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Readers say Ridgewood News offers too Many Puff Pieces in Support of Mayor Paul Aronsohn

Paul_Aronsohn_theridgewood blog

file photo by Boyd Loving

Ridgewood News has usual lets paper over the complainers and get on to our glorious futures..complete Puff piece on how everybody was really supporting the 4 studies all along including our recalcitrant mayor chiming in on how bright the future looks after Jan 6 meeting then traffic school housing etc studies are all done..Oh joy Paul says it will all be alright despite the small community of objectors to the Village Council GRAND plans for thee parking and rental housing megaplex coming soon to your rear view mirrors as the moving trucks are packing up your hard earned equity in this town gone off the Rails.

Well first Paul Aronsohn had Chris Harris now he has Steve JANOSK from the Record He has the new reporter from the Ridgewood News and the Daily Voice is doing a pretty good job of keeping his smiling face and the parking garage on the front page these last couple of week.

Steve Janoski also needs to be schooled. He writes with a tone of finality. What he is really writing is what the mayor tells him to write. So much of hard hitting objective reporting. But then it is The Record.

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Mayor loses ally at North Jersey Media


September 18,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog .

Ridgewood NJ , we had heard rumors since early September that Chris Harris of North Jersey Media  reportedly he gave NJMG 2 weeks notice. Its said according to sources he was going to write for People Magazine . Its turned out to be true and his last day was yesterday .

Readers were already asking, ” Mayors Mouth Piece Leaves North Jersey Media Where is the Mayors Press Secretary Chris Harris to put the spin on this story?” and some questioned , “WOW what is our Mayor going to do? He lost the editor of the Patch a few years back and now this. Who will spin his stories now?”

 Chris was frequently criticized on this blog for being a little to enamored with our Mayor Paul Aronsohn , some readers referring to him as the Mayors PR department at North Jersey Media .

On his twitter page he says he is the “Unflinching true crime reporter for People Magazine” . We wish him the best of luck and we are sure the Mayor will develop a new mouth piece at North Jersey Media shortly .

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Readers also Voice Concern on the Mayors Overly Cozy Relationship Stephen Borg, Publisher and President, North Jersey Media Group

bergen record


file photo by Boyd Loving

Readers also Voice Concern on the Mayors Overly Cozy Relationship Stephen Borg, Publisher and President, North Jersey Media Group

Stephen Borg, Publisher and President, North Jersey Media Group. Chris Harris reporter for the Record De facto Press Secretary for our Mayor and of course our Mayor former Press Secretary to Gov. Mc Grievy. What do you think folks. Do you think your get the full story from North Jersey Media or is it slanted towards our Mayor and his deeds.

Is there a liberal slant to The Record’s news coverage? A number of readers who participated in recent telephone interviews with our market research team said they think there is.

The focus of interviews conducted over 10 days in March centered on what “jobs” readers want fulfilled by The Record. “Tell me the truth” stood out as a key job, but several readers added that they want the truth objectively – not from a reporter’s personal angle. That led to expanded conversations.

“A good portion of these people feel The Record is politically liberal,” said Joe Ferrara, market research manager. “Some of that may mirror a broader perception about media generally having a political agenda. But some people made the distinction between The Record’s editorial pages and news content, saying ‘Your opinion pages are sneaking over into your news articles’.”

Read more at–_for_newsroom_liberals.html#xjGwfUlopZKSsZ78.99




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Readers say motivation in writing this story is questionable.


Readers say motivation in writing this story is questionable.

Lets see who wrote the story. Harris the Mayors press officer. Well Mike this will be used against you at some later date at a council meet when you disagree with Mayor. Just wait for it.

Memo from Mayor to Mike. Next time you say something to the press run it by White Horse Strategist first.

The reporter’s reputation for considering himself a buddy of the mayor makes his motivation in writing this story questionable.


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Ridgewood to hold public discussion on civility in society


Chris Harris Puff Piece : Ridgewood to hold public discussion on civility in society


RIDGEWOOD — Mayor Paul Aronsohn will lead a public discussion tonight on the overall need for more civility in society.

“I’ve been in municipal government for more than six years and most of the time there’s a good exchange that happens — whether people agree or disagree,” Aronsohn said. “But there’s this certain level of hostility that sometimes takes the conversation in a bad place.”

Tonight’s event also will feature Councilwoman Gwenn Hauck, the Rev. Jan Philips of the Religious Society of Friends and Rabbi David Fine of Temple Israel.

Aronsohn said that during his years in municipal government, he’s seen coarseness be a distraction and watched as people berate experts testifying at public meetings. He has fielded complaints from parents, who sometimes deal with incivility on athletic fields, and he’s seen the issue pop up in online comments on articles reporting on village news.

“It’s good and fine to disagree, but we should be able to disagree without being disagreeable,” Aronsohn said. “I don’t want to sound Pollyanna-ish, but there has to be a better way to do this.”