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New Jersey’s largest health network administered its 100,000th vaccine, marking major milestone in the fight against COVID-19

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ, Hackensack Meridian Health, the largest and most integrated health network in New Jersey, announced today that it has administered its 100,000th COVID-19 vaccine on February 12, 2021. The network reached this major milestone just two months after it launched its vaccination deployment program on December 15, 2020.

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What Ingredients are Really in the COVID Vaccines

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Clinical Contributors to this Story Juan C. Ravell, M.D. Hackensack Meridian Health

Hackensack NJ, The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines were given Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in mid-December 2020. Prior to authorization by the FDA, these vaccines underwent the same rigorous safety and effectiveness standards as all other vaccines. Quickly, vaccine distribution began, starting with health care professionals on the frontlines of patient care.

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Hackensack Meridian Health is now offering COVID-19 vaccinations to New Jersey’s Fire, Police and EMS personnel

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ, Hackensack Meridian Health, the largest and most integrated health network in New Jersey, today announced that it is now offering COVID-19 vaccinations to New Jersey’s dedicated first responders including fire, police and EMS personnel.

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ, Hackensack Meridian Health, the largest and most integrated health network in New Jersey, has administered COVID-19 vaccinations to more than 13,000 frontline team members and physicians and is now opening scheduling to additional team members and physicians. The move is designed to increase voluntary participation and ensure that the maximum number of team members are vaccinated as quickly as possible.


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Hackensack Meridian Health : Common Myths about COVID-19 Vaccines Explained

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Clinical Contributors to this Story Thomas Bader, M.D. contributes to topics such as Medical Quality.

Hackensack NJ, With countries across the world beginning their COVID-19 vaccination plans, there’s a lot of information to consider before signing up to get your first shot.

As always while making a medical decision, you should talk to your doctor about the vaccine. Your doctor should have the latest information about the vaccine, availability and when you can it.

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Hackensack Meridian Health : Behind the COVID-19 Vaccine Approval Process


Clinical Contributors to this Story  Ihor Sawczuk, M.D. contributes to topics such as Medical Research, Urology.

Hackensack NJ, The United States has begun to roll out COVID-19 vaccines in an effort to help stop the pandemic. Millions of people will line up across the country to get the vaccine, expected to be approved by the U.S. government.

For many, we’ve never really thought about the approval process that every vaccine, including the COVID-19 vaccine, must go through before getting approved for public use. It’s an extensive and rigorous process to ensure it’s safe before it can be distributed to the community.

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FTC Challenges Hackensack Meridian Health Proposed Acquisition of Englewood Healthcare Foundation

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ, The Federal Trade Commission has filed an administrative complaint (a public version of which will be available and linked to this news release as soon as possible), and authorized a suit in federal court, to block Hackensack Meridian Health, Inc.’s proposed acquisition of Englewood Healthcare Foundation.

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How Long Does Coronavirus Last On Clothes?

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John Sensakovic, M.D.  Hackensack Meridian Health contributes to topics such as Infectious Diseases

Ridgewood  NJ, After you return home from your weekly supermarket run, do you throw what you wore straight into the laundry machine to avoid picking up the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)? What about after you visit the barber shop? Some people feel calmer and more in control when they remove clothing that they’ve worn in public in case it was exposed to COVID-19.

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Is It Safe to Date During the Coronavirus Pandemic?


Clinical Contributors to this Story Andrew S Habib, M.D. contributes to topics such as Family Medicine at Hackensack Meridian Health

Ridgewood NJ, Months have passed since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, and there’s no end in sight. If you’re single and had planned to wait until the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was gone before dating, you may be having second thoughts. Fortunately, with technology and creativity, you can meet someone new and spend quality time together.

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COVID-19 and Flu Season Safety

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Hackensack Meridian Health Clinical Contributors to this Story
Aysha Seeni, M.D. contributes to topics such as Internal Medicine
Pamela Orellana, M.D. contributes to topics such as Family Medicine.

Ridgewood  NJ, Until there is a vaccine created, or we have achieved herd immunity, COVID-19 must remain top of mind when it comes to you and your family’s health and well-being. As we head into flu season, this year, we need to protect ourselves from COVID-19 on top of seasonal flu. Here are tips for staying healthy.

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Throw These Items Away During Extended Power Outages

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Clinical Contributors to this Story Tovah Tripp, MD Hackensack Meridian Health

Hackensack NJ, Emergencies can happen at any time. Especially during the late-summer months along the East Coast where hurricanes and tropical storms can strike, leaving residents without power for extended periods of time.

One of the most important things to consider in a power outage is the items in your refrigerator and freezer. If you’re without power for more than a couple of hours, there’s a risk that food inside can grow bacteria to dangerous levels and medications can become ineffective. Here’s what you need to know:

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5 Mask Mistakes People Make

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from Hackensack Meridian Health

Hackensack NJ, We can anticipate that face masks will continue to be a part of our everyday life as COVID-19 lingers in our communities. Every public place, from a doctor’s office, to the supermarket, to an outdoor dining experience, will require you to wear a mask to prevent the spread of virus.

COVID-19 can be spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person speaks, sings, coughs or sneezes. Once released, the respiratory droplets can travel thought the air about 6 feet and infect someone. Everyone can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by wearing a mask the right way.

But, many people out there simply don’t have a ton of experience wearing a mask and may be wearing them incorrectly. To help, we’ve put together an easy guide on how to wear a mask correctly.

Just as important as knowing how to wear a mask correctly, everyone should understand some of the common mistakes to avoid. Here are five common mask mistakes we’re seeing:

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How Much Water Should You Drink During Summer Months?


By Danielle Schipani  Hackensack Meridian Health

Everyone knows that staying hydrated is one of the most important ways of maintaining wellness. There are many benefits to staying hydrated, including higher energy levels, maximizing physical performance, and avoiding headaches.

But, does the amount of water a person should drink, change with the seasons? Should you drink more during the summer months?

“Typically, in the warmer spring and summer months people sweat more,” says Dr. Anne Park, D.O., a primary care physician at Hackensack Meridian Medical Group, who specializes in nutrition and obesity. “Dehydration can cause your blood pressure to drop, which can make you feel like you are driving with an empty tank,” explains Dr. Park.

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Is It Safe to Donate Blood During COVID-19 Outbreak?


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ, As COVID-19 spreads across the country, there has been a dramatic drop in blood donations

The nation’s blood supply requires a steady supply of donors who generously donate millions of units of blood and blood components each year. Every two seconds, a patient needs a blood transfusion, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 

“Making sure that blood donations continue is a critical part of ensuring our community health,” says Elliot Frank, M.D., an infectious disease specialist and medical director of quality and outcomes at Jersey Shore University Medical Center.

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Hackensack Meridian Health Recruiting Recovering COVID-19 Patients

the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Hackensack NJ, As of late last night, HMH has been approved by the FDA to recruit recovered and recovering COVID-19 patients to assess their blood and test it for antibodies in response to the virus. These antibodies may help other patients who are infected with COVID-19. Patients with promising antibodies will be asked to come back to donate an additional blood sample which may be helpful for sick COVID-19 patients. This convalescent plasma therapy is still pending approval from the FDA which we hope to receive soon.
If you, or someone you know, have recovered or are recovering from COVID-19, you may be eligible to donate. If you are interested, please contact our coordinator