“We’ve imbibed so much fear-mongering propaganda, and done so in such a docile, unquestioning manner, that we have suffered psychological damage. Six months of psyops has produced a great deal of mental and emotional scar tissue. We’ve impaired our ability to think, not only as individuals, but also collectively at every level–local, county, state, as a country, and as a species (globally). Groupthink is putting us in a deeper and deeper rut of stupid every day now. The bad decisions we are making now will have untoward ramifications for years or even decades unless sanity somehow re-emerges and is allowed to prevail. The problem is, intelligence will be mistakenly perceived by the deranged mob as intransigence, and the people who express it attacked and “canceled”.
The dynamic of Groupthink is now kicking into higher gear. Demented minds are collectively producing poorer and poorer decisions. If we don’t soon get a hold of ourselves as a society, the edifice of reasoned self-government we’ve been building for the past few centuries here on this side of the Atlantic will continue to weaken. It might even collapse.”