, likely, never know whether or not vaccinations do cause autism. The term ‘autism’ was first coined around the year nineteen-eleven, and until recently, very little was known about it. It was only toward the late 20th century that discoveries and developments were made into the disorder. Advancements are being regularly made in the field of autism research to help those suffering from the condition to live healthy and regular lives. Many people who suffer from autism can go on to live very healthy and productive lives, with many starting families and settling down. This page will tell you a few facts about autism so that you can truly understand the condition.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that causes behavioral, communication, and social challenges. Children with this condition might repeat a particular behavior and may not be comfortable with the changes taking place in their normal activities. Most children with autism have various ways of paying attention, reacting to things and learning. The condition has no cure. However, researchers claim that early detection and treatment can significantly improve their development.
Psychologists say we’re training children to ‘spit back facts’ like computers
Instead we should focus on social and relationships skills, they explain in book
Their ‘six Cs’ framework includes collaboration, communication and content
Critical thinking, creative innovation and confidence are next steps
‘What we do with little kids today will matter in 20 years,’ says co-author
By Claudia Tanner For Mailonline
PUBLISHED: 11:38 EDT, 7 July 2017 | UPDATED: 12:00 EDT, 7 July 2017
The amount of conflicting advice there is on how to bring up happy and successful children can make your head spin.
Parents often find themselves questioning how strict they should be with youngsters and how much independence they should allow them.
Now a new book by psychologists says our approach is wrong – because we’re training them to be computers, reports NPR.
Ridgewood Toastmasters International group opens lines of communication
The topic was “excellence.”
Speakers had one minute to give an impromptu speech on the subject, guided only by a famous quote.
After his name was pulled randomly from a jar, one young man wearing running shorts got up nervously to the podium in the front of nearly 30 other people, of all ages, sitting in a back room of The Unitarian Society of Ridgewood last Tuesday night.
Mahwah resident Joseph Liberatore, a personal trainer who was only at his second Ridgewood Toastmasters meeting, silently re-read the Greek poet Hesiod’s quote about “badness.”
“Badness you can get easily, in quantity; the road is smooth, and it lies close by, but in front of excellence the immortal gods have put sweat, and long and steep is the way to it.”
“When you’re sitting alone, and you’re just trying to think of nothing, bad thoughts can stream into your mind…” he began.
By the time he was done, with the ding of a bell – 1 minute and 23 seconds later – he leaned over, laughed and breathed a sigh of relief.
“Jitters,” he said, as he walked back to his seat.
– See more at: https://www.northjersey.com/community-news/group-opens-lines-of-communication-1.1099947#sthash.bvJZnWac.dpuf